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Everything posted by ChicagoEd

  1. I'm still experimenting with different lures and trying to gain confidence on any given one. Still haven't developed my go to lure for my local watering holes. But so far wacky worm, and trig worms/paddletails have been most productive for me. But I'm still at that stage of "lets try this and see what happens". However, for my annual Canada trip Doctor Spoons are the real deal. Have never let me down for pike. Also like the Jake Lure for pike and walleye out there. I have definitely established confidence in those two lures. Hopefully I'll find my bass slayer soon.
  2. Oh wow, it shows satellite image. Can you capture a waypoint while using satellite view? Did you have to upgrade your maps for that or is that preloaded with unit?
  3. Just ran across the Garmin 78SC. Unit looks pretty good. A bit pricey but seems to have all the features I've been looking for. Waterproof and it even floats...with my luck I'm sure that will come in handy. Only drawback I see is that the screen looks pretty small at 2.6". Anyone have some feedback on this specific unit? Likes dislikes?
  4. Mitch, the unit looks nice. And it will probably work well for what I need. I like the fact that you can save your waypoint and route to it. My buddy's garmin doesnt have that function and he paid like 300. The main functionality I am looking for is large color screen, save waypoints, save routes to waypoints, name and time stamp waypoints. Would also be cool to save things like dock location and then have it provide driving directions, then marine directions to my fishing spots. I'm all about ease of use so a user friendly interface would be welcomed as well. Just curious, how is the screen on your unit, any problems on bright sunny days?
  5. Slonezp, that's a good question. Linking handheld data with a mounted unit would be nice. I know you can link front mount and dash mount to sync up, so I imagine a hand held might have the same ability. I'm going to go to BPS thursday and get some advice from the sales guys and handle some units. And yes, I'm the same inexperienced fishmonger from our local site. Both forums are really helpful. There is one other I frequent for JDM advice. I go by the same name there as well.
  6. Thanks guys. I would like to be able to type labels for waypoints. For instance, LMB, pike, walleye, etc. as well as a time stamp so I can track time of day. Mitch does that etrax20 work on lakes? Will it route you back to the docks from anywhere on the lake? The more I look at these different units the more confused I get. First it looks like they would work great as lake maps and the further I read it turns out they are more for hiking climbing geocaching etc. argh. Fishes in trees, did that basic garmin unit allow you to label?
  7. Wow amazing catch! That girl's a beauty. Congrats!
  8. Very nice! Haven't landed a frog fish yet but did manage to score my first pop r fish. Top water is a blast! Way to go!
  9. Welcome, this is a great forum with amazing members! I'm relatively new myself and have learned a lot from this community. Now go fish and post some pics!
  10. Oh, and budget is max $375 unless there is a huge upgrade for a plus $400 unit.
  11. Ok so I've decided I need to purchase a handheld GPS to mark my honey holes and help me get from fishing spot A to fishing spot B. I have a couple in mind that look like good candidates but I would like your expert opinion on any specific unit that you recommend - and why. I have a GPS on my boat but I frequently do various fishing trips throughout the year where the boat stays home. Lets hear them!
  12. Amazing! I'm still waiting for my day to catch beasts like that. Way to go!
  13. Never mind just found a tackle warehouse clip. Easy breezy can't wait to try these.
  14. With or without split ring? I was hoping there was a you tube vid on these but no luck. So line directly to speed clip and then speed clip to split ring? Or straight to lure? Also, do you use these for jigs? How about trigs?
  15. I completely agree with you. They should use whatever catches fish. Tournament success is what it's all about for the pros so by all means use everything at your disposal. But don't dupe me by attributing your success to lure x because its your sponsor when you really caught on lure y. Dummies like me will go out and buy lure x because the pro proved it works. Even worse, I'll go out and by the entire set of colors and sizes to feed my tackle fetish. I have no problems with pros doing commercials and endorsing products. But c'mon, keep it honest when you're actually on the water with a lure sticking out the basshole.
  16. Why don't you use them in lipless cranks?
  17. Bill Norman Speed clips! I read your post and thought what is that? I just googled it, what a ridiculously awesome tool. I've been having the same issue with my cranks, tie direct get good action or use a snap to change out quickly. If these speed clips do what they advertise I'm sold! Wow never thought I'd get so excited over a little piece of metal. I love this forum!
  18. Where can i buy some flick sticks and 3" mega bug killa?
  19. Not to derail this topic...but just one quick question. That hook you show...do you use it for flukes also? I tried it but my flukes keep running upside down. I love that weighted style hook but can't keep my flukes running hook up. They turn upside with the hooking pointing down into the ware not skyward. What am I doing wrong? Feel free to pm me so I don't disturb the OP. thanks! Btw, the few times I've used tubes I've fished them with a ball head jig. Worked well for me. Also, on my Canada trips our fishing guide used tubes on ball jigs as well for walleye jigging.
  20. Can someone post a picture of this setup. Or point me to a YouTube clip on how to rig it? Thanks, this sounds promising and would love to try it.
  21. What series is that 854? Mbr?
  22. 00 MOD those are sweet setups! How do you like the 854 glx?
  23. Annexation, post some pics bud. I want to see how those turned out.
  24. Wow, I would have called it a day after that swim. I'm glad you finished off the day on a good note!
  25. Hope this isn't a totally dumb question, but if it is humor me anyway...what is a water moccasin?
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