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Everything posted by Raul

  1. Of course, the dead sticking ocassionally twitching the crank is better done with a jerkbait, that 's exactly how I nailed my first 10 pounder.
  2. Shimano Symetre Daiwa Theory ( on sale at TW for $60 )
  3. Each balsa bait is unique, there are no two alike.
  4. I can thoroughly backlash a Calais DC and theoretically speaking I 've got a lot of practice not backlashing. : The beast is never tamed, just it 's maintained under control, do something stoopid and it 's gonna pounce on you.
  5. True to a certain point Muddy, Riverside was incorporated to the PRADCO conglomerate to which Fred Arbogast, Excalibur, YUM, Heddon, Rebel, Cotton Cordell, Creek Chub, Booyah, Smithwick, Silver Thread, Bomber & lazy Ike belong. Actually nowdays the Riverside brand has been dissapeared from the face of the planet. The Riverside site still exists, you click on it and it links you to Lurenet but the catalog shows nothing.
  6. You still don 't convince me Avid, I can 't stand the game even though I played the game as a goalie, when you live in an hispanic country it 's either soccer you play as a child or soccer you play as a child, there 's not much from where to choose, our schools don 't have american football or baseball fields specially when you live in a city, good basketball courts are expensive to build and most schools don 't have them and if they happen to have them they are on the outdoors and with concrete floor, besides that, none of your buddies wants to play basketball, soccer is all what they have in mind all the time. The only time I "enjoyed" the sport was when we played salon soccer in, guess where ? the basketball courts nobody used to play basketball.
  7. Exactly ! Mizu no kokoro "Mind as clear as water" Which in plain good ole redneck English ( easily understandable ) means: Free you mind ...... your arse will follow.
  8. Are there any compelling reasons I should abandon an old friend Yes there are, when you are going to change that old friend for a newer friend: I 've got two of those in mint condition I inherited from my cousin after he passed away. I don 't fish with them, they are just sitting there in their boxes.
  9. I flip a lot, my old Abus have a flipping switch feature that I forget the reel has 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time.
  10. Aside from the gentlemen already mentioned Mattman from Otterrods.
  11. As gear becomes more sophisticated anglers forget that what always been there catches fish, the Scoundrel and another old reliable, the in-line spinner will still catch you fish.
  12. A 28 gal tank is TOO SMALL for an Oscar, add to that that Oscars love to dig up the decoration.
  13. My take is: If it 's brand spankin new model I wait for at least 6 months before I even consider jumping on the wagon. Speacially when it comes to lower end. Been roasted in the past with the newest before, won 't make the same mistake again, even if it 's only 60 dollars.
  14. Just a pat on the back with one hand while with the other I point out the direction.
  15. One of the reasons why most people suck at crankbaiting is just because they really don 't get that crankbaiting IS A CONTACT SPORT. Get it straight guys: IF YOU ARE NOT FISHING WITH A CRANKBAIT WHERE IT 'S GOING TO HANG UP YOU ARE NOT FISHING IT WHERE THE FISH ARE. Another mistake: Dude crankbaits ain 't for reeling in in straight line. Another mistake: Dude, there ain 't no point in you castin right next to the stump, standing tree or whatever, you cast PAST THEM so when the bait passes next to them, on top of them or into them limbs you have it running at it 's max diving depth. Don 't wanna your baits with scratches, shaved lips, peeled finish ? don 't fish with carnkbaits.
  16. Delo 's, with the mail in rebate you get it for $130.
  17. Yup, got the three of them. Has anyone ever fished with one of these? Well I couldn 't say Matt 's gill and Matt 's BB are killa baits if I hadn 't fished with them. The LC Real California is a good bait even though it 's relatively small, what I catch with it are mostly smaller fish in the 1 to 3 pound range, haven 't caught anything decent with it yet. With hard swimbaits it 's better to go for the larger baits.
  18. Look's like to me you have a grasp on the "Daiwa Master" situation, especially the 6 Alphas thing. I thought I was bad. Keep up the good work guys ! ( yeah right, look who 's talking : ) He who dies with the most fishin ' stuff wins the game. But still, I have as many Shimanos as I have Daiwas, ya know, to keep the balance.
  19. It snowed yesterday again in the sierra and with the wind coming down from the sierra into the valley where the city is located it feels like I 'm standing naked in front of the fridge with the door open.
  20. Regardless of what pattern you choose, the Matt 's gill is a killa bait my man, killa bait.
  21. Weeeelllll, you could have asked first ya know. Should have opened a new threat, sorry I mean thread, entitled: "I 'm about to jump off the cliff on MB lures, where should I jump from " or something along those lines, always a pleasure to give a fellow BR member a pat on the back.
  22. Low 2°C, high 18°C which is about .....lemme do the math.... low 35°F, high 65°F. Freezing temperatures for us warm loving critters down here . Add to that the wind and ........ BRRRRRRRR ! :-X
  23. Wellllllll, I 'm Hispanic, I live in a Hispanic country, theoretically speaking I should have soccer riveted to my genes and I swear, I just can 't stand soccer. I prefer American Football.
  24. LC, there are tons of people and companies that carry LCs. Megabass, the last place I would purchase Megabass is preciselly from Megabass USA, there are many highly recommendale e-bay stores that have better prices and a whole lot more assortment of baits than Megabass USA. Sayaka, Sushilure, Lures of Japan, Shimreels tackle, Papaiyamangos are some of the places I order my MB baits and never ever had a problem with them.
  25. Tilapia is a warm water species only, it can 't stand the cold. Most bass in Mexico feed on tilapia, it 's super abundant ( beacuse it 's stocked by the government ) plus it spwans anywhere from 2-5 times a year so bass have a large supply of bite size fish to chew on all year long. Now, if you are still in the "match the hatch" school of thought just to let you know, tilapia are colored from black to gray to blue all the way down to bright orange ( pretty much like a goldfish ) so "tilapia" pattern bait ....... I don 't think so. :
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