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Everything posted by Smokinal

  1. And he even tied a knot in the line with his tongue...talented bass right there.
  2. Well done Maine! You make us Northerners proud.
  3. About a month ago I got 2 on 1 EWGW hook!
  4. I've always had good luck with white bucktails.
  5. Ya, I'll definitely keep the tools with me and check it again if it does it. And I used steel core wires not graphite; my local NAPA made them up for me. Thanks again
  6. So I took it out today and ran it until it dropped a cylinder. I held it at WOT for a minute or 2 then did the plug dump; took the cowling off and removed the plugs and found 2 wet plugs...??? So I swapped the coil from the dry plug cylinder to one of the wet ones, put it back together and ran it but couldn't make it drop a cylinder again. So i fished a good looking shoreline and caught 4 bass instead. My take on it is that I was having a contact/ground issue that got resolved when I disturbed the coils. I think I'll go back in, make sure everything is clean and snug and call it good until it happens again...if it happens again. I thank you for your help and suggestions!
  7. I wasn't bustin on your new boat bro. What I was getting at was if there was something the old owner knew that he had an issue with or something you are doing that he would say "Oh ya, don't do it like that" or something of the likes.
  8. Not to try to pawn you off but my first call would be to whoever sold you said flawless Ranger.
  9. NICE
  10. I bet you would like to meet his tailor.....
  11. Ty Sako, I will test it to make sure. And TY Way2. Great idea on swapping the coil. I manage an auto center and that's how we diag a car too; just never thought of doing that with my outboard. This thing just seems foreign to me for some reason. I'll keep you posted.
  12. I have a '96 Nitro with a 75hp, 3 cyl Mercury on it; owned it for around 12 years now; always winterized and Stabil Marine used in every fill up; always ran great until this year when an issue started. The issue is that when I go to get on plane and start to give it throttle, it cuts back to 2 cyl (starts missing a cyl). Some details: ---it only does it after its warmed up and been running a while ---I replaced plugs and wires=no change ---I then replaced fuel filter and rebuilt the fuel pump=no change ---It's such a sharp cut-out that it really feels like spark to me, not a fuel issue ---today when it did it I checked the primer bulb and it was full and hard So, recap, after its hot and I go to get on pad, I get around 3/4 throttle and it starts missing a cylinder. I can back off the gas and it will pick back up and run on all 3 cyl until I goose it again, then it loses a cylinder again. I know this makes it sound like a fuel delivery problem but I really think it's spark. And if I just run it at around 1/2 throttle, it stays fine, only does it when it starts to rev. For what its worth, the tach has never worked correctly on this boat since I got it. It always gives screwy readings. But it's done this since I got it and it's always run fine; probably just coincidental; not sure where the tach reading is taken from. Any and all ideas are welcome.
  13. Well, today was proof enough for me that weather outpowers the Celestial Heavens! Big cool down going on up here and absolutely clear bluebird skies=very slow day. 3 of us got maybe 20 each in about 6 hrs; slow day for these waters. O hope the rest of you did better than us. Oh, and no DD either.....
  14. This Sunday, Super Moon and full Lunar Eclipse. 10 lbers for everyone!
  15. Welcome and come on in for a group hug! Don't be scared.
  16. Yup, my home lake has been a few feet down all summer and no rain in sight. I'm not worried; we'll have feet upon feet of snow to melt next spring.
  17. Well, look at it this way; you can only go up from here... But Shania says it the best
  18. The weather far overpowers the moon scale. With that said, I do believe that, all things equal, (weather patterns, fronts etc...) bigger fish will feed better in certain moon phases. I would never let the moon dictate when or where I fish though.
  19. Wow, she got her lips around that thing!
  20. Good smallie! Happy for ya.
  21. Good to have ya!
  22. I've had days like that as well. Recently, my buddy and I were out on a high pressure, clear day and really struggling for bites. We were throwing everything at them until I tried a lipless bait and it was lights out after that. I gave my buddy one in the same color and we ended up having a banner day; because of that 1 bait change. I think that's the most rewarding thing about fishing is when you figure out what can consistantly make them bite that day. Nice job Weld.
  23. I got mine today. Great looking jigs! Pics with them stuck to bass will follow.
  24. ^^^Hey Maine, I'm on vaca the week of Oct 12th and I think my buddy and I are headed over your way for a 2 day stint. I'll keep ya posted as I know more. Good luck on your vaca.
  25. I love my bobber stops! Fastest, easiest way I have found. Dirt cheap too. http://www.ebay.com/itm/60-Fishing-Rubber-Float-Bobber-Stops-Pitch-Sinker-Medium-size-Brand-new-USA-/191507925639?hash=item2c96c30a87
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