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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. A planet that fights against itself.....hhhmmmm...intelligence......hmmmm questionable.!!!
  2. With my brain on overload everyday anyway I'll have to just keep up on "BR"...and hope for the best!! Oh...and hope the doc's keep it pumping for awhile ...And as an old commentator used to say...STAND BY FOR NEWS.
  3. BassResource...thank you...you've done good...thank you everyone else for your input... NOW....off for that second cup and smiles and counting hours for next fishing adventure.
  4. Best of luck....
  5. Actually looked at this for quite some time...Normal...myself and many others will never see this again...but I do hope and pray for better and stronger times for you all....we are in quite an adventure where positive needs to prevail.... Tight lines and better for you all
  6. Sitting here having coffee and chuckling so had to share. I'm sure this has happened once or twice to you all. Last night we fished a small tourney and it was tough. I::t was hot...water hot..got dark quick...even a little of natures grumbling in the background. We had nothing of a three fish limit in our livewell...nada. Half hour before weigh in we are talking avoiding the cluster and leaving. Last cast...put one small one on the deck and "bink"...off the hook and swiming ...comes off and away it goes...across the deck and swimming off....an OMG...smiles...couple comments in good taste and next cast. Next cast....two pounder!!!!!wow...could it be....nope...one and done and on the road in ten. It was shuda cuda...darn it....not meant to be with black clouds also and noise promoted us to load the boat. All good
  7. Fished them too a number if tears ago. Organizers want to make a dime too and nothing wrong in my opinion...we all have a choice. Had fun.
  8. So sad...lot's of this $#@! going on.
  9. Looks good....found out many years ago the more skilled I got ...the more honey do's I was presented....now I just want to fish and golf.... Especially when the significant other says....When ya going to do ........... Gotta have limits....
  10. Few days ago had a quickie come through....had some dime size hail whack us....actually twice in the last couple weeks. Glad it passed through quickly. Sunshine and muggy five minutes later. Like people say...wait five minutes and it will change.
  11. Personal would be hesitant to recommend over the counter myself. Am not licensed or an expert to recommend. I got lucky with a good friends recommendation along with some CBD candies I take once in awhile. I have since done more reading and would probably not buy from a gas station or similar but go to several shops and ask questions and do a little reading. From what I understand some work...some not so much....also it's supposedly not going to kill ya...it just works or not and it is very subtle...not like taking an aspirin. You may have to try a couple kinds....we are all built different. An example may be....you look at a half dozen shops...there's several customers at a couple and the place looks clean at a couple...other shops...not so much...you pick!? Anyway...good luck to Dad....all the best. Nothing good is usually easy.... Now Docs office...that is in your hands...that's a can of worms and road I ain't walking for many reasons.
  12. Been blessed to get out at least twice a week for small tourneys from five to nine. We fish a smaller lake with tons of other boaters so it's tough but it takes around ten pounds with five fish to win usually. Glad to not fish the darkness....don't trust eye's now. Fish are not huge but it's a tug.
  13. Tks....I get one day at a time....this morning tylonal is going good with the coffee....!!
  14. Not doing to bad in the catching dept...but have found color to be a big factor around here for me in. A good friend gave me some hand poured Zingers in a couple unique colors....once again color and size matters for bass....at least for me. I'm sure will be back to basics soon.
  15. Phew.......
  16. I looked at what I said and gave it some more thought...hope didn't offend anyone or confuse and don't want any cash or anything...I'm blessed and these little bumps of life are just flat entertaining to a degree. Just the fact of the matter is I do quite a bit of sitting due to life's bumps and when I do check the news I kind of shake my head and feel so sorry for upcoming evens.....from fishing to anything out doors. Changing so much and the fix's are....well....I wish you all the the very best so much. Whew...feel better...you all go get that tug.....
  17. Hope this day is much goes much better....I like to say during these times....In God I Trust...Everyone else pay cash!!! All the best......
  18. What a week...OMG. Two chemo treatments...my good friend from Idaho came out for two days to visit and fish, golfed this eve with the wife and made her proud with a birdie putt at couples golf . Was such a treat and ....well...I'm humbled to say the least. Strength is pretty good still...made it through a very busy week. I believe it was Thursday he got to experience his first real Thunderstorm. Could hardly see your hand in from of your face from the downpour. We were down the lake when it hit....Oh ...I'm just smiling....was awesome. Then it was sunshine and lollipops and off to dry out with BBQ. Oh...and guess what....another funny...rod number five bit the dust...he felt so bad...I was smiling again. Funny how things are wearing out about the same time as myself...others don't think its so funny but....hey....is what it is and now I'm doing good and can smile and waiting for a new adventure. Well...off to get a second cup and read more "BR"....tight lines all.
  19. Good for you......
  20. Good luck on your choice of moving destinations....moved to Knoxville ten years ago....Praise God....Good people, weather, fishing, doctors...we love it.
  21. Enjoy.....don't take for granted...looks like you've been blessed
  22. Lifting and wishing all the best...
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