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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Local bass shops should be able to help.
  2. Dry Creek...4 inch...
  3. All the best to you and yours
  4. Just got back from radiation...(five more). That along with the steroids is an OMG ride. Doc said today will feel stronger after next week....BUT when body starts healing I will feel week again for a couple weeks...has to do with the insulators around some kind of nerve thing. Can ya tell it's over my head Anyway....you all keep up the good work.
  5. Looking good....but afraid if I looked at video's I would sleep for three days right now!!!
  6. Thanks all....I will too mention that Sunday I slept ten plus hours plus wife and I went shopping for groceries. Also had two naps...one before and one afternoon. Sheeeeesh
  7. I had mentioned in another post I was getting to fish a small tourney yesterday. Well....did a lot of fishing...not much catching. Weather wasn't to bad except for the major wind storm. We both had bites but I think I'm way....way to quick on the draw. Could make a lot of excuses but .... end of the day fact was it was great to be out with a friend...the anticipation...getting tackle ready and feeling good about doing it again. And ... I didn't fall in....sweet. Tight Lines
  8. Love life too...
  9. I may be to "radiated" and have mentioned this before but how many of you when you have a tourney planned the next day or just get to go with friends wake up every two hours or maybe three so that you don't over sleep. Thought I would grow out of this but ... almost seventy...under several meds and such and last night I did this and finally woke up at last ten minutes before alarm...stayed up! While under this chemo/radiation I usually sleep eight and then take a nap when get home....NOT TODAY..... Kind of funny Tight Lines ALL
  10. Thank you for sharing....good news. Have fun Sunday..... Have been wondering.
  11. Personally....a day at the show and a day on the water would be awesome.
  12. Well...was windy and a bit chilly yesterday morning but after radiation it was off to the lake for a few hours. A good friend asked me to fish a tourney this Saturday that was one we had fished last year at this same time on a lake close by. Will be a test as I haven't fished a whole day yet...was going to try and wait till after radiation was done...well....it's close...seven days...so will give it a go. Don't have to worry about too much sun...supposed to rain all day...but temps are supposed to be in the low seventy's!!! Crazy. We were able to eliminate a lot of water yesterday too!!!
  13. Sad have to use reason to get away from wife to get out....but.... Anyway info above is good....low and slow...jerks...ned...side of deeper points would be a good choice for me... At least it worked yesterday for a couple...was tough...but good to get out in fresh air.
  14. There's a bit more safety in a campground too....slept in my truck for years in various places out west and up and down the coast....would not do it now....too many !@#$
  15. You all are a rugged bunch.....wow...
  16. Yup...have use this one for years with much success....also do what "G" does. Two ounce weight with a clip for other retrieves....not fool proof but amazing.
  17. Major eeeeeeek....along with Oregon.....brothers from other mothers....
  18. Should force myself to fish a carolina rig.......no....maybe....now I can say lifes to short!!!!
  19. Hard to pass up any boat ramp early in the morning!! Especially if your looking for a view of nature with a cup of joe.
  20. I love my nine's on my Vexus and will probably never upgrade...this is in the cards. Do I use them every time on the lake....no. Planning on fishing a couple bucket list lakes and will look forward to using them so i don't run over rocks. Like watching fishing shows.....just as much too as I like watching fishing shows on my nine's. Well...it's better... I can "sometimes" catch those fish I see on the nine's. Tight Lines
  21. All good advice....my favorite piece of gear is the old North Face down vest...but it must be under other windproof clothing...it is awesome in keeping the core warm. Number two I wear Nitrite gloves under other gloves if really cold. Yes you sweat....yes it too keeps the wind off and helps huge. Just started using this item as I'm getting more sensitive....stick on lower back and shoulder warmers.....amazing. But yes ... follow the above in layering.
  22. Well week four is almost behind me....sheeesh....do so hope the next scan is a gud un......Did golf 18 yesterday with the wife and was nice. First 18 in over ....sheeesh...can't remember. At least was able to move this morning....tired ....but moving. So....so glad not chair bound...would be easy. May have to see if can talk someone into fishing in the rain!!
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