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N Florida Mike

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Everything posted by N Florida Mike

  1. Went through that with my mom, although our trouble was with the bank, not her insurance. We called one day to let them know we needed some legal papers involving mom notarized.My wife and me already had p.o.a. for several years and had never had any trouble getting things done there before with p.o.a.. We were told all of a sudden that they had no record of us having power of attorney and we would have to bring mom in for her to sign as well. She had dementia pretty far along at that point and didnt remember what she said 5 minutes ago, and would say anything that came to her mind. We go in the bank and the new ( foriegn ) bank manager wants a private consultation with mom. ( who could tell her nothing , thats why we had gotten p.o.a !) When we protested about moms condition she grabbed my moms arm and began pulling her ( too fast for mom ) into her office. My wife lost it and told her off in front of everyone. She was then banned from that bank ! The managers smug response was that the old manager must have TAKEN the p.o.a. papers with him !!!. We switched banks ?
  2. Lol !!!!!???
  3. ^^^^^ Exactly ?
  4. There's bad and good ones. I live in the middle of 2 of them. The better one is a mile or two further away than the other one , and they have the best fishing section of any Ive ever been to. A friend runs the outdoor part of the store. He's a bass fisherman, so it's well stocked. The closer one is the worst one Ive ever been to. Lots of people not speaking english that dont understand whats going on, cashiers are slow, poor area so people think they have enough money and dont, which involves long dialogues with the slow cashiers, homeless people hitting you up as soon as you come out. My wife went there once and a homeless guy tried to get in her suv. She glared at him and said You best back off, and he did. Its a ZOO. One time I never moved in the line and after awhile went and put the items back and went home.
  5. It's even hotter than normal this september.It still hasnt got under 70 for a LOW yet.
  6. Anytime in nov. should be good.?
  7. I chum for bream, and when they congregate the bass will show up. Then hook on a little bream or shiner and your in business. I enjoy fishing this way as much as using artificials, but I dont do it near as much.
  8. I decided to fish off my dock this evening. I wanted to catch a small bream to live bait fish, and caught 10 or so with bread before getting the size I wanted. Hooked it on and threw it out. Kept seeing a decent bass blowing up on bream every few minutes. I kept fishing for bream too. Set the hook and caught this nice bass on bread and a tiny bream hook ! While I was getting the pic and letting it go, something was getting on my live bait rod. It ended up being this big soft shell turtle. Never a dull moment !
  9. I finally heard from my cousin near Wrightsville beach where the eye of Hurricane florence passed right over her house. They were without power for 8 days. A tree came down on their house, which didnt destroy it but caused severe roof and then indoor damage from all the rain. She said a tornado went down their road as well, but her house is well above sea level so there was no flooding. But her and another cousin who lives in the wilmington area are ok so thats the main thing.I havent got ahold of another set of cousins out in brunswick county but no news is probably good news.
  10. That's still my favorite top water lure . Need a new one.
  11. He's a fishing machine ! one of the best !
  12. That loss to ky. though. oh man .? It was bound to happen someday. The last time Florida lost to them at the swamp was the year before I started school there .1979 !?
  13. Well, here we go. Have to give it to ky. this year. They were the better team. They would have won even without the bad calls by the refs.That running back is a beast. This week should be interesting.On paper, Tenn. is better, and theyre at home. I think Florida is a little further along in the rebuilding though. I could be wrong.If franks and the O-line plays well, The gators should win.Thats a big "if" though. Its fixing to get real now for both teams.
  14. Sorry for your trouble. I am always torn with carrying my gun in the truck or not, because I am very forgetful with things that I dont routinely do every day. I drive my work truck all day, and drive it home, and arent allowed to have it in there, so I dont drive my personal truck except after hours and weekends. My daughter takes my grandaughter to school in it, and she forgets to lock it sometimes. It is a recipe for disaster so I usually dont take it.But what if I need it? We have had tons of car burglaries the last few years so I know it would eventually happen. Its the thiefs fault, not your intention. Dont beat yourself up over it.
  15. I still havent heard from any of them. I called my cousin near wrightsville beach and the phone justs cuts off every time. Others live in wilmington, supply, Winnabow, Clarkton.No response from any of them. No response from them at Fayetteville/Hope mills either. They arent real close to the cape fear or lumber rivers though so I expect them to be o.k. Did your family at Burgaw get any flooding or damage ?
  16. I listened to a few of their songs on you-tube. Liked all of them.
  17. This choked me up as it reminded me of my dad - The Best man I ever knew. He was almost 90 when he passed. Taught me to fish , play baseball , and the important things of life. Nothing but good memories. Thanks for sharing memories of your dad with us So sorry for your loss.
  18. Love those healthy river system fish. Whatd yall catch em on?
  19. I had that happen on my home lake ( that I had been fishing for 35 years or so at the time ) I had taken a friends teenage son fishing and we had found a dock holding some nice bream. We had caught several nice bream when the owner came out and told us to leave. He said with an attitude that his grandkids fish there and he had a problem with us fishing there. At first I was completely shocked, then it turned to intense anger. I knew that if I said what I was thinking and feeling It would get much, much worse. Having my friends son there and being a man of faith I just left. If that had happenned when I was younger it would not have ended well. I was not sure I could handle much more of it, so I left , and him still running his mouth. I had every right to be there, had been on the lake much longer than him, was not touching his dock or otherwise acting the fool and still got his mouth and attitude. I thought, I have grandkids fishing at my dock too, and it wouldnt bother me if someone came up and fished as long as they werent out there. Grevious words stir up anger. Knowing myself, and how I can be , I just left before it got worse.
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