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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. There sure seems to be a lot more artists out east here that paint plugs than back out west. I've been on the lookout for bluegill cranks with orange on the bottom and it's hard to find. But there are lots of beautiful cranks. Tight Lines
  2. Thank you much. Merry Christmas to all also. May Peace, Health, Happyness prevail. OH...and many Tight Lines. May God Bless
  3. Don't get to spend enough time as it is on the water without adding another interest. Will stick to fishing
  4. I will say i don't just go on the water to wet a line....oh noooo....I have too much invested and I'm competitive. My dad used to say "it's just good to be on the water". Well my dad wasn't a very good fisherman and he didn't get many fish. I go fishing to catch fish but like i mentioned I'm not as intense as I was when I was paying a bunch of money to fish. I'm literaly glad to be able to spend time on the water. Being on your back for a period of time gives ya lots of time to think. It will be interesting to see how I approach tourneys this year. I hope it's one bite at a time and their all big. Merry Christmas to all and tight lines.
  5. After being so sick I find I'm much more patient and not so tense on the water. I enjoy what the good Lord has created and he's letting me fish another day. Fish for one bite at a time. Tight Lines
  6. Seattle must be saving themselves....Slumps over and it's on to wins!!!!
  7. I use a Regal and have had it for years and years. Started tying flys with it and moved up to large jigs many years ago and its been a battleship for holding up and a great company to work with. Expensive yes...but when measured over the years it's been reasonable. Tight Lines P.S. I like the freestanding base and also if you can get a notch in the tip it's even better.
  8. Tubes...Dry Creek Outfitters...Idaho
  9. Shouldn't have to much competition if you shake off ice and drive slow to lake!!!
  10. I've got more of these things than I have sense. All kinds from Lucky Craft to whatever. Have collected a lot over the years but my arm just doesn't like fishin em. I look at em on my shelves once in awhile and even have a couple in the boat but haven't gotten on this bite in a long time. Good Luck
  11. I usually ask the good Lord to come fishing with me and help me to think clearly and to please watch over my family. But I like going through all my tackle anyway so its usually always ready for battle. I usually have a routine for hooking up boat and such so that nothing is forgotten. Pretty much hook up and go fish.
  12. First tie fluro to shank....tie fly...and then fold doubled up fluro(or whatever you want to do) and tie off at head. A touch of sally hansens makes it forever.
  13. Will try and have friend post a couple pics
  14. Two times come to mind although I would not like to be that boat in that pic!!! Once on the Columbia River bar when I was a bit younger many years ago I actually remember having a silver salmon on and watching it swim accross and through the wave above our heads(just like TV) while we were in a trough and the captain saying .... get that fish in and we are out of here. Second time was taking waves up to the second deck on a Destroyer Escort off of Seattle, Wa. Lots of funny smells that trip. Tight Lines
  15. Well...research is going well... .....I have doubled up on 17# silverthread fluro and it's awesome. Have missed a couple fish but I've done that on everything I use. The twisted fluro holds up well. Will try to send pics someday. (sorry) Tight Lines
  16. Wow..Seattle gave the Giants five interceptions!! Defense was lookin good.
  17. Have used a snap for many years.....very little if any problems. Speed traps are awesome.....bought a bunch of em before they went overseas.
  18. Awesome....and ditto to the thank you for serving.
  19. No complaints....I'm getting to fish and it ain't been bad.
  20. Oh...did we just have a Friday the 13!! Get well soon.
  21. I love putting a weight inside a tube an skipping under a dock. Drop shotting in shallow water not to bad either.
  22. There was a lot more that bothered me before I had my bout with acute pancreatitus. Not even wanting to pick up a fishing rod for a couple months was very strange when I look back on it. Now I'm blessed to be able to go again. Yeah costs keep me close to home...dang co-payments to docs keep me close. Praise the Lord I live close to several lakes here in Tennessee. So yeah I hate the garbage...think I'm going to take a plastic bag along and spend five minutes on way back putting some other people's ?!@$ in it. I'm going to look at some of these people at the launch who can't seem to launch their boat and load their stuff untill they are right in the middle of the ramp with several people waiting. I'll just shake my head and maybe...maybe ask if they need help. The people who just pull in on me...well...thats a tough one but guess I'll have to work on that one and just shake my head maybe turn on big motor and leave quickly to get out of his way. Tight Lines....Merry Christmas
  23. Pouring down rain now....supposed to be nice rest of week whooohooo. Hope to get out and fish some hair and educate some bass.
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