I have been in the woods and on the water all my life and have plenty of outdoor stories. Not many scary stories though.
One night we were riding around back in the woods in this area known to locals as the flatwoods. There were trails all through it, but you had to make all the right turns or you wouldnt make it through to the other side. And it was thousands of acres. I took a wrong turn and went way down a road and it just ended. It was very hard to turn around because there were deep ditches right off the road on either side. As we were going back I kept watching for a turn off I missed and never saw one. The road was long and straight and NO turn offs or anywhere to pull over even.
Suddenly, I saw headlights way back down that road, in the direction we had just come from. I was genuinely shocked because there was just no way another truck was back there. We hightailed it on out of there and never went back down that road again.
Not far from there a friend was hunting one time and as they were heading in, there was a truck locked with the engine running, nobody in it. When they came back later, same thing. Someone else found a man with his head cut off out there. There was even a road through it the locals called " Ghost light "rd. We went out there as teens and seen that light moving way down that rd between the pines. Figured later maybe it was just cars going by where the other road went by.
We were camping once in the Ocala nat. forest. Very remote primitive campsite. Late at night I was awakened by a catlike grunt/ scream out somewhere in the woods. We figured maybe it was one of the very rare, or the last Florida panther left in N. Central florida.
Not paranormal, but those things are like phantoms. There could be one right next to you and you wouldnt know it.