Yep, I got into my mega si with chirp. Do I love it’s images? Yep. Got it due to the improved images over the gen 1. Thought the improvement of gen 2 over gen 1 was meaningful enough to upgrade.
Am I still on the learning curve? Yep. But I feel as if I am at the point that there are other factors I need to work on (to put more fish in the boat) than getting even more laser sharp on my graphing skills.
You might have a point in terms of diminishing returns on people’s willingness to invest the time to learn. This might be an indictment ,on the lack of user friendliness of the interfaces to increase the probability of max benefit. This might be, in fact, the next biggest breakthrough. Apple did it with their phones...maybe someone could break in with a breakthrough GUI so that the people buying it can actually take advantage of all of its value.
Thanks for your encouragement to “do a little research” on CHIRP. However, I do already understand and enjoy it’s benefits in this gen 2 unit. The OP asked about gen 2 vs gen 3 where CHIRP is standard on both with gen 3 being “dual spectrum”.
My diminishing returns comment was made mostly on the extended range of the SI where, for most, the existing range should suffice. Also on the dual spectrum CHIRP....well, I will just wait to see people post the additional detail before I determine its true usefulness even if time is invested to learn to use it.
Finally I agree with your statement that the vast majority fish for pleasure and enjoyment. I perhaps should have said...A very small minority would value the benefits of gen 3, for the rest of us the benefits represented in gen 3 might be approaching diminishing returns.