Every so often a similar discussion about hammers comes up among my coworkers, and to me it comes down to value, not the monetary value of the tool itself, but how that tool measures up to the personal values of the person swinging it. I (and a lot of other guys) use a very common Estwing framing hammer that does what I need it to do and is built to last. Some guys use a Dead-On framing hammer because it does what a hammer is supposed to do, is built to last, and has a cool-looking skull and crossbones on it. $25 for either of them, and they line up just fine with the values of their users.
Where it starts to crack me up is when some of these guys get all worked up into a lather of disbelief at the few guys who use $200+ Stiletto titanium hammers.
"$200 for a hammer!? Who can afford that!?" Probably anyone who uses a hammer every day could save for one easily. What do you spend on non-essential beverages, cigarettes, etc. in a month?
"$200 for a hammer!? What if you lose it!?" Really? Just likes yours, it's in his hand or his loop. How is he going to lose it? Don't confuse the carelessness YOU perceive in his use of money with some oh-well attitude on his part about where his hammer is.
"$200 for a hammer!? That's crazy! Nobody needs a $200 hammer!" Well, maybe not. But in addition to performing the basic functions of a hammer, it has features that satisfy the values of enough of the hammer-using public that they keep making them. Some people really value the lighter weight, some people value the reduced shock/vibration, some people really value knowing that they are using a top of the line tool. And yes, some people value that they have a hammer that costs more than yours. Who gives a floating rat bait's behind?