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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. I lived by Lake Lurleen State Park when this happen. My mom got pictures of me playing in the Alabama snow!!! Lol
  2. I was too lazy to find that thread Redinerobert started about that hilarious and legit petition to build a Death Star. The White House has finally responded to it: “The Administration does not support blowing up planets.” http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2013/01/11/a-new-hope-white-house-responds-to-death-star-petition/?mod=e2tw
  3. Let me guess, you're one of those people who thinks anyone working minimum wage is dumb? Perhaps you need to study harder in your own shoes. Judging people's intelligence using their job position as a criteria is dumb. I cannot stand it when I'm in line at a restaurant or a retail store, and some ignorant fool is picking on a minimum wage employees about his/her aptitude or telling them to get a "real job." If you have to tell someone who receive a paycheck from an employer and pay taxes to get a real job, you don't deserve respect and I automatically think you're the dumb one. I'm tired of people making false assumption on others base on jobs, social classes, etc. Just because you have a higher paying job or in a higher social class, doesn't make you any better than person below your level. People needs to get this concept through their thick and narrow head.
  4. So, tell me what you would have done in their shoes?
  5. This came across my computer screen last night: http://www.businessinsider.com/why-aig-says-it-has-to-consider-suing-the-government-2013-1 I started thinking about this morning with my morning coffee before getting productive. I cannot remember a couple years back if AIG ASKED for bailout or they were simply bought out by the government. I'm going go ahead and assume they asked for help. The article quoted the CEO said the bailout is unconstitutional. Then why the heck did they ask for help through government instead of filing bankruptcy protection? Did I miss something? Maybe they're just tired of playing with themselves in their office and decided this would provide some entertainment.. The government claimed they made $22.7 billion profits in selling their ownerships in AIG, but another source said the Treasury did fancy accounting work to not fully account for the cost which makes large profit misleading. Personally I don't care anymore, but this whole thing just isn't funny anymore. They wanted be bailout, got their wishes, emerged from bailout, made an ad "thanking America", and now this? LOL. People have too much time on their hand.
  6. ESPN issued an apology over his comments. I tell you what, her life has change dramatically now. Before the game, she didn't have a lot of followers on her personal Twitter account and now she has more than AJ McCarron....
  7. Haha. It funny cause I'm currently listening to The Beatles.
  8. Speaking of the spiritual and guidance craps, maybe you should pull a Steve Jobs.. Go to India and trip on acid then come back and change the world. isn't it funny how Apple's original logo was colorful which could be related to his psychedelic trip? Amazing stuff.
  9. You need an extremely detailed business plan. It needs include: your mission, your goals, how you how you're going execute it, and risks. Risks is every obstacle you could face. Competitors, financial risks, risk that your potential customers simply are not interested. You need a contingency plan for all those risks, if it possible. Then all 4 of your partners need discuss how you're going share percentage. Could be base on how % cash put in or other assets, or you just come to written agreement.(talk to a cpa about former I'm too buzz to explain and it been a year since I've done partnership accounting.) A great plan can falter if you crap out on execution. Many people think accountants care about bottom line and salesmen care about top line. Me, I care about lines in-between. That where the art is, you can learn a lot about manager's style. Or use it as base to find parameter to explore to learn more. I definitely base the business on limited liability. Just my .02 or however it worth. Time for another beer
  10. I knew Notre Dame's offense would struggle if Kelly didn't install a fast pace in 37 days. I didn't see their defense getting push around and missing tackles...
  11. Whether you hate him or love him, you cannot deny how incredible his mentality is. His drive to succeed amazes me and I admire it so much..People with this kind of attitude and supporting cast around him who feeds off it can do incredible things. Not just in football, but running companies and perhaps a country. One last thing, looks like Notre Dame updated their 'Play Like A Champion' sign.
  12. Nope. All Alabama..
  13. *whistling* still 30 mins of football, although.
  14. What the Orange Bowl gotta do with this game? Trust me, Alabama isn't taking Notre Dame lightly...
  15. Apparently Notre Dame printed a t-shirt that says, "Catholics vs. Cousins." I came up with an amazing rebuttal, but I won't say it on here as I will probably get in trouble and offend a lot of people. I will say it VIA PM if anyone wants a laugh.
  16. Someone once said, "Shoot ducks, not pucks. 'Merica."
  17. Alabama by a touchdown or two.
  18. Throw the numbers out, something tells me Alabama will be as motivated as Notre Dame. It be a game of inches, unless Brian Kelly managed get a no-huddle offense efficiently running for this game. then it suddenly get interesting.
  19. I like Lipton Green Tea. For black tea I like English Breakfast and Ceylon Black. Then I go back to Milo's or Lipton for cold sweet tea.
  20. Stop drinking.
  21. I'm driving one currently. Other than the lock system it runs great!!
  22. I been listening to a lot of folk music lately. I love listening to the Avett Brothers, Old Crow Medicine Show, and Monsters of Folks. Any other bands I should listen to? Monsters of Folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvCAt2U5s2I This style of genre has such nice sound to relax too and even better lyrics with deep meanings. Least my head seems to go into deep thoughts thinking about the words. Isn't music fun?!?
  23. Anyone else listen to them? I've been listening to this song a lot lately:
  24. Global warming simply means the average temperatures are rising. Hotter temperature evaporate more moisture in the air which in turn creates more snow on the ground during colder season. Anyway, I never truly understood the widespread panic. Every. Single. Year. You would think with experience people would learn how to deal with it better instead of panicking.
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