Idk I've been feeling out of it lately... I haven't went fishing in like 2 weeks even though I could have whenever I want and I feel stressed but I don't even know why if that makes sense.
Part of it is my freaking boat, Idk for some reason I feel like an arse because I kinda hinted the idea I wanted a boat to my dad and he actually went out on a limb and worked his ass off and got me one but the engine is one problem after another... We haven't had it that long but it is getting frustrating, just because everyone is having to help fix it and honestly part of me wishes he never bought it and just saved his money and time... Not that I'm not grateful because the boat is freaking awesome. It's just I don't know if I deserve the boat and everyone's time, lol I don't even know why I'm venting on here but whatever!
I've just been in a wake up waste the whole day playing games/watching TV then going back to sleep rinse and repeat routine when the real thing I should be doing is getting a d**n job or thinking about how im gonna do college...