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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. Regardless of the number, its a nice fish. None of us will ever know the weight. You did the next best thing and ordered yourself a scale.
  2. RW no pic?? It's funny, you make it sound like you know all the fish in your fishing spot and the fish you caught was a new stranger in town. LOL. Culverts are excellent places to fish this time of year. I caught a bass nearly weighing 7lbs in culvert yesterday evening.
  3. Fish_Whisperer it's unfortunate that you had that experience. Fortunately, the thieves were caught but I can understand the loss of the pics. I would take two things from the experience you encountered. 1. Have someone, that you know preferably, teach you how to back up your pics and contacts to an external source. 2. Pack light, when you bank fish. Carry a back pack or what I carry, Columbia fanny type pack. Carry the essential lures that are a must in your part of the world. Bank fishing can be extremely rewarding, but sadly, dangerous. People can be observing you while you are clueless, minding your own business fishing. I fish in urban canals a lot and I have to have eyes in the back of my head at all times. You never know who will approach you. Fortunately, for me so far, everyone who approaches me are friendly.
  4. When I was younger and less experienced, I would throw live bait. Now, at this stage, if I have to resort in to throwing live bait, I may just not fish at all. For me it's the thrill of the hunt and challenge to convince a fish that this artificial thing I am presenting is edible. But, like someone mentioned earlier, if others use live bait, good for them. As long as they are following the rules and laws, I am cool with it.
  5. Persistence pays off. I have been striking out for days, I just came back from a canal by my house. I fished for about 1/2 hour, and was fortunate enough to land and release a bass weighing in at 6lb 10oz. When will I catch another fish? I do not know. But I do know, if I do not try, I will definitely not catch a thing.
  6. Wow, 20 inches. I was way off. Either way, great catch. Frogs can be replaced.
  7. I feel for you. The day I caught my PB, which was a very long time ago, I lost a bigger fish the same day on a spinnerbait. This thing almost yanked the rod from my hands. Before I could react, it leapt in the air, shook her massive head, spinnerbait went one way and she went the other. Fortunately, I caught my PB a little while after.
  8. Bass fishing to me is like yoga to a yogi. Bass fishing is my "out" I love my family very dearly, however, every so often I need to plug out and just go bass fishing. When I come back home from a long trip , I will be exhausted, but clear minded.
  9. AK, the only thing remotely close to pike down here is its cousin chain pickerel. They run small and sleek. They do have teeth. I have not seen a chain pickerel for several years now. As far as the jaguar, they do not grow very big. FWC mentioned the record is around 3lbs. I personally have never caught any of the Northern fish you mentioned. Peacocks are very strong and relentless fighters. The only thing I can compare pea's to are LMB. Pea's beat LMB in ferocity, strength, and aggressiveness, in my opinion. However, I fish for LMB 90% of the time. If I see a decent pea to go after, I will. Hence the picture a couple of weeks ago.
  10. Thank you for sharing. I have not been at lox for while, but I figured it has to do with moving water. Thanks again for the tip.
  11. You guys are doing great up there. I am going to have move up North in the summer. LOL, because down here its pitiful. The heat and humidity make you feel like your in a convection oven all day.
  12. Looks little I would say 15-16 incher.
  13. Snook, I agree, they do not come remotely close in fighting like a peacock. The individual may have confused them for another fish.
  14. What was the code Mike if you do not mind sharing?
  15. Just wanted to show all of you not from South Florida, another exotic. This one is called a Jaguar Guapote. They are pretty. Do not fight much, but do have teeth. Enjoy!!
  16. Yeah, topwaterrob, Holiday is underwater, it will be months before it even gets decent. I keep saying I am done for the summer on each outing, and I am at it again the next day. For example today, I will be out there working on a technique that has been around for eons and I just read about it. If it works I will post pics , if it doesn't , well you know the rest.
  17. Walking a frog is important to learn, however it's not critical. You will still catch plenty of bass, while you are learning to walk the frog.
  18. I am also a St. Croix fan, however in the past when I get a nice new reel, my budget does not allow me to get higher end St. Croix, so I have settled on Carbon-lites, to complete the set. They are nice rods.
  19. They love being around their Dad. Enjoy the moment.
  20. The Booyah pond crasher, is a cheaper hollow body frog, with a draining hole already applied to its back. Get to know how to use a frog well before you start doing modifications to it. Trust me, when you finally come across a bass that wants your offering, it will be very willing to take it.
  21. This summer, although slow, I have to say has been the hollow body frog. My fairly new avatar pic was caught on a frog last month.
  22. Wow!! You sold your FJ and your CI4 for this reel?? Those are great reels also. It's that much of difference?
  23. That may be true however on the Rage as you get to the top it gets pretty thin, I find the wraps to me more excessive. I do not get the same wraps on other outfits with braid.
  24. As soon as I saw this title, I knew it was Big O posting catches again. Great fish.
  25. My main frogging rod is a 7'11 H casting rod. I have had for two seasons and I like it. It does its job well. Has a good back bone and fairly light. The only thing, if I have to be picky about it is the micro guides. When I am into my frogging sometimes the line raps around the tip and it drives me nuts.
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