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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Hmmmmmm "Thank You's" A long lost presentation!!!
  2. Not an easy walk...stage four gleoblastoma ...(spelled wrong I'm sure) Brain cancer...Everyday an adventure....Good luck to ya...fishing is good.... Thank the good Lord he still lets me get out
  3. All the best and many healthy more to you and yours.
  4. Truthfully a blessing
  5. Hope all is well...
  6. Kinda crazy...turned 70 on fathers day...47 years with beautiful wife on the first...eventful month. Many more fathers days to you all.
  7. Was invited to fish a place or two in Alaska...had bears close on all of them....note to self...will not fish Alaska unless in a boat....can't pack that many shorts. While beautiful and pristine and all the odds that are on your side....gimmie bass fishing down south.
  8. Lifting....so sorry. We never know when it's our turn...all the best to you and yours.
  9. Sadness.....we can live by example....so tuff to tell people what and how to live. We all know better...and have the answers.... (So we think) Lifted
  10. Interesting
  11. Good fishery...especially if timing is right.
  12. Do you find you fish more or tie more??
  13. My pockets started to look like squirrel cheeks!!!
  14. Lifting....all the very best. Smooth travels
  15. Well...did it....didn't want a European handbag but I needed something to carry all the garbage my new life requires and I must admit has really helped. Hard candy for diabetic surprises Face mask Pain meds Glasses Now phone Not a big deal but was a pain always putting all in pocket...now just leave it go. Even helps on fishing trips. Actually used to use for this....now...new use. I know this is a Duh...but hey...drinking coffee...thought would share
  16. One day at a time....good for you. Not going to try and list other doctor visits I have to make...told myself it's just reminders of krap...don't need em. Easier said than done but we gotta have goals right!!! All the best ...
  17. Thanks....crazy
  18. Well as some of your know cancer bumped into my retirement .... but have good friends take fishing me sometimes. Planning isn't all it's cracked out to be. Wife and I retired at 65 and 69. Bought a dream boat...truck....live down the street from grand kids....water....other relatives on west coat.........perfect. Six months later...brain cancer....enjoy today...tomorrow has enough troubles of it's own.
  19. Now it's Hooney.....off to the lake with our son....dinner at five please!!!
  20. After leaving the cancer Doc and receiving news that the brain tumor is actually shrinking right now...crazy...wify and I are smiling right now. The adventure continues...yes. Went fishing last night..was very unsteady I guess....tripped in boat...and yes another rod goes down....I'm just smiling....I didn't go over or break anything "except another rod". OMG. So glad I've got a bunch....son's just not going to get as many!! Could be sitting in a chair three or four days after treatments but !@#$great life that would be....so. You all be blessed...I am. P.S. Just hit the wrong key and don't know how to fix...please excuse the mistakes....
  21. Lot of food sources for bass in our rivers...eels being one of the...they come in all sizes and I believe they are egg born and grow..how fast...well people in higher pay groups know this. Texas rigged worm been a staple for a long time.
  22. Don't know if its the brain cancer...meds...people...but just sitting here drinking a cup and lowering my head for a pause. May God bless you all....
  23. Will be 70 in a few days...a few stoppers have developed but they are only slow me downers right now. Parncreus is playing games right now...jut had three days of fun....NOT....all is well and moving on. Planning on golfing with wife tonight....fingers crossed for couples league. Looking way ahead have the Tuesday night fishing tourney. So do look forward to doing this with my son. Another couple friends take me out on occasion...amazing people to take the time. My wife....is the best....when my driving was taken away she was there....always has be....we just had our 47. GOD...family...fishing....one day at a time...thank you Lord
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