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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. Seguar red label isn't very stretchy at all? Are you using the right rod for the job?
  2. I swear its so weird. I read a thread about scratching cuardos and I scratch my tatula, I read a thread about spilling JJs and I spill JJs, maybe I should read more threads about catching big fish....
  3. Ribbon tail worms maybe? I know you said no trebles but when your comfortable with letting him use one try inline spinners... He'll still catch panfish but also some bass.
  4. I was using the clinch but after being harrased ( ) by bass resource members I switched to the Palomar and love it haha
  5. Went out today a little late, got on the water at about 7:30Am and caught 3 bass, a bowfin, and a pickerel so I did alright, but I've been trying to catch a Jack with a jig for awhile now and finally got one!
  6. I didn't ask what retrieve to use, I simply asked what retrieve you have the most success with because I was curious... So there can be one answer haha
  7. if you get a lure/weight and get familiar with Its fall rate you can get a general idea of the depth by dropping it in the water and letting it fall to the bottom counting how long it takes.
  8. Which do you guys have more success with? It seems like I can only get bites if I never stop moving the bait
  9. photos or it didn't happen
  10. That sucks.
  11. do you like the cumara? I was looking into getting one
  12. I use 20# power pro super slick braid on my crankbait setup and it doesn't dig in
  13. you can get away with pretty light braid on a crankbait set-up
  14. That depends on depth and the type of cover your fishing. Give us those and we can give you more info on a retrieve, but a good color is chartreuse/black back for low vis water. But any bright color should work
  15. Yeah when I first started using power pro and it began to fade I got worried that it may be getting to old and losing strength but that's not the case....
  16. Haha its well worth the wait! I haven't ordered any personally but my friend gave me 2 he got from siebert and they are great... But I like buying things from stores occasionally when I stop by
  17. Sometimes its nice to pick a few jigs up from a store instead of ordering them guys lol
  18. Oh wow I didn't know part of them was poisonous... I'll just wait till this weekend when im fishing with my Freind because he claims to know how to clean em good
  19. How is it good for BC but not for spinning? Just curious
  20. 12" worms are my favorite bait in the middle of summer... I'm gonna use jigs more when the fishing gets tough this summer and see if I do any good...
  21. When im fishing my squarebills around timber and rocks I have to re-tie quite a bit with braid due to frays and stuff of that sorts
  22. Has anybody tried it and is it any good?? Lol I've heard of people eating gar and making meatballs and stuff out of it but never personally tried it myself, if y'all think its good I might keep one and cook em up lol I've heard of people eating bowfin too but that just seems a little nasty... But hey I can't say I've tried it!
  23. Power pro super slick is 20$ - 25$ depending on the store/sales but it is well worth the money and if taken care of can last awhile before getting replaced...
  24. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/138874-uploading-pictures-bigger-than-150kb/#entry1545865
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