Tom- I am a straight braid kind of guy 90% of the time and my fishing partner is 100% braid. I fish mostly heavily weeded lakes and more times than not visibility is in the .5-3 foot range. Personally I am unsure and undecided on my stance of this topic. There are numerous dimensions of line that could cause a fish to become line shy. Lake type and confidence has me fishing mostly braid.
I have a feeling that you have more insight to line shy bass than just the line I bolded in your statement above. You have a wealth of bass knowledge and if you would further your opinion i think a lot of us would appreciate it. You have posed a great question but not much of your thoughts on the matter.
How many anglers on your lakes do you think run straight braid setups? If it is not that many than do these bass realize what braid is? How does it affect them? Why does it affect them? Is it the color/visibility issue? Is it the action it imparts on the lure by floating vs sinking of fluorocarbon? Does any type of heavier line vs lighter line cause bass to become more line shy, even if its Fluoro? If so what is the factor causing them to become line shy? Is it due to visibility, can they feel the line itself, is it the difference in lure action, rate of fall, etc etc etc.
Every fish is different, every body of water is different, and peoples opinion differ. It's easy to say that bass are line shy, wether thats fact or marketing I'm not sure.