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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. When you're young and you work in the audit division for those Big 4, the experience is incredible. Least I always thought so..
  2. Right before I graduated from college, I had an interview for an intern audit position at Ernst & Young. My entire college career I dreamed of working for one of those Big 4 accounting firms right out of college and earn my CPA license and do the Master of Accountancy program while working for them. I went in for the interview, the man that was interviewing me was from Tuscaloosa. I told him I lived there at one time in my life since my parents graduated from Tuscaloosa County High. We spent 20-30 minutes discussing Alabama football, and things from Tuscaloosa. Then we talked about the position and all of that stuff. Long short story I get the news they chose to pursue someone else. None of the other accounting firms at all three levels gave me an offer. (local, regional, Big 4.) I ended up getting an interview at a company my dad worked for 32 years for a Cost Accountant position. After two different times I had to go meet with them the three top guys that had all the pulls sat there and told me in the end, they couldn't put me anywhere because it would result in letting someone go. I understood. I didn't know where else to turn after that. You all don't need know what happen after that, but here I am. No where near where I wish and planned to be, but I'm still inching towards it while others got luckier. I think what bothered me the most is when I worked harder than a classmate and they got it easier than me. Ha. Ah, well. I've made peace with it and still trucking forward.
  3. False. Guidance counselors and high school educators are telling them they're better off going to college. I wish I was smart enough to call them out on their lies when I was in high school. (That would have been a lot of fun. ) Nobody is telling kids or helping kids go to trade school compare to the supports that universities has at their disposal. It a sad world. Well, okay, maybe you are right. "Educators" at local schools has played a big role in it this shortage as well. I may have believed in this propaganda, if you want to call it that, but something tells me this is my destiny. I have no regret in my accounting degree, and I even know it's not worth anything. A B.A. in accounting isn't worth a thing. A CPA license, yeah, it has some value. I got to take the long road to get that license if destiny keeps leading me toward it.(If it still is..) I do feel bad for a lot of people who don't see this coming. It going to be a massive headache and problem for society one day... Oh, well.
  4. The population is getting bigger and job openings are getting smaller. It's getting harder and harder to get experience and jobs. Things are evolving in ways that has never happen before. You'll see.
  5. My point has nothing to do with work ethics. My point is that automation has a lot of potential to destroy more jobs than it creates. And the jobs that gets destroyed, those people create a high unemployment statistics. For example: Wal-Mart doesn't have bookkeepers anymore, their bookkeepers is that scanner. That scanners automatically decrease their asset account and increase revenue account. Therefore, there is no need for large amount of bookkeepers doing this. Some of those bookkeepers may find employment at smaller and mid-size firms and some may never be able find work again due to competition or lack of resources to move to another area. This computer system may have created jobs in technology, but decrease in unemployment is potentially offset by displaced bookkeepers. Now, use this example in other industries where automation can replace jobs. This is the point I'm getting at. Worth ethics and attitude is another discussion.
  6. From the article: "Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University. 'You know the old story we tell about (how) the car destroyed blacksmiths and created the auto industry.'" He forgot to mention that the auto industry employs less people today with automation robots. *whistling* Advanced technology can destroy jobs for good, the people who once work those jobs cannot get job in future due to no skills. They may not have the resource to acquire new skills, since such spending does not guaranteed a job as younger people fresh out of trade school will be favored over someone in their 40s and up. The job market and the future looks sad. Sorry to be a downer, but just the way I see it in my mind.
  7. I keep it simple with bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, with grits as a side or hashbrown with cheese melted on it.
  8. Ha! My bestfriend has a client who uses Window 8, and he has to use it at her office. He absolutely hate it. lol.
  9. Battery life are sketchy for sure. Try using WiFi more often, that will save battery as opposed to using the towers. You can download an app that will shut down programs on your phone that are not being use to boost the battery. The iPhone definitely has a much, much better life than my HTC Incredible.
  10. It's no different than anything else we buy. No such thing as free lunch. I've always interpret the "free" phones as a cost they can absorb due to continuous revenue. I know Glenn said his statement is bias because he works for T-Mobile. The cost of individual phones from T-Mobile is no different from any other retailers.. (Assume very similar phones.) For some reason when he said "fees" those surcharges popped up in my head, because I thought he was referring to those when he started comparing prepaid phones. I suppose I misinterpret. I have long thought of buying a prepaid phone, but never did because I hate Android operating system. Even with the iPhone I don't use every features at my disposal, but at least it much more crisp than my previous phone. Oh, well.
  11. I'm not so sure this is 100% correct in regard to overcharging portion. Those surcharges and fees from the government really do exist. The government agency has them listed on their websites, well sort of.. For instance: http://www.state.tn.us/revenue/tntaxes/tvtelecom.shtml I find it odd how I have been able get some of calculations showed up on my bill using the tax rate on the State of Tennessee's website. Check this out as well:http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_US/us/Industries/Telecom-Telecommunications-Technology/618da7d2770fb110VgnVCM100000ba42f00aRCRD.htm I started reading into it when I was responsible for my own phone bill. I couldn't make it 100% equal because some of the "usage" fees are pretty much not available for public eyes. Some how, prepaid avoids the excise tax in some states, but the tax dollar is generated through the constant sales tax. There is a lot of weird fees and taxes out there that varies by states.
  12. I call BS. I support some gun rights, but you cannot make this an absolute fact. If you're going to get mug, you could get mug so quickly you will not even have time to draw your gun. You could get jumped and still cannot get your gun out... My dad's CCW instructor has told him if people see your gun, criminal could gang beat you up before you even realize what's going on and take your weapon. They could see your gun if you bended over to tie your shoes, or some body movements that causes your shirt to rise up. I'm sorry for getting off-topic.
  13. You should have got an iPhone. I'm never going back to Android systems.
  14. I remember when I was in high school, I interviewed for two retail positions. One gave me the job at the first interview on the spot. I later applied to another retail store because I was tired of working at Kmart, and the Store Manager that interviewed me said he would be in touch. I never heard from him again. lol. The hiring process is madness. I don't know what your goals are in life, assuming you want a professional white collar job, the hiring process is plain madness at this level. It can be ridiculous depending on some variables and who you are. You can travel to a job interview where the potential employer will pay for the hotel, dinner with a recruiter,(they'll also pick up the bill.) and meet with three mangers the following day and still not get the job. As I said, you can act completely professional to one person and get a job, but you act in the same manner to another they'll dismiss you. I say again, recruiters are weird.
  15. A lot of hiring managers now accept e-mails as a form of thank you letters after interviews. If you get a business card from an interview and it has an e-mail on it, e-mail that address. The trick is the formatting and etiquette. I personally know if you write the same format and professional etiquette to two different managers, one will throw it away and the other will read it and appreciate it. Recruiters are weird...
  16. The rules changed. When I was in college, I did a research presentation on one of those new financial bills that got passed in 2010. I vaguely remember the changes they made in credit cards where card issuers now allow merchants to set minimum payments before accepting. This section of the bill was irrelevant to my research, thus, I didn't further read into it. I just vaguely remember skimming over it while searching through the bill. (I have photographic memory.) Anyway, I find it annoying when merchants ask to see ID on credit card purchases. Card issuers companies have stated many times as long as the card is signed, merchants are not allow to ask for ID. Bass Pro Shop does this to my dad all the time. He could be buying some fishing supplies, nothing requiring minimum age to purchase, and they just ask him for ID every time. It annoys me and it not even worth the hassle calling out the Store Manager on it. Oh, well, screw it. I got better things to do than mess with Store Managers over this practice.
  17. Thanks. I will fool around with the link tomorrow if I get a chance.
  18. I don't know what kind of store you work at but....Keywords: "unique products we offer." For a minute there I was thinking solely because of no plastics allowed drew sales from miles away. This would have been dumb, in my opinion. I wouldn't go shopping miles and miles away solely because it didn't accept plastics... Did you guys lower the price of your products after refusing to accept plastic cards? Large retail stores will keep their prices the same with or without the plastics.. The cost associated with the plastics are immaterial to majority of businesses anyway. It only the small businesses that are annoyed by it due to small volume of sales. Places like Atlanta has a lot of people there, I'm guessing more than NH, and they are unlikely to venture to a smaller place SOLELY because it doesn't accept plastic.. Sorry for derailing the thread.
  19. I forgot, when the game fail it shows this log: LOG file "Game.LOG" created in 01/20/13 16:41:43 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ASPEN Engine v4.5 (RELEASE) [DEBUG] Using application explicit settings data. Pentium IV processor detected... WinNT/2k/XP detected... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LOG file finished in 01/20/13 16:41:46 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Can anyone interpret this?
  20. This may seem like a dumb question.. I installed an old hunting computer game that was made in 2004 that runs on XP or earlier operation systems, is there a software somewhere on the web that I can get it to run on Window 7? I went to open the game and it will not run, then I had a brain fart that it could be the OS compatibility preventing it to run.
  21. I thought about doing what you do. If I have $100 in my bank account to buy grocery for a week, I buy $100 bucks on credit card then immediately pay the balance with $100 in cash I originally was going to do. Purpose is to get rewards and establish a good credit history. I just simply never got around to signing up for one, for whatever reason.. The only debt in my name is a extremely well below national average student loan. I had to take out a small loan to help cover my apartment and I only did that for my last two years of college. My first two years I burned through savings, then used loan for last two years. My scholarship took care of tuition. Oh well.
  22. I try to keep $20 on me at all times for purchases less than $20. Otherwise I use my debit card for gas, grocery, etc. I don't have a credit card which is going to come back and bite me in the arse when I'm ready to get a new vehicle and perhaps a house.
  23. Enough said:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/50484431
  24. Let be honest here, Lance Armstrong didn't have competitive advantage in the Tour De France. It was still a level cycling field and he is the best cyclist on PED.
  25. I know most of you have already read this: http://deadspin.com/5976517/manti-teos-dead-girlfriend-the-most-heartbreaking-and-inspirational-story-of-the-college-football-season-is-a-hoax I'm not going beat the horse or anything, but I cannot believe all this crap. The original news coverage failure to do their research before the story hit the mainstream, the way his parents lied with him, etc. Part of me thinks Te'o is in on it for the publicly of getting to New York and part of me says he lied because he was embarrassed of "dating" a girl online for long time without ever meeting her... Pat Forde wrote it best: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--manti-teo-girlfriend-hoax-notre-dame-jack-swarbrick-sincere-045713273.html
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