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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. AAAHHHHHH fall...love love love. Kids in school...people going to the games or glued to the tube....what's not to like. Oh...can count those those heading to the woods to provide for the family. Pretty colors from nature....it's all good. So glad I'm still getting to fish...so glad. Tight Lines all
  2. To each their own....never been one into taking the time for standup....guess I'm a Debbie downer. Don't care for others belittling to make others laugh. I'm probably looking at it wrong.... Give me an ol movie or fishing show......
  3. Glad to see Jay up there...he used to live just down the road from us...
  4. Good luck...stay a couple days and camp...
  5. Good for you...glad you enjoyed and seems you approached open minded. Lots to learn ....
  6. Columbia was always my favorite too...but...loved the wind...kept most people off the water....rain was a bonus. Can imagine its tough packing for a yak for that river....good for you. Islands up by Dalles can be amazing.....
  7. Ahhhhhhh....fishing...love the adventures!! Nothing is cut in stone or 100 persect.
  8. Did anyone mention an old fashioned shower or even a swim once or twice a day?
  9. Thank you....life is a wild ride full of interesting adventures...all the very best to you and yours...
  10. Having lost our daughter to cancer and now battling it myself I somewhat feel your pain....we are allondfferent roads not yet traveled. You have many friends on here and I'm sure around. It might be awesome to get on the water and think and look up and remember in respect. Not sure....just talking...Sorry typing bad...hand eye goes in and out and I get tired of correcting and trying to figure out. All the best....
  11. You all did good...tks for sharing
  12. Off to Lowes Sorry......
  13. Believe these are a protected species...
  14. Think I'll stay my boring remaining days in east Tennessee and read about all your adventures....six inch worms are big enough.
  15. Glad your parents finding relief
  16. Fingers crossed...give a little time...
  17. One last cast...probably the reason I prefer to start in the morning and get a full day...as go out and just have a couple hours till dark. Try to let nature tell me the hours ... not my watch. P.S. Doesn't always work!!!
  18. Learned many years ago to approach fishing kind of like bow hunting. If we stomp through the brush or make a lot of noise in the boat we lower our chances a lot ...there's always exceptions of coarse...but being consistent is being one with nature you might say...at least that's my story and I sticking to it. It may turn a no catches day to a fish or two day.
  19. My wife watches this and insulin is horrible....among others dealing with cancer....
  20. Dry Creek...Candy...if had to choose just one....BUT I don't so have other's
  21. And again....other worlds, planets, species,...I've got enough troubles now trying to figure out how to catch a fish let alone wondering if someone, thing or power is going to beam down and who know's.....steal my fish!!!
  22. Tks....miss the fresh Dungeness from Oregon... Different crustations but comparable memories...
  23. Fished the Willamette and Columbia many years.....enjoy....great area and times.
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