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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. I got skunked at the lake bass fishing so when I got back I said what the heck and went to a secluded pond that's behind my Nanas house, it's usually flooded and you have to wade to get to it but during the summer sometimes it's not like it was today. So I packed up my stuff and took the 4 wheeler to the spot to go catch some Bowfin. This pond/swamp carries some huge warmouth and Bowfin (pretty much the only fish in there) and since it rained a lot today after I left it might be flooded again by now.... Caught some good ones on everything thing from 10lb braid with roadrunners and marabou jigs to 50lb braid and cut-bait! Caught one pretty good sized one and lost another that was probably even bigger! It's sad that lots of people outright kill these when they catch them and call them trash fish, I'm glad I have this awesome little area all to myself that is practically untouched by anyone outside of my family. I love catching bowfin!
  2. I fish with arashi squarebills/wakebaits and braid and have never striaghtened out their hooks, don't lay it to them and don't lock down you drag and you should be fine.
  3. I've go this one stuck in my head again....
  4. I like androids operating system a lot more than apple stuff, so I say galaxy 6.
  5. Just buy him a shimano Antares... 600$ MSRP, I Dont think anyone can be disappointed with that! Haha
  6. I was thinking the same thing, looks like he got shot/impaled with something then recovered.
  7. I always peg my weights when pitching and flipping because It helps the bait and weight go through at the same time in a more clean and fluid movement, but I fish with a guy sometimes who is a heck of a lot better at flipping and pitching than me and he never pegs his weights, he claims you will get less bites....
  8. Bass catch and release in tournaments is getting better and better, although some can still be cringe worthey... The last tournament I entered weighed fish in a laundry basket on a scale and held fish down with a plastic pallet while they were weighed, then all dumped back in the lake it once. Better than back in the day where the fish were drug around on a stringer then weighed in half dead.
  9. Hmmm, maybe I'll buy one and see if I can do it. I think the only thing that would be weird is hooksets with things like thick wire jigs or something....
  10. I found a good deal on these baitcasting reels but they just sold out of the right hand retrieves, how hard is it to learn to use a left hand retrieve baitcaster if you use right? I use all my spinning rods with the handle on the left side so I don't think it would be that hard...
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. A few years.... That's a long time lol. I've realized this is really something I don't wanna rush and get stuck with a heap of expensive junk, so I'm still looking but not too worried about it. Hopefully I'll find something nice!
  13. I love targeting them, went and fished for them after school with cut bait and light spinning rods all the time... At my Nanas we have a little swampy area with tons of them!
  14. One is a Jon boat with a 8hp and 30lb trolling motor, and the other is a really old beat up ranger fiberglass with a 40hp and a old trolling motor that I don't even know the thrust of...
  15. I'm here because the Deflate-Gate thread was locked.... I need more entertainment.
  16. Yeah I should wait... And im not stuck on the bank, I can use my uncles or my grandpas boat pretty much whenever I want and I use them all the time so that's just another reason not to rush...
  17. I just have no clue what I'm doing honestly. Dunno if I should be looking for a fiberglass/aluminum, what's a good deal vs what's not, etc etc...
  18. You don't think a 9.9hp would be pushing this boat good? Ehhh, who am I kidding that motor is too small....
  19. Why do you think I want more than a 9.9 right off the bat? I really like the boat.... I was thinking maybe down the road I could sell the engine since it's not super old and buy a better more powerful one.
  20. I know! Or just a plain old fish grip...
  21. I swear I saw this picture a long time ago.
  22. It's a 2005 mercury 9.9HP four stroke so it isn't a hunk of junk but I get what your saying. I don't fish huge water it's mostly decent sized lakes but not huge and some smaller ponds and rivers. Mostly me by myself but I'll be fishing with two people fairly often I guess. I mean it's a nice boat..... I really like it after looking at it and playing in it a bit lol.... We'd also need to buy a battery or two for it. I wouldn't need a huge huge motor but I imagine a 9.9 is pretty weak for a aluminum boat rated at 70HP (which is this boats rating).
  23. I went out and looked at it and it doesn't seem so great now.... Couple of rotting spots on the floor and one live well doesn't work, trolling motor isn't great, fish finder isn't great. Motor was pretty sweet but man it would suck and be expensive as crap if something happened to it. Probably not gonna end up with this one. Looked at an aluminum boat that had plenty of room and a fairly good sized live well, storage space, four seats, a 9.9 motor and a 46lb thrust trolling motor and a garmin 162 fish finder. Pretty good condition and a good trailer. 2600$ So this price isn't bad but I was wondering how a 9.9 HP engine does at moving that boat.
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