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Everything posted by Smokinal

  1. When my go-to techniques aren't working.
  2. OK OK STOP!! I'm having bad visions here lol. Seriously though, thanks for the input. I watched some vids and it doesn't look bad; I'm sure I can do it. I'll keep you posted.
  3. My little Nitro is a 1996 with a 75hp Merc. Always fresh water but never had a water pump done. I'm kind of thinking I should replace it just due to age as I don't want to be stuck on the water with no flow. What's you thouhgts on just changing them as PM? Usual life expactancy? I'm pretty mechanically inclined and I'm sure I could do it myself, just wondering if there are any good vids on this so I feel a little more confident going into it?
  4. What a pretty specimen! Can't wait for my first. Mind me askin what that jerk is?
  5. It's funny; I used to picture the same cover you mentioned....until I started fishing offshore. Now, when I go out, I can't wait to pull up my gps, throw a bouy and cast a jig. EDIT: To answer your question Opie, shorelines get beat up all the time, not saying you cant catch fish there but everyone sees that same cover. I like finding offshore stuff, marking it and figuring it out. The biggest advantage of fishing offshore/deeper is I have found that deeper fish are less affected by pressure changes, weather changes etc... When the shoreline bite stops, I feel I can always hit some ridges or humps and find biting fish.
  6. Nice! That's the way to make do with what you have and make it work for you.
  7. Some good advice above^^^ My 2 cents is not to buy a cheap first reel. I made that mistake when my son wanted to go to baitcasters. I bought a cheap combo with a cheap reel in case he didn't like it. Well, cheap reels are the hardest to cast and he hated it. Get a good reel, some good quality line (20 lb Super Slick imo), tie on a rattle trap, set the reel correctly (lots of good vids on how to set up your baitcaster) and go fish. After all, what's not to like about a casting setup???
  8. Well we saw 60 and sunny today, with temps in the teens and snow for tomorrow. Not a surprise as far as how this winter/spring has gone. I anticipate my home lake open around the 18th which will put my first day out the 26th.
  9. ^^He's always got his fingers stuffed in their gills. Great fisherman; a legend, but he has some bad handling habits.
  10. Although I don't use fluoro for anything but leaders, I agree with what you are saying. I typically hold my rod tip high and there is hardly any sag in the line when fishing a buzzbait. Don't see any reason why fluoro wouldn't work with a buzzer.
  11. When I was fishing CMR tourneys a 20" fish was a 5lber. Good one either way!
  12. Did you mean vertical maybe?
  13. Even at BOGO, I don't know why we are having this conversation after I saw the price of the Dingers.
  14. Wow, do I like the looks of that! Gotta have! Gotta have! EDIT: where do we sign up?
  15. My first 40 or so will be on a Husky Jerk.
  16. Good feedback. I picked up a pack this winter and plan on trying them this summer as well. Out of curiosity, did you rig with tail up or tail down?
  17. I was in there today, looking at baseball stuff with my son. And of course, had to wander over to the fishing section. I just picked up a couple of packs of 4" and got the BOGO deal so I thought I'd see if there were any other colors I missed. Well I walked by the Yum section and saw the Dingers at regular price of 2.99 for a 10 pk! I felt raped! I wanted to return the GY baits at 7.49 per pack and get Dingers! I don't think the GY baits are going to be any better than the Yum; maybe I'm wrong...idk I don't throw them enough to tell a difference. I left with a pack of blk/blue flake 4" Dingers for 2.99....
  18. Glad to hear it. It's nice to have a project like that crossed off the Ta-Dew list. Now go post some pics of you with fish so I can be envious.
  19. ^^I hope you're right brother
  20. I sincerely wish you the best my friend.
  21. I think this will be the latest ice-out I can ever remember.
  22. If the new 8.0 is included, count me in!
  23. Was it relatively clear water? And maybe warmer than you might think?
  24. Funny you posted this. I was in there today picking up 2 bags of 4"ers. Good deal for sure.
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