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Everything posted by Smokinal

  1. You are a bad bear A Jay!!
  2. Well I did end up bringing it back to them. They rechecked everything and ended up replacing the needles in the carbs. They were the rubber tipped ones and they said they were worn out, causing excess fuel to go into the cylinders. I haven't tried it yet but they assured me it was running flawlessly. As far as the bulb not priming hard, they said this new style Merc bulb is designed not to do that anymore. Something about Government fuel regulations (like how they made us change gas can fillers etc...) they said any new fuel bulb now has some sort of new style check valve that will properly supply fuel but not stay rock hard like the old ones. We'll find out next Sunday. Thank you for the ideas guys.
  3. No writing on the underside of the bill?
  4. Tried that, tried every which way but loose.... I guess I'm going to have to try and call them on Monday.
  5. Congrats on a good fish! And thank you for not calling it a 9 lber without a scale.
  6. Those do make for a good day!
  7. Marine Stabil every fill up for the last 15 yrs in my '96 Nitro. Just had carbs apart this winter for the first time in 20 yrs and they literally looked like new inside. Not changing a thing.
  8. How do they come apart? I've searched online, tried contacting tech dept but they never responded; they just swivel and will not come apart. I'm sure there is something I'm overlooking, obviously, but I've never seen a fuse holder like these before. They are this style: http://www.walmart.com/ip/32738734?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227021668951&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=51798753911&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=89207230739&veh=sem
  9. Just for the heck of it, I would stop into my local optometrist and see how much a second pair of polarized prescrips would be. It may be better money spent on a correct pair instead of 3-4 cheap, non working pairs.
  10. ^^^These. We were fishing a spawning cove last Sunday and caught almost as many big black crappie as we did bass. Same baits, same area, cast after cast.
  11. I can't help you with a rod selection but I'd like to welcome you to BR!
  12. Glad to help.
  13. "He didn't just say what I think he did....did he?" Was it a good birthday party maybe?? If so, congrats dude! Oh, and PM me in 9 months and we'll work out a price!
  14. ^^^I just glue em and leave that bait on that jighead. I have different colors already glued on different heads if I feel I need to change colors. Besides, what other colors do you need besides GP and PBJ???
  15. Do it! The short recovery and PT time is nothing in comparison to the better life you live after. I just had my 3rd surgery in 2 years (shoulder, tricep and hernias) and would do them all over again if I had to.
  16. Happy Birthday bud! If you get a new boat for your birthday, I'll take that old 189VLO off your hands!
  17. This place is as friendly and inviting as it is because of the moderation here. Simple as that.
  18. Nice job bud!
  19. Super glue the flat end of the TRD to the bottom of the head=problem solved.
  20. 3/8 is 6/16. My question is, is it common to step down the fuel line size after the bulb? Why I ask is the bulb does not pump up hard like my old one did so I'm wondering, if the bulb has 5/16 fittings on it, the connection would be loose on the inlet side of the bulb possibly pulling air? It doesn't idle good, pops and dies. I have an email into them but just curious of your thoughts as well.
  21. I just picked up my boat from the shop, having some maint done and noticed they replaced the fuel bulb and line from the bulb to the engine. My question is, I just installed a water sep/filter between the tank and the bulb and the line size is 3/8. They used 5/16 from the bulb to the engine. Is this common or should the whole thing be 3/8? 1996 16' Nitro,,,75hp Merc The bulb would have to have different size fittings on it to work properly too, no?
  22. Welcome Ron! It's all good; we love all fish here. #fishlivesmatter
  23. ^^^Some areas of the Andro have some stupid numbers!
  24. Hey Maine, good to see ya back at it!
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