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Everything posted by Steveo-1969

  1. X2!!! I have a spinning rod from their walleye series. WPJR 821s GLX. This is a mag-light power, XF action rod. It's specifically designed to "pitch" (means "cast" in the walleye world) a small plastic on a jig head. With 10# braid I can't imagine a more sensitive finesse spinning rod. Seriously........
  2. I read that same article and can attest to the Asian carp problem in Kentucky Lake. My family has vacationed there for the past 8 years and we've seen the Asian carp numbers steadily get worse and worse. They are literally EVERYWHERE in the lake. And the water is noticeably clearer than it has ever been because they eat the plankton in the water (or something like that?). It's started to affect the crappie and bass fishing and will only get worse unless they can decimate the Asian carp population. The owner of the resort we always stay at is very concerned. He told us 75% of his business is fishing related and if the fishing gets worse and people stop coming he loses his livelihood and a resort that's been in his family for generations. Darn shame!
  3. The Potomac is the same way, only worse!! It rose over 20 feet before it crested. As my mother would say "Holy Cats!!"
  4. The whole album is on Spotify. I'm at work right now and can't listen, but will start listening this afternoon on the way home. I was in a couple cover bands from 2005-2015 and while we didn't record any albums we were in the studio a couple times recording demo covers and one original song. It was a blast! Good times good times...........
  5. I haven't purchased any, but I've been thinking about trying these ball head jigs out: https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/SpotSticker_Ball_Jig_Heads_Long_Shank_Hook_30/descpage-SSRBH.html
  6. Great suggestion to check your fishing regulations. On the river I fish cast nets are illegal, you need to use a dip net to catch minnows for bait.
  7. The campus is right along the Potomac River and although I've never been there, I would HOPE they would at least have a trail or two that goes down to the river. You can bank fish or possibly wade depending on the water depth. A 5-minute car ride upriver from the campus is Dam #4 and there is accessible wading on the WV side. P.S. It's spelled "Shepherdstown".
  8. I use the below link for water level on the Upper Potomac. If the Williamsport gauge reads 3 feet or less, then it is safe for wading. https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/hydrograph.php?wfo=lwx&gage=wllm2
  9. I like this rule on our river in the spring time and wish it was in effect year round. Selective harvest by letting the bigger spawning stock go and eating the littler ones. @slonezp Great walleye!!!!
  10. There's no reason to be worried about hooking a 12-pounder with 10# line, especially if you are in open water without any cover around to interfere. BUT you need to have your drag set correctly and learn how to properly fight the fish. If you are just going to "real" [sic] it in, then your line and your heart are probably going to break.
  11. Thank you for taking the time to write up your tournament experience from each day. Unfortunately I didn't get to watch the last day live but I kept up through the thread in the Tournament forum. Congratulations on making it to this tournament and fishing so well. I can already hear myself telling someone in the future: "Are you talking about AOY Nolan Minor? Oh yeah, great guy and great fisherman. He was on Bass Resource, his handle was @everythingthatswims (cool name, eh?) and he was on the WVU fishing team. Members called him 'ETS' which had a nice ring to it, kinda like 'KVD' doncha think?". Looking forward to following your career. LET'S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!!!!!
  12. I have that same blank on a custom casting rod. Love it!
  13. I don't often fish with a spinning rod, but when I do I prefer to use a G. Loomis WPJR 821s GLX with a 30 size Shimano Stradic CI4. 10# Sufix 832 and some kind of mono or fluoro leader tied on.
  14. X2. I am a self-professed G. Loomis fan boy (I own 2 NRX casting rods and a GLX spinning rod) but I had Mike at @Delaware Valley Tackle build me a casting rod for fishing a specific jig weight and I couldn't be happier. If I need another high-end bottom contact rod in the future I'll have Mike build me another one.
  15. Whoa, wait a tick. You were a guest on Lake Commandos with Steve Pennaz? Definitely one of my favorite shows, very cool!!!!!!
  16. I am completely addicted to fishing a finesse skirted jig for smallmouth in my shallow rocky river. Generally it's a 3/16 ounce Strike King Bitsy Bug with a Baby Rage Craw on the back. Both in blue craw color with the tips of the craw colored orange. Matter of fact, I'm so addicted to fishing this size jig that I had Mike @Delaware Valley Tackle make me a custom rod this spring just for fishing this jig!!
  17. Welcome to Bass Resource. BEAR DOWN!!!!!!
  18. Based on the variety of answers this is obviously personal preference. I like an XF action for fishing bottom contact, jigs and t-rigged plastics. I was fishing a Loomis MBR rod for bottom contact but it wasn't fast enough for me and I'm now fishing an XF rod.
  19. It's been a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time since I've chased this particular game, but in my experience your best time of day is after dark. During the day they can be harder to find. As for location, any building that has LOTS of neon lights on the outside of it will be worth a look inside... ? Welcome to BR!!!!!
  20. @Fairtax4me nailed the conditions from this past Sunday. I waded around the Williamsport, MD area and had slightly above average for midsummer and good clarity though not crystal clear. @Mike Mirowski I do 99% of my fishing on the Upper Potomac and wading for smallmouth is my favorite thing to do. What section of the river do you fish?
  21. I read through all the replies waiting for someone to mention this! Fishing is for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. Catching is just an occasional bonus. If I wanted to spend time outside doing something that's frustrates me I'd play golf. I have a buddy who bases the enjoyment of a fishing day on how many fish he caught. If he gets skunked or doesn't catch many his whole day is ruined, in fact it happened to him yesterday and I listened to him complain about it for 15 minutes this morning. I don't know why he doesn't just sell his boat and his fishing gear and buy golf clubs and a membership at the country club instead. OK, I'm off my soap box. Take a deep breath, enjoy your surroundings, be thankful you have the health and the means to go fishing, and fish. And sometimes catch too.
  22. I don't fish from a kayak, but I think what you are describing is very normal for kayak fishermen. I have seen this on TV, YouTube and members here have talked about it.
  23. Ha-ha, yup! "Oh my God, it's a GIANT!!" Then it's always a 2-pounder.
  24. I'm assuming that's why Mike Iaconelli pulls line out on EVERY fish he catches......
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