The BaitMonkey usually does the buying, I just pay the bill, he 's a sucker for pretty colored baits, me being a tackle junkie I just gotta get a big bunch of baits in the colors he chooses. Simple process.
Which is the best color for swimbaits ? :-? .... now that 's a tough one :-/, ok now let 's see ..... in my neck of the woods bass have never seen a rainbow trout and rainbow trout patterned baits work well, there ain 't no shad either and those work too, guess what ? there ain 't no oikawa nor peacock bass either and those work too.
Yup, there is a simple breakdown, right now I feel like fishing with a red shad worm or parrot crankbait, twenty minutes later I 'm bored and I change to let 's say chartreuse worm or a hot mustard crankbait
Well it does change with the time of the day for the reasons I explained above, it was no rocket science, it was my mood.
Color is one of the things that has a place in my list when choosing a bait but there are a lot of more important things to me to choose before choosing color.