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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. I think you click on the little paperclip looking thing then put the URL in that way...
  2. I'm mainly playing acoustic because electric doesn't interest me much right now... Thanks for the tips guys!
  3. Dan Tyminski is Soooo freaking good... I wish he was more mainstream.
  4. How did you guys learn barre chords? I am blasting through learning the guitar but I'm at a brick wall when it comes to barre chords, I try all kinds of different angles and positions but the G, B, and e strings are muted and its so hard for me to get them to ring out right... Do I just not have the finger strength yet, is it something I'll just need to wait on and get in time or am I probably just not using the right technique? I've watched videos and stuff on it but its still hard for me to do them...
  5. I stopped playing counter strike because the community is so toxic, there aren't a lot of people who play the game causally and if you don't know what your doing people just constantly talk crap and try to make you feel bad...
  6. I'm pretty much past the finger pain now... My back has been hurting though, I guess from hunching over the guitar all day
  7. My new years resolution is to learn to play the guitar, its going great so far!
  8. squarebillcrankbait
  9. From a song by dan tyminski... Maybe some early morning in a pasture of green, Beside the still water I’ll awake from this dream, This terrible dream https://youtu.be/DcrKCDSZE7A
  10. I like playing chess, I'm not good and don't really have an understanding of the strategies but its still fun to sit down and play other people who are just as bad as me haha
  11. Oh you can definitely get them bad from jogging too if you push yourself too hard... They start out as kinda like a pressure in your shin then they get worse and worse if you don't rest them to the point where it is always hurting even when you aren't running and just walking. I used to have them bad but I never wanted to rest, I would go on 10-16 mile long runs every Sunday trying to push through it and it got to the point I just couldn't run anymore and had to stop all together for awhile, I never did get back to being that in shape...
  12. Idk how fast your taking it but don't over work yourself, when you go from not running at all to running everyday its really tough on your body. Don't be afraid to take a day off here and there starting out, if you start feeling any sign of shin splints ice them and take it easy until they go away. I got shin splints and plantar fasciitis because I always ran through my injuries in cross country and it would get horrible, to the point it hurt to walk... I'm just saying don't expect to go from not running at all to doing 10k's overnight, not saying your a couch potatoes or anything! Haha
  13. What are some things you want to do differently starting this year? I've decided I'm gonna learn how to play the guitar and that's going pretty good so far, I'm using a thing called rocksmith for my Xbox game system and its surprisingly good at teaching you how to play... I'm also gonna try to do more bass fishing tournaments and excersise more. How about you guys?
  14. That's the thing, I care about her so much and I know all the decisions she has been making lately are terrible ones, for example she has got three separate tattoos in the span of a few weeks and she is now back with her ex who is not good for her (basically its a toxic relationship and is unhealthy for her) and I just have to sit back and watch the girl I care about make all the wrong desicions while I can't do anything about it. But I guess you can't help someone if they can't help themselves, at a point you have to step back and realize that you just have to let them go because you tried and they didn't. I could honestly care less if she doesn't want to get back with me, I just want her to be happy. Its the fact that she is back with her P.O.S Ex that bothers me, like it could be anybody but him and I'd be fine with it...
  15. I like that job a lot now but y'all wanna hear the big problem ? The girl all this is over works with me... And Idk what I'm gonna do the next time we see each other at work, I can't avoid her because its a small fast food place, I'm gonna have to interact with her but she knows exactly what to say to me to tick me off. The managers have already told me to chill out and I no called no showed once because I was hungover and thankfully I'm a good enough worker they gave me a second chance... But I'm done with the pity party, I need to stop being a baby and get on with my life... Thanks guys...
  16. Lol you guys crack me up, I went fishing today, didnt catch anything but it was nice getting out... Thanks for the advice and stern words
  17. It seems like I can't be happy anymore... My girlfriend left me and went back to her ex and almost all of my good freinds have moved or joined the military, I haven't even started college and I can't save a dime I earn... I haven't went fishing in forever and I don't post much on here anymore... Instead of starting off the new years right I got completely wasted and ruined my friends night because they had to baby sit me, I'm surprised I didn't end up in the hospital... My Ex-Girlfriend has hurt me so much in the last few weeks and no matter what I do I can't get over her, every time I start to feel happy again I think of her or what we were and I feel like crap... I love her, how do you get over the girl you wanted to spend the rest of your life with... I can honestly say that the time me and her spent together is the happiest I've ever been and it kills me knowing I'll never feel that way again... I need help...
  18. Anybody score any sweet deals doing some after Christmas shopping? I just went to gander and got two Diawa Laguna's at half price on top of 10$ off for signing up for some membership thing that was free!
  19. Nice. I got an okuma mat daddy!
  20. I just got an okuma mat daddy for Christmas as a gift, I haven't used it yet so I can't give an opinion on it but it feels great and a lot of people talk good of them, its in your budget and they make a 7' 11" XH so you should give em a look!
  21. Just watched it earlier, great movie, I knew it would be good but that was freaking awesome....
  22. Its definitely different lol I guess its not bad though...
  23. I wanna try to catch some grass carp at a local lake but I don't know what to use with my spinning rod, I'm about to go to academy, can someone give me a shopping list of the terminal tackle I will need and maybe something I could pick up to use as bait while I'm out?
  24. Wow, I didn't know go pro cameras did that, that's pretty cool!
  25. Y'all probably think its stupid for those of you who know what it is, but I "vape"... I vape 0 nicotine juices though.
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