But they bark, and bark and bark ad inifinitum !; I 'm a veterinarian, I don 't mind much about dogs barking but Schanuzers ........ , the pitch of the bark can drive me nuts instantly, can 't stand one bark of them less alone several.
I would go for something small, compact size, don 't shed much, look funny, don 't bark much either and the bark isn 't bothering, a lot less crazy than a Jack Russel, athletic build, no need for "grooming" ----> Smooth Fox Terrier
I know a couple that breeds top show quality Foxies,here in Mexico City ( Sandra & Felipe Lara ), they inherited all Sergio Balcazar 's breeding stock when he passed away ( search for Son Es "El Matador" or Son Es " DaVinci" or Son Es OGT ):
Pic of Matador ( don 't remember the year but he won Best of Breed at Westminter ):
Pic of OGT: