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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. My local academy sports always has some packs of them, I don't have a BPS so Idk if they carry them. Tackle warehouse is a place you can order them from.
  2. Its a yellow worm with brown stripes wrapping around it, its my go to color for muddy/low visibility water!
  3. For all the people acting irritated at this question, I was only curious. Never in my life have I used bass as bait and I never will no matter what the law is. I see people using bass as bait sometimes and it just seems wrong when there are plenty of other bait fish and more plentiful fish to use.
  4. I completely forgot to tell y'all how my trip went sorry guys, The bass fishing was ehhh, out of 2 days of fishing I caught one Suwannee bass, one smallmouth, and three largemouth. Those are my first suwannee and smallmouth bass so that's something! No big bass the smallmouth was just about a pound and a half same with the Suwannee bass and the biggest largemouth was 3lb. We catfished one day and couldn't stop catching them, we would catch 10 dinks for every big cat but boy was it fun. Couldn't have caught the bass without your tips so thanks again guys!
  5. Zoom trick worm in bruised banana!
  6. Before a storm comes through it causes the air pressure to be low causing bass to feed, when the Strom passes its high pressure and the bass won't feed as much... That's always what I've thought.
  7. Here I'm pretty sure bluegill can be used as live bait... If not then I have been breaking the law for awhile.
  8. In the swamp behind the house out here I wade in a foot or so of water and catch big bowfin (mudfish) casting into 1-4 feet of water and its a blast! Man they tear top water frogs to shreads but losing the lure is worth catching the fish because they are a great fight!
  9. Is it illegal to use largemouth bass as live bait where y'all live? Anybody know the law in Georiga and if you can catch them by rod and reel then use them as bait. Saw this brought up in another thread and was interested.
  10. Lost a 8lb+ bass yesterday, PB is 5lbs, yeah so far that's the worst :L
  11. I use a 7ft, but there isn't a set length everyone should use.
  12. Using bass as live bait is illegal isn't it? Edit: just noticed the above post
  13. Finesse is your friend when it comes to heavily pressured water!
  14. I got one word for you, squarebillcrankbaitsaroundcover.
  15. Zoom trick worm, bruised banana!
  16. Darker colors for me work better at night to an extent and top waters can work well. But don't be afraid to throw a crankbait around.
  17. Just try some heddon torpedo's they should work good too, I've got a few I've caught fish on but I'm not a huge fan of propbaits.
  18. Anytime I put a new spool of any line on it takes a little for me to get used to it while it settles in, so I'll get a backlash here and there for the first bit of cast.
  19. Are you sure it isn't a heddon baby torpedo
  20. If your bank fishing you'd be surprised how good they can see you standing on the shore and you may be spooking them from the shallows if your not careful.
  21. It looks like a creek chub but I don't think that what it is.
  22. You don't need a fish finder to find fish... If you fish the waters regularly you'll find out from trial and error where fish are and by using bottom contact rigs (Carolina/Texas rig, jigs, etc) you can feel the composition of the bottom to an extent. I do very well fishing without a fish finder.
  23. Oh I thought it was flourocarbon, my mistake. Do you guys think its got a good sensitivity?
  24. Make sure to re-tie your knots after a few fish... The only time my improved clinch will fail is if I go a whole day catching fish without a new knot...
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