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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. A lot of people think Alabama's defense will fall off the map this year. I don't believe it. We may not be ranked no. 1 in every major category at the end of this season, but it's hard to believe we won't be in the top 5. Even with Missouri "high flying offense" on our schedule. We get two starters back at linebacker and secondary and we get all but one defensive linemen back. Our defensive of line will be the strength. They are deep and athletic and bound to have a break out year. I think this will be the year.
  2. Only one problem with your analysis, Sam, Saban could have left this year and didn't. Les miles will continue to be the luckiest coach in all of college football. I think he overrated. LSU just seems to get very talent players, but don't have a decent head coach how that translate to success? He got a man name Lucifer on speed dial on his headset. Dial up 666 and something will fall in his favor. I'm glad he got exposed in the National Championship game. By the way, did you hear about the Honey Badger and A.J. McCarron having a "Twitter War"? Honey Badger made himself look like a fool, again.
  3. Roll tide roll!
  4. For simplicity sake, if you make 400 bucks doing one job for 40 hours. Then took two jobs making 400 bucks combined for same the hours. 400 bucks is 400 bucks. of course some harm could be the benefits receive or lackthereof. I don't know if you receive benefits for being full-time at your current employment or not, but that could change. Some part-time job offer benefits, but generally speaking it's not as good as full-time. Don't worry about the wage part if you think you can make the same money with two jobs for same hours compare to one job. Just factor health insurance, retirements, and those kind of things into your deceision. Edit: Also, it just occur to me, part-time is part-time. Depending on the employer, you may not work a full twenty hours. If you're pay by the hours you could have a cut in hours. Too many variables..Your deceison cannot be solely base on tax implication, there a lot more to it than just taxes.
  5. Let me make sure I got this straight, you want a job that put you in a lower tax rate bracket? If so, your best bet is to do some aggresive tax planning or have a tax specialist to review your financial situation. (sounds like you need the latter!) You could take a higher paying job and still end up paying same rate as a lower paying job, if you have the qualified deductions that is. If you think part-time or full-time equate to certain tax break, that is incorrect. It solely base on your income and where those income came from. Certain income gets certain treatments, but your wage or salary will receive the same treatment regardless of job classification. (in terms of full-time and part-time)
  6. ...and I'll move on.
  7. I did a quick search on Yahoo and found this: http://accountingjobs.lifetips.com/cat/64462/controllers/index.html Scroll down til you see Assistant Controller. What I would do is pretty much along those lines plus and minus a few things from that list. It's a bakery company and I'll be assign to a bakery to do the accounting work and be responsible for it. Especially when I prove myself and work up to controller. I'm planning to sit for the CMA exam. I Cannot afford go back for the CPA at this time.
  8. I met with the Plant President and he said he going meet with a regional president and some other guys tomorrow. He'll talk to them about me and see if they can find a location for me (43 places I could end up at!) and go from there. My starting position would be Assistant Controller. The location will vary. Hopefully know within a week if they got a place for me to start working immediately, if not the Plant President said he'll write me a letter of recommendation for another job if I don't want pursue my previous offer which I really don't.
  9. The slim fit suits fits me a lot better than the classic. I've already got that situated. I felt like the classic fit suits was like wearing a garbage bag..
  10. I'm wearing white shirt, black suit, black tie (skinny). I asked because the curiously got to the best of me on what others thought. Clearly there some strange opinions on here. It just a freaking tie. http://www.express.com/cotton-sateen-producer-suit-jacket-45630-697/refine/Fit/Producer/control/show/3/index.pro Again, I'm wearing black jacket and pants. If that consider unprofessional, then this world's perception is terrible.. I'm just going go in that interview, tell him about my dreams and ambitions. He see that, he should see potentials. If not, then I got back up plans. I've already got a job offer, I just want this job more than the other one.
  11. I don't think it is. It a black tie on white shirt and black suit..Perfect colors for first interview. Someone mentioned it was unprofessional. The guy doesn't even have a professional job so I didn't trust his judgement. I plan wear it with confidence..
  12. Do you guys think skinny/narrow tie is consider unprofessional for a first interview with the interviewer?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie_XISmepDI
  14. Interpret at your own discretion
  15. Anyone whose job charges by the hours are subjected to this dilemma. Lawyers, accountants, and those in the trades. With that said, it takes me HOURS to perform financial services. I'm not as smart as I think I am, thus, it takes me awhile.
  16. Anything Google related will not work on my computer. Also, I cannot vist this website or some others. I ran a virus scan and it found a virus, but wouldn't remove. Malware couldn't find the same virus and I updated it too! I'm getting frustrated by trying to fix it so I just said screw it! I got 4 weeks to graduation day and a lot of projects to do, so I'll deal with it when I find some down time. Anyway, if you guys got any suggestions or other software programs that I can run free that might work let me know. I can get on this site from my phone or computer lab at school.
  17. CKY was a band, but Bam Margera shared the name with the band and as a skateboarding team and stunt crew. The guys that did those CKY stunt videos went on and performed in Jackass too. Edit: It worth noting that CKY stunt videos were surfacing before Jackass started.
  18. Man, those guys has live one heck of a life. They'll never run out of stories to tell or things to think about that make them smile and laugh.
  19. This is a classic skit.
  20. My first car was a 1988 F-150 pickup that my dad gave me. It was older than me. We got rid of it after I drove it for a year and barely got 1,000 bucks out of it because we put gas in it. I had to replace the starter twice, and had to replace the radiator during the full year I drove it. I had plans to make that truck look good, but kept dumping money on starters and radiator.I put both parts in myself, because frankly it wasn't worth paying a mechanic to do it. lol. After we sold it I got a '97 Ford Explorer that had 100k miles exact for about $4,800. These transactions took place during summer of 2007 I believe.
  21. Man, when I was 17 and 18 years old in high school working retail, I got called in a lot. I went every time. It paid off in the end. When I graduated from high school, I told my manager, "do you remember every time I came to work on my day off?" She said, "yes." My reward? I got the entire month of June off after graduation and went on a 7 day cruise, spent a week in Florida, then went fishing at Lake Guntersville. That winter I was 18, we had a snow day from school. About 6 inches or so of snow plus icy roads. (We live in an area where snow plows are the last to touch.) I woke up at 9am started playing xbox and my mom answered the phone (I didn't have my hearing aid on at the time.) and gave me the phone. Turns out, despite working the night before and driving home in a blizzard, some lady didn't wanna go to work because she was afraid of wrecking her car. I went and cover a grown lady who didn't want drive in the icy road and I live on a backroad... I made it to work on my day off (both school and work!) working cash register, unloading a truck, etc. I do it because i want people to owe me favors, then when they don't return me favors I don't do them anymore favors. It makes working with lazy people bearable. If you ask me come in on my day off and I do, but then I ask for something in return and don't get it, don't bother asking me next time.
  22. Here my questions, why didn't Denver keep Tebow? Manning didn't wanna teach Tebow?
  23. I have a hard time believing this. Soon as I finish up my audit report, Eastman Kodak bankrupcty report, some government accounting, and something else I'm going to look into this. If you look at gas price in U.S. on a monthly average you'll be hard pressed to find an average of .45 cent rise!!.. I would call the radio station and ask how they crunch this data, if they don't give it out, change radio station....
  24. I cannot go to clubs with girls or concerts or crowded bars unless I'm liquored up. If I go there sober I get little anixety. And if I'm in a room full of strangers for socializing I get anxiety too and just kind of keep to myself in back of the room. ha. Ah well. Bathrooms aren't that bad I just feel uncomfortable when people standing next to me or if I think they're starring at me, it just makes me seize up every time. May be too much info, but one time I was at a restaurant, and went into the bathroom and people were standing around waiting for for a toilet to open up and I couldn't go with the crowd behind me, so I said screw it and walked out and waited later to go.. It sucks.
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