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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Thanks for the smiles.....just can't quite let so many others direct an outcome of the day.....football is fine....being on the water.................AMAZING
  2. Just on a whim I had to check the football chatter.....as some of you know it's not a strong suite for me but all is good. I almost actually watched a full game Saturday....(now you know I'm layed up)!!! You all enjoy....Tight Lines
  3. Congrats on the many years and smiles... Move away from the rocks!!!!
  4. Lots of great pics......thanks
  5. Would of loved too..........going this morning and chase some white's. Ol Buddy picking me up. Gosh....have never....never been drove to a body of water this much in my life. Again Praise God for friends.
  6. Your up early "River" My best numbers bait is a good ol Berkly magot (white) and a small light wire hook...no weight. MONEY Numbers too
  7. Gray area's in "ALL" area's of giving unfortunately....fortunately caring and sharing never goes out of style.
  8. What an amazing rainy afternoon yesterday. Son picked me up and we headed to Watts bar. No one fishing on the lake.....sweet. Although it was raining.....a lot. My son and I started picking up some largemough and then some big whites. Saw some stripers chasing and he mentioned how he would like to catch one and....wow....he did. Bout a 15. We were fishing a back bay and the afternoon just came together. Rattle traps It probably took me two hours to get four rods ready again...wow...hand eye coordination.....bad....heart good....spirit good. Getting closer to heading north....probably first next week. Spoooooky.....guess it goes with season.
  9. Not sure if I've mentioned this here.....but I'm a mailman type of fisherman....or was....or maybe hope to be again. Rain....snow...sleet....hail...I was there....Then when I got up in morning and saw daylight again it was off for another adventure. Good thing I had a gracious wife who tried to give me some responsibility so I could earn gas money.
  10. Best of Luck
  11. To bed at nine....up at two.....sheeesh. Drink a cup or two and will take a nap I guess. Son taking me out today fishing....so hard to kind of accept and also "Blessed". Been so independent all my life and go go go....now it's sit...sit....Oh....gotta doc appt.....OH....pills......Oh...check out BassResource Have a great day.....ya....all
  12. 2 Cents.....Like em....perfect.....no.....fit my worms needs well.
  13. Wow....back on for a bit....this eyesight thing is a wild ride. Wife told me this morning that that the doctor called and West Coast they may have some relief.....so...sometime this morning we will try and call and cross our fingers and see where this journey goes. I'm sure it will be a dandy in many ways. Ol...boss took me fishing for a couple hours yesterday and what a joy too ....too at the sun and sunset and set the hook a few timesl My lil granddaughter came over yesterday too and it was soooooooooooo amazing too....guess I day scarred her when was going through some pain sat night....guess I'm a whooos. Back to HUGS and LOVES Tight Lines
  14. Wow........soooorrry Hard to type. And I am struggling but my wife is helping.
  15. Going into day three...wow...thank you all for the wet eye's and sand. Did something I have never ever done last night....ever. Fished the last Tuesday night with my son and it was very dark over an earlier than we usually fish. Seems it came on fast..these shorter days...anyway...with five little dinks and loosing a pint of blood to skeeters that I don't need to we smiled and called it a day. We talked about some unique things while on the water....the most interesting is to maybe make the last big one down to Lake Lanier.....was told it can be crazy in fall. Seems kind of interesting having an idea what's in store down the road...yeah....there will be a few twists and turns...some gosh awful stuff....so smiles....etc. Anyway....hear the rain...heavy...going to go grab the thicker stuff...thank your all...........
  16. WOW.....it's official. I got it....kinda of speechless....kind of a lot of things. The ol mind has a lot of thoughts going through it from ....here's a good one...should I get a flu shot!!! So guess I'll be saving some money on tackle now...or at least my honey will. There's more....some ...well... some should not be printed and the good Lord wouldn't want that either. But then I'm not one to usually overreact... Tonight my son and I are fishing the last Tuesday night for this year....gotta feed the skeeter's ya know. Tomorrow and Thursday going to pre fish Morristown on Douglas.....going to be a challenge for sure.... Friday...well Friday it's off to another cancer doctor for some ....what doctor's do. Saturday tourney....Sunday...wife'ys and mine couple's golf championship. Looking forward to this....she want's me to do a bucket list trip too....I'm thinking....she's my bucket list...we will see. Well...sand is blowing as they say...thanks for listening my friends...time to pour that second cup and try not to think to much' Tight Lines....and yes that little dink has a LOT of meaning.
  17. Before my daughter went to be with the Lord we went to a Eat and Greet in Kodak. My daughter loved them as well as my wife. She couldn't eat due to her oral cancer but her smile from meeting them up close was AWESOME. Class act.
  18. I got to go fishing couple days ago and when we pulled into the ramp...wind was howling and we came in on the right side which is now my "blind" side. Well I scratched my buddy's boat. His boat has lots of sparkle but this scratch is just in the white and about two inches long and very narrow....question is can this be fixed easily? Thank you
  19. I got to fish Watt's a couple days ago and it was an everything kinda fish day. Later in the afternoon it sounded like cinder blocks falling in water.....Stripers' were on the hunt....got one bout 20 # and we missed one. My gosh they are brutes chasing bait.
  20. Welcome back....enjoy....love those spots.
  21. Was it fun getting the trebles out!!
  22. YES.....that will be a bucket list item.
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