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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Enjoy....love it all...Columbia...upper for lots of smallies...coast for everything...especially salt.
  2. Good for you both....the pollen in the pot doesn't side well with my brain cancer .... causes swelling...will have to stick to other means
  3. BASS is good
  4. Finally got one from daughter in law on front porch. Hair quit growing on right side due to radiation....well ....at least real slow after it all fell out. Now both sides even....never had it this short...like above said...feels weird.
  5. You bet....definitely a diversity of fishing out west...Loved it all....here out east it's totally different too. Do love love the new adventures out east....your young....many many adventures out there...try bass fishing at night off the the rocks at Newport at night....ohhhhhhhhhh. South side
  6. Buddy and I were fishing in a small cove at a local small lake. Heard some gosh aweful noises and splashing. Finally we went over and look...two Snappers doing some spring event....gosh....violent. Have spent a lot of time on water and this was a first.
  7. Keep up the good fight...rewards are awesome This was pretty funny actually.....Person launches boat in middle of ramp...goes fishing....come's back a bit later and everything was towed. Lesson maybe learned....hope so. Happened at ramp just down street from me last year...
  8. Using wisdom with our resources is not a bad thing....getting home from a long day of fishing to clean fish...well...this I don't do much...getting lazy and days are getting longer ...time is short.......next cast.
  9. Interesting thought...my son and I are the only ones who have served. Thank you all who have
  10. Very good.....
  11. Enjoy your day and all it's gifts
  12. You both were blessed....may the healing continue
  13. Gosh we could really get into all the comparisons of kinds of meds or little nuances of the CBD's. Weather they are legal....it's all like politics....not cut and dried....no put intended. I was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer a little less than a year ago...was told to get my bucket list together...won't go into great detail as my eye's don't like to stare at a screen very long. I use the legal CBD and you would have to pry them out of my cold dead fingers as they have helped with pain, eating, stress in a very suttle way. It's not like taking an advil or anything....it just does it's job. Like drinking coffee...use it...love it....CBD....use it...thankful for it. Fighting cancer is a wild ride....I'm hopefully will be standing till the end...the brain does crazy things after sixty stitches....wish your dad all the best...we all choose our roads...hope his goes smooth.
  14. Gosh....family is important but having lived in Oregon for sixty years my wife and I will probably not move back good Lord willing. It is like California....WThere is lots of all kinds of fishing...bank fishing too...but ...but...just don't want to open cans of worms but I thank the good Lord I live in Tennessee now. Willamette and Columbia have amazing bank fishing. Since I got the stage 4 brain cancer mama has limited me on my journeys. I'm getting out once or twice a week but I hate imposing....crazy life right now....one day at time.
  15. And for desert!!
  16. Wow....brothers from other mothers!!!! I kind of wonder if I had more rides if I'd sacrifice more!! This vision thing is crazy. Good luck and hopefully no more broken rods for us.
  17. I cook....not as much as I used to. Even do some baking since daughter isn't around anymore. Like some shows mention...keep it simple....let the food talk
  18. Would start asking questions at a local tackle store or two....hopefully can get a lead or too here...
  19. Oh my!
  20. Once again over twenty boats showed up....was awesome...lots of good BS. Fish catching was pretty good to...just didn't get the kicker that is needed most times. Son was doing good and then...HIT a wall...was crazy...I kept my bait out of the bush's so that was awesome but had a new reel just go frikin crazy on me. Could not make three cast's and it would over run. This is just out of the blue....looks like some back yard time or in the drawer and put on an old reliable. We caught quit a few...didn't get rained on...boat didn't use all the gas...life is good. Time for new adventure....getting greedy...want another one.
  21. My two cents is get a nice lil cabin close to lake...spend a few days..talk to locals...relax...go to couple fishin stores. One day is over and done....several days is more of an adventure. All the best to you both....sounds like he has a keeper
  22. Wow I've eaten my share of salmon and steelhead...like walleye, perch, crappie....bass...not so much...saltwater fish...oh yeah.. But now if I get to fish for a day I want to just get home and clean up....cross my fingers wife has something in frig or fast food it is.
  23. Reading through all these I am so thankful the good Lord led us to Tennessee. Don't mind paying for outdoor pleasures within reason...would feel better if I saw everyone working around the parks instead of four or more directing the one working....List could go on...but...hey...I get to fish...
  24. Just finishing my second cup and wanted to BS. This has been a unique start to a year of fishing. Having acquired brain cancer things don't always fall into place. I'm actually smiling at this...is what it is....right. This weekend I lost my third rod while fishing this spring. Now my total is three...two broke and one over the side....OMG...hope it slows down....I have acquired quite a selection over the years but sheeesh..... With the vision I've kicked one over....lost a tip yesterday to a buddy's power pole....errrrrr and third one just pulling line out. Kinda crazy....this is a new road...but it's all good and I am smiling now and wonder what adventures are ahead. Alternative is no fishing......NOT till hands folded over chest and cover with dirt. You all be blessed...tight lines
  25. Draw down is amazing around here in winter....pickup trucks of krap on lake edges. When I could drive would take grandkids and plastic bags and go down lake and take home a bag full...they loved it...
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