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Everything posted by Hogsticker

  1. If you're going to buy one off ebay just plan ahead to put some money into it. Send it off to a reel tuner and internally it's good to go. So many different parts readily available for personalization. Keep an eye on the various tackle forums. Every once in a while a pretty mint one pops up for sale. Worth every penny imo.
  2. I think if I were to build a drop shot / light shaky head rod I'd opt for the new Eternity 610 mxf. I've read countless threads and comments stating the RX8 822.5 was the greatest drop shot blank ever made. I would imagine this new version is only an improvement.
  3. Smackdown and Maxima are my 2 favorite braids. 10 and 20 lb Maxima, 30 and 40 lb Smackdown. I had too many Phantom breakoffs with the 10 and 20 lb Smackdown. Aside from that, I love the way it handles and performs.
  4. The Recon Elite rods are built on the Recon 2 blanks, the same blanks that are readily available. Phenix only made some cosmetic changes to the Elite. As for the medium light umbx, it has around 440 grams of power and fishes more like a medium plus.
  5. I like titanium alconites. Price isn't too bad, keeps things light, and never had issues with alconites.
  6. Nice build. Looks really good. Just curious, how did cutting 4" off the blank make it more powerful? It's an ultra light and now it fishes more like a light / ml? It's always been my ex cutting a blank from the rear makes it less powerful. 4" usually doesn't transform the blank too much, but I'm curious being it was an ultra light. Did he cut it from the tip? Thanks Yes, we can call it whatever we like, a the right rod f the job is the right rod. Nor was in any way trying to be argumentative. Simply trying to determine how he drew his conclusion.
  7. I believe it translates to roughly 254 dollars (290,000 won) . Still a good price and a very fun reel to fish. You should see if he can locate any limited Jdm Steez models.
  8. All I can say is the performance and versatility an SV spool and T Wing provides is incredible. Very hard to beat. Especially at the price point the Tatula will be offered at. One of two things will happen. Most likely, you'll be adding more to your arsenal. Less likely, you will sell it no problem.
  9. Nice build. Looks really good. Just curious, how did cutting 4" off the blank make it more powerful? It's an ultra light and now it fishes more like a light / ml? It's always been my ex cutting a blank from the rear makes it less powerful. 4" usually doesn't transform the blank too much, but I'm curious being it was an ultra light. Did he cut it from the tip? Thanks
  10. For sure! The Poison Adrena, Zodias, Expride, and Daiwa Cronos all have 2 piece options. Daiwa Aussie market has several 3 piece Generation Black spinning models that look soooooo good.
  11. I love how spool specific Daiwa is. Makes it easy to choose a reel for your intended purpose. As RL stated, the air brake combing a rotor that moves both in, out, and rotates is pure magic. I love SV spools and think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. Not to mention the incredible fun you can have swapping different SV spools, both Daiwa and SLP Works branded. Putting them in different reels that have lesser or greater magnectis power and till you reach that point of pure bliss. The Tatula SV TW is going to sell like hotcakes. So much reel and versatility for 200 bucks.
  12. I agree with this, however bang for buck and fluorocarbon shouldn't be used in the same sentence. You get what you pay for here. Tatsu is the bees knees imo.
  13. If you're willing to venture across the pond, options are unlimited.
  14. Point Blank or Phenix K2 would be my 1st two choices for this application. Well, most applications to be honest. I agree with using a blank that leans towards the slower of side of fast. I actually prefer it for MOST everything with a few exceptions. The K2 is slower for sure. Loads up so nice! Smooth flex that continues to load before the blank reaches it shut off spot. Exceptional feel. So crisp and alive. Same can be said about the Point Blanks, however they do have faster tip actions. Another incredible blank that just feels top tier. You have to fish / handle these blanks. They both have wowed me beyond anything else I've used. I have and really like the NFC IM as well. These blanks tend to be a little heavier across the board. Very nice, but didn't have that IT factor to me compared to the other two. I haven't used the HM series. The new Eternity 2 blanks sound very nice and get great feedback. I would assume they feel similar to the NFC stuff. MHX doesn't touch the Phenix K2 / UMBX, and Point Blank IMO. Obviously it's all subjective, but the MHX blanks are going to be a faster, more powerful blank compared the K2 when comparing models. I also really like the Alps graphite reel seats. They feel like what the Fuji ACS should have been. Very ergonomic and comfy. Plus they look sick.
  15. Umbx hands down for bottom contact. Very good blank for the money imo. K2s are not what I'd consider moderate fast, but definitely a slow fast. Very crisp and very light. Recons are closer to a moderate fast. The Umbx is plenty sensitive and a true fast. I'm kinda partial to Phenix blanks. The Point Blank blanks are very sweet too.
  16. The SV103 isn't necessarily bigger than the Zillion SV TW. It's a better palming reel in my hands. The Zillion SV TW form factor reminds of the Curado 200E series.
  17. The SV103 isn't necessarily bigger than the Zillion SV TW. It's a better palming reel in my hands. The Zillion SV TW form factor reminds of the Curado 200E series.
  18. It takes more time and labor to take something apart and put it back together than to just put it together. If you just want to put a new handle grip on it that's doable.
  19. Falcon seems to like to keep things kinda old school. No fancy winding checks, trim rings, or overly detailed wrapping. Maybe this is what you're referring to? Some can still appreciate a clean, simple build. As for the blanks, I don't know if Falcon rolls their own or out sources. Back in the day I believe they utilized some Shikari blanks. I've owned and fished a few Caras. The rods did not disappoint imo. Seems like they use mostly Fuji components which is a plus in my book.
  20. McDonalds french fry dipped in cocaine. Most people just assume it's a white trick worm. Once fish have had a taste thay get super angry and fight like you wouldn't believe. Occasionally they just get paranoid and won't touch it. Please don't share this with anyone who doesn't frequent the internet. On a side note, I've been told mixing up your retrieve with a Keitech Crazy Flapper can be fruitful.
  21. Yes. It's finesse Tatsu for the most part. Good stuff for sure
  22. Too many variables. That being said, without targeting any specific species, I'll take a jig head / grub / and a chunk of nightcrawler.
  23. Here's a couple of the Picasso Gammys. I think they are 3/16 oz with a 4/0 hook. Nice jigs
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