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Everything posted by Fish_Whisperer

  1. Hypothetically, lets say that I want to take the tank mentioned in this thread to the bank... I would need a battery, but I don't wanna haul a large deep cycle battery, any other substitutions?
  2. No problem, this kinda stuff happens on forums, regulations are different for every state. As for my question on if it will work or not, i have talked with some people that are doing similar things with good results, some even keeping them up to a week before die off. I have tweaked my original idea so the 5 gallon bucket will not be in the barrel, and plumbing will run through the bungs on top of the barrel. This allows for better connections on flat sides of the barrel (tops) and bucket instead of on the round sides where it would be hard to get a good seal.
  3. http://www.dnr.sc.gov/regulations.html http://www.dnr.sc.gov/fish/species/stripedbass.html Show me please where it says I cannot use wild blueback herring...
  4. Maybe in your area, but if that was the case around here, there would be a bunch of guides in big trouble.
  5. Blueback herring are present in the waters they will be going to.... I'm not very educated on the waters we are going to therefore I don't know where to throw the net, and since I am bank fishing I am limited as to how much water I can cover with my cast net. They will be used to target Stripers.
  6. I have, BUT, do you think it will work? I'd hate to drop money on this setup and it turn out a bust.
  7. In the electronics forum, I let it be known that I was building a bait tank. I wanted to share my design (nothing original, took attributes from other designs and incorporated it into my own.) The purpose for this tank is to transport blueback herring from one body of water to another that is one hour away. Blueback herring are easy to die, So I'm researching and plan on doing everything I can to keep them alive til we get to the location, upon which they will be set into another tank that is circulated by river current. I'm terrible with paint, but here is this basics of my plan... The idea is this... I want filtered water to enter the bilge pump. To ensure that, I encase my bilge pump in a 5 gallon bucket, and plumb inlets and outlets. the pump will suck water through the canister filter, into the 5 gallon bucket and back out of a pvc elbow. The pvc elbow will send the water out sideways, creating a whirlpool effect so that the herring will school in circles, similar to what they do in their natural habitat. An aerator pump (much larger than the bubble bucket style) will provide plenty of oxygen. I will also be using shad keeper holding formula, which will rid the water of ammonia while providing nutrients for the herring. J. Francho informed me that I can run this setup off of the transporting vehicles battery with no problems, so I will be doing that along with adding fuses and a switch. So, you all think this will work?
  8. I use Alpha Male's suggestion. The ones I found are bright green on a black tube, also came with small beads which are essential if the slip float has a large hole. Keeps the slip float from sliding above the knot. i also use a bead on the bottom to prevent the float from sticking to the hook eye. EDIT: To answer the knot question, if you go with the premade float stops, yes, the knot will pass through micro guides, although you will feel it passing through. Doesn't seem to affect distance.
  9. Thanks guys, I stopped by my local marine shop before I got to see the replies and your replies echo what they said.... "Save money, run it off the truck battery because it won't draw enough power to cause an issue with the truck electrical. Fusible links, then a switch. "
  10. Was posted on the boat forum, thought it was better suited here... I'm going to build a bait tank that will be used in back of a truck to transport baitfish from one location to another (one hours drive). My plan is to use a 55 gal blue drum, a bilge pump, canister filter, and aerator. Here are the specs for the aerator and bilge pump... bilge pump: 1000gph 12V Square Bilge Pump, 1-1/8" Port, 2.9A Draw, 5A Fuse, 4"H x 2-7/8"W, 3 Yr Wty aerator: - Creates a low 1-3/4 amp current So, my questions, could we run these to the truck battery? If not, can you guys tell me what size battery i need? All in all, it needs to be operational for two full hours max, most likely only 90 minutes. Would also appreciate someone explaining how to come to this solution myself. Thanks everyone!
  11. Posting in electronics, please delete mods!
  12. Some folks can't afford a boat or kayak. Also, some people are perfectly fine with bank fishing. Would I like to have access to all structure in a lake/river/pond ? Sure. At this time, it is just not in the cards for me. So I do the best with what I have. One day I will have my bassmobile though!
  13. I live a 1/2 mile from lake bowen, of course I fish there lol... Take a look at my gallery, they were all caught from Bowen.
  14. You are right, I have that problem. Most of the places I wade, I am not to far away from my backpack (50 yds max). There is one area I visit that you MUST wade as the bank area is unpassable. Probably a 300 yd trip in knee deep to chest deep water. When I go there, I use a large ziploc bag to hold some tackle and put it in my cargo shorts pocket. I am currently looking for a small waterproof bag specifically for that area.
  15. I wish I had a grand story full of thrashing and gnashing of teeth, but I don't.... he took a minnow 20 yards from the bank and ran, I set the hook on the very tip of his beak, not even inside the mouth, under the "chin". He ran left bout 20 feet then proceeded to run straight at me and dang near beached himself. I swung him up and as soon as I had him by the belly, the hook fell off.
  16. Nice. I used a shimano soft tackle bag for a while, but found my backpack superior in terms of distributing the load amongst both shoulders resulting in a more comfortable haul. I carry rod/s in one hand while having a free hand to move brush or to use as a steady rest when crossing over downed trees.
  17. So today was a "first" day for me. Been wanting a change of pace for a little while now, and was invited to Lake Greenwood (first time fishing there) to do some Striper fishing(another first). Well, didn't land any Stripers, but I did land this for another first...
  18. If it was, I woulda been sh*ttin bricks... DD is my current target, been actively pursuing it for 6 years. Even though I didn't quote everyone, thanks for the compliments you all.
  19. Thanks, BigBlock. My bbz junior has been put to work a lot recently, i've made it produce best by spotting a bass making the baitfish dance and throwing it just beyond where a blowup occurs.
  20. Forgot to mention, those were caught on a bbz-1 junior, blueback herring color
  21. Fish_Whisperer

    2014 Fish

    Bass that I thought to take a picture of.
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