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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Best of wishes for your dad.
  2. Wanted to be a game warden but when I started going through school and went to first interview a warden with coke bottle glasses said I couldn't qualify due to wearing glasses!! So..having just got married at 23 I got the first job I could and worked for Hewlett Packard for 23 years...my wife had a decent job...kids were moving on ...thought about bass fishing. Wife said try it....I did and was in the black until daughter got cancer and life changed. Worked as an assistant manager for couple sporting goods stores and this was fun but long hours...tried a hot dog cart with daughter while going through cancer....this was interesting in many senses of the word. Manly helped her take her mind of her health. Then my health went through the bumps. My best jobs were working at a golf course and professional fishing.
  3. Does look good....but those days of spicy are gone.....:(
  4. Could be.....Brad Perkins is new owner. His son is a big part of business too.....good people. They make some great saltwater bait colors too.
  5. Believe Dry Creek purchased Outlaw baits....Have known them both for years...good people.
  6. Thank you all...like fishing in the rain....have less company on the water. I have Guide wear and the neoprene is just not tight enough. Tried cutting off the bottoms of some koozy's and putting over wrists.....nope. Anyway...thanks
  7. I've tried a number of things to stop rain from running down my arms after several hours of fishing....anyone got a good one. I've got quality raingear but maybe I'm getting to skinny in the wrists. Thank you
  8. Dry Creek tubes....been using for years....homemade in Idaho.
  9. Went on a three day fishing trip up to Cumberland this last week with a good friend. From what we heard we did real well...conditions were tough but we got into the smallies, spots and largemouth. Had three weather systems to fish....very windy and cold first day and worst day. Second day cloudy and warm...probably 17 lbs for best five....amazing. Last day rainy...did I say rainy. Fishing was good till about ten and then they moved out deep so got tough. Very fun. As long as I slept around nine or ten hours (ugh..never did this before) and took my meds things weren't bad. Go to Duke in less than a week so trying to stay positive...very hard...having difficulty relying on people helping. Hard to describe....very. Anyway...tight lines
  10. So much tragedy going on right now it seems....so sad...praying for brighter days.
  11. Wasn't sure if I should even say anything but if your bored you can read this. It's week one after the chemo/radiation. First....I hope NO....Body has to go through this..... a cure is found soon. So glad my head doesn't feel like it's on fire so much....second I went to the Sportsman's show on Thurs...golfing nine holes with wife on Saturday...(almost got into 40's) but still working on the vision thing...crazy. And then went fishing for a few hours on Sunday...was rough but buddy got a few smallies. Then went and watched grandkids for four hours in evening. Was a long weekend ....one of which I don't think I could have pulled off a couple weeks ago.. Every day is still unique with the vision and strength thing...voice once in awhile about things not going fast enough and get another lecture on what went through. Two week count down to going back to Duke to find out what they got...what I do...and what road is next. Fingers crossed weather is decent...fish are biting...they make the holes bigger at golf coarse...and last but not least...gradkids don't get us sick!!! Tight Lines
  12. Gosh...just read this while waiting to "get picked up to go fishing" So hard to not feel in control. Feel your pain about what's going on. It's a huge patience game. I'll be so so glad when the swelling goes down in my head...it is but OMG it's taking it's freeking time. All the best to you and will keep lifting you up... I remember I used to tie hundreds of jigs and such in minutes....now..."laughing" it takes forever. Go catch one bud....
  13. Have shook his hand many times and it was a solid shake. Saw him for the last time at the Classic here in Tennessee and walked up to him and shook his hand and mentioned that he really confused me me now!!! He tilted his head and said whys that. Well....I said... you made a great boat in Ranger and I am finally able to get one even though it will be tin. BUT...then you helped create Vexus.....now I'm confused. He smiled...and said ... son... do your research. So at almost seventy years of age I did some more. Thank you Forest....may you rest in peace
  14. Good luck to you two
  15. Still fishing the Nitrix style glove....really really cold will wear some finger less Cheap and effective. Yes you tear a few ....
  16. Squeeze down the barb yourself...easy pezy. Good set of pliers.....done
  17. I was able to go yesterday...I do like and enjoy going to a show like this compared to what we had back in Oregon...Oh My Seems like attendance was down for a Thursday this year and there wasn't as many booths. I know it was a lot easier to get around for this "blind guy" Still liked it though...but big purchase was Honey Almonds for the wife. :)
  18. Road trip sounds needed.....
  19. Congrats to you and the other success stories...just finished radiation this week. Get a three week vacation from chemo and then it's off to duke for lookie see's on if anything has helped. Will be a long...short three weeks. May your lives get stronger and stronger...
  20. Feel your pain....lost our daughter to cancer. NO WORDS can express...will be lifting up some more...
  21. All the very best.....
  22. Feel is important....very. I believe being a line watcher is even more.
  23. Oh....right now the plans will be to be there Thursday...like the fact can sleep in and not be there till two!!
  24. Would be an awesome trip. Will be doing some short ones myself here hopefully in a couple weeks or less. Kind of depends on doc reports...this is the year of chasing some spots I think. Safe travels to ya...
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