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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. That is the place. There are ramps on both the north and south side. Depending on water level you can go through the Weir on the west , to go west on the alley. I will be there tomorrow. What boat do you have ? I will keep an eye out for you.
  2. Right now the glades is hot. Especially for little kids. Catch rates right now are at 100+ fish. They are not huge fish right now however to a little kid 1-2lb fish are awesome. Heck for an adult its awesome. Easiest place is off alligator alle, multiple ramps and easily accessible. Baits, soft plastics of all sorts, top waters of all sorts. I will be out there also. Good luck and have fun. Shiners are not really needed. Up to you.
  3. I looked at the chatillon scales. They look pretty good, and based on the description, they are top notch. I just might consider one.
  4. Thanks for the recommendation, J.Franco.
  5. Fstr385, just took your advice. Thank you. I checked the dumbbells with another scale just now and it is registering the DB weight. So is the Berkley handheld running 1lb give and take to light?? Silly I know, its just my OCD kicked in. LOL.
  6. Cool, thanks for the reply's guys J. Franco the batteries are fairly new. Great fish, either way I know. But when you are shooting for PB's at least for me, ( its goal of mine) it stings a little if its equipment error.
  7. I had to bring this up to all of you, it seems obvious but I had to share especially if it involves a PB. I posted this pic on the fishing report page on Sun of a nice fish that I caught. My Berkley handheld scale read 7lbs 1oz. Do not get me wrong. I was pumped. However yesterday as I played everything in my head something didn't seem right. So today I wanted to test my scale. I have dumbbells that weigh 5lbs, 8lbs, and 10lbs. When I weighed them using the handheld the 5lb weight read: 3lbs 13oz. The 8lb weight read: 7lbs 3oz. The 10lb weight read 9lb 0oz. So is it safe to assume that I caught a 8lb fish?? Pls chime in. We are talking my PB which has taken me years to beat. Thanks in advance. Here is the fish again.
  8. I am working on shakey head and jigs. Not bad so far.
  9. I just caught this beauty 15 min ago, and my heart is pounding and my hands are still shaking. She came in at 7lbs 1oz. I was walking the bank this afternoon with no luck until I came across an area that looked great for a bed. Lo and behold I see a shadow on the out skirts of the bed. Since its so windy the water was a bit murky and the water was casting the shadows off the bank. For a second I thought it was a grass carp and then she tilted to the side and it was confirmed. I stuck with this fish for over an hour on the same spot. She striked once and I set to early and missed. My HEART was pounding!!! I thought I missed my chance. I shook it off and kept at it. She starting to get aggravated when another nice bass swam around her and at the same time my little zoom french fry dropped in front of her and she inhaled it. GAME ON!!! I fought with her for a while until she tired out, meanwhile I had to find a location to land her. There was no way to lift her, my rod would have broke in half. I extended my body and leaned against the bank until I dragged her to me and .... Game Over. Took her weight, snapped a pic, walked her back to the water and off she went. She will live to fight another day.
  10. Congrats. Life takes another new meaning right there.
  11. What part of town do you live in? You may want to checkout commerce centers or warehouse districts that have lakes or canals around them. During the week these places are busy however during the weekend these places are ghost towns. You can have the peace and quiet you want in an urban environment. I justed posted a pic in the fishing report forum. I caught that fish yesterday right in front of Opa Locka airport. I was the only one fishing the canal, until a guy saw me catch that fish and he u-turned, parked his car, took out a rod and started fishing yards away from me. The funny thing is that there are miles and miles of canals and he had to park and fish right where I was. LOL. It is what it is.
  12. I was able to get out to a local canal close to me yesterday late afternoon. Started with a swimbait, had some looks no takers however. For the heck of it I threw a strike king bitsy jig with a small trailer and I landed this beauty. I missed another two that were bigger, I was bit disappointed with myself, but I know what to correct for next time.
  13. The idea is a good one and I lean toward what Long Mike said. The "search" box on the top right of this page is a great tool. When I begin my research for any equipment or tackle, that is the first place I begin. My opinion is that new comers get so excited to join in on topics that they fail to get familiarized with BR and all the tools it can offer.
  14. Now I see what you guys are talking about. Leeches inside the mouth. I have only seen this a couple of times. I thought you guys were referring to the critters that are on the outside of the bass's body. They are small little things, usually on their backs. They seem to glide and move around on the slime.
  15. Nope. Keep it away from your mouth and do not breath in fumes if your making your own weights.
  16. Looks like the poor bass days are numbered.
  17. Parasites are pretty common. I see little critters on bass all the time. Study a bass up close next time and you will be suprised what you see.
  18. I hear you Brian. Odd is a nice way to put it. Did you have it removed with the cystoscope? (The long wire looking thing with pincers). An hour after I had the stent removed that whole area went into a spasm. I thought I was passing a stone again. After a half hour, I was fine. You are right with the advice you gave Jake. Drink plenty of fluids. Make it a habit from this point forward.
  19. If you are feeling it south of your bladder then drink plenty of fluids and it should pass. The procedure I had to have done was a lithotripsy. They had to put me under and they inserted some device thru my man parts and they pulverize the stone. After, they insert a stent from your kidney to your bladder for a few days so that debris of the procedure could continue passing. If you think what I am describing is uncomfortable it is. I can say, that I do not miss those excrutiating bouts of pain. Good luck.
  20. I feel for you brother. I had a Kidney stone this past thanksgiving and I could not pass it. Apparently, I have small ureters and I could not pass 3mm stone. I had to have a procedure done to have it it removed. Go to your urologist and he will guide you the right way.
  21. Save your money. Master the uni to uni if its easier for you. I personally like the alberto knot I find it easier to tie with braid to fluro. Practice... practice... practice.
  22. I started two piece many moons ago, it was easy to transport. If transport is not an issue, i would lean toward a one piece. There's nothing like casting a two piece during a critical cast and the top piece flies off.
  23. Nice pics. I told you it was a Snakehead. LOL. Revenge is sweet in bassfishing.
  24. The only area that I know of around homestead is a little more south of you called the aero jet canal. Look it up. LMB and peacocks are caught there.
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