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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Wow....slow down....slow down. Happy New Year
  2. In bed before 10.....did turn on TV and flashed through what was on....!@#$....my oh my how things are changing....these shows.....wow. Anyway.....chemo and rad kicks my..butt need nine to ten of horizontal to get in a full day next day. Besides...wife and I will be golfing nine....maybe...maybe 18 tomorrow....I know...I know....there's football tomorrow...but if I wasn't with her I would be begging someone to take me fishing!!!
  3. The best to you all.....Tight Lines
  4. Oh.....yeah. Lifting and hoping for positive news.
  5. No more fluro main line....and this one drives me crazy.....A Carolina rig....yes it works....just not me. Don't use it.
  6. That's awesome you found something that helps.....awesome.
  7. Yup...time with son cancels !@#$ move. Start fresh.
  8. Gosh.....really hard to put this one together for me. Remember fishing in the wash bucket while grandma washed the car. No bites by the way!! Remember chasing everything that swam...everything....believe I drove parents crazy asking to go fishing. Fondest memory is probably taking my son and then his sons fishing …..wasn't always a smooth day but the good days were amazing. As I get older I just have to look up and say "Thank you" everyday I get to go.
  9. Fished with son a bit yesterday....was so beautiful. Birds were working a bit so fished the area and he got a striper about 20 pounds that kicked his butt...was awesome. I tried a spoon and got a couple bass and snagged a very strong carp. The jerkbait….once again one fish. It's all good...it's gotta click some time...right!
  10. It has been kind of interesting that I really don't hear of any "ill" effects of the CBD....it either helps or it doesn't......where as some medicinal's can really reek havoc! I'm taking six meds for cancer...plus radiation five days a week...one super (?) vitamin from doc and a loaded smoothie. Lastly I'm taking a liquid CBD... This will be my regiment for the next month...would love to dump the meds but can't and won't. Believe have got lucky and they all work together. No after effects on this ride so far other that some tiredness and crazy blood sugars. Oh....hair is leaving at a rapid rate....oh well.
  11. Love the fluffy clouds over your head....weather is so warm here...I was out yesterday too...but only one good LMB over three. Am taking out the aqua view....gotta see some of what's there!!!
  12. OMG....my little finger is crooked from arthritis and winter days on the water "was" excruciating. It's been months of no pain......whooooooohooooooooo. So glad they made legal in Tenn.
  13. Launched with friend yesterday around eleven and fished till dark....jerk bait bite is tuff for me this year.....big fat zero ...caught a couple on other baits. I've got excuses but not going to use....
  14. A while back there was some talk on this and since I've been going through some !@#$ I thought I would try the cream and also the oil. (legal stuff) I know it's not for everyone but I have given it a shot for the last three months. I will say … you would have to pry it out of my cold dead fingers. I'm making it through chemo and radiation without much problem...other than a little tiredness from all the drugs I'm also taking. Use the cream on the muscles that have been taking a beating and liking the pain be gone effects. Granddaughter gave me a dandy cold that is now gone after a couple days....used the cream on the nasal passages and was able to sleep.....whoooohoooo. Oh...along with fisherman's friend to keep throat moist. Like I said....not for everyone....but for me and several family members and friends it's a win ….win.
  15. Where's the bass!!??
  16. Thank you sir....four more weeks of radiation and then it's "road trip" Off coarse I need to expect bumps...but who knows.
  17. Been lovin the Trokar 3/0 offset worm.....was hesitant.....no more.
  18. So PROUD I gotta say I'm pretty particular and now I pretty much have everything I need. I was wanting some Suffix in yellow but it has to be ordered as stores around here just are not believers in yellow for the most part. WELL.....my son put a 300 yd spool under the tree in ten pound......sweeeeeet. Off comes the nano…..on comes the Suffix. Off to battle after radiation.....
  19. All the best..... believe me ….I know how tuff it is to not be able to hook up the boat on these beautiful winter days'…...OMG waiting to hear some good news. High Light of my last two days is ….it's official...radiation is now claiming my hair on left side of head!!!
  20. Very Merry Christmas to all....thanks for the neat pics.
  21. Appreciate this....but am going to pass on guides. Over the years I have had a number of them...maybe it's just !@#$ luck but have never been happy happy at the end of a day with guides. I'm sure their fine people but I have not been lucky. I've got so many things going on in this head right now that I'm just trying to stay positive. I've had a couple people willing to share some area's and since probably won't be back they're good with it....it's all good....it's an aventure as my grand son would say. Thank you
  22. On Shasta me and a bud caught them at 100 feet....had to let em go quick and shortly after we left for shallower fish....
  23. Just WOW.....WOW Good for you all
  24. Plan a road trip!!??
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