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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. I can only imagine how you feel. Here is my question. I am not familiar with quarries. When they say they are filling it in, what happens to all those fish?
  2. I wanted to wish you guys luck, and hope you finish your first month of bragging rights strong.
  3. I witnessed a similar situation, and it blew my mind. I was fishing out in the everglades one day and saw a group of young bass scare a baitfish right out of the water. The little fish landed on the bank and stayed there. The bass that ran the fish to shore, also stayed as close to the edge as possible, all of them pointing there noses in the general direction of the baitfish. As time ticked on, the baitfish had to make a very difficult decision. Suffocate or take its chance going back into the water. The baitfish took the second option, and flopped right back into the water, with four very hungry bass waiting for it. The hit, was incredible. The poor baitfish never stood a chance.
  4. I agree with Sam. If you think that was not the case, maybe your knot slipped, for not cinching down enough??
  5. Best of luck on your journey. May you find what you are looking for. When you do and when your ready. We will be here to welcome you back with open arms.
  6. Zach D, welcome aboard. Nice fish, looks like you know what your doing. There are few guys that live around your area. Remember to introduce yourself in the main forum page. See you around.
  7. Take a pic, and let us see. I don't see how the line will not lay right regardless of the brand. It could be a real simple fix.
  8. If errors are done with bigger lines, the same errors will be done on light line. Those bigger fish didn't get to be that big striking at everything they see. Keeping your presentation as natural as possible, and understanding the habits of big bass are part of the keys of landing that big one.
  9. Some of you guys are doing great. So far there is only one us from our group that is 1inch away from hitting 100. Interesting to see how you guys do next month. WTG!!
  10. TWM, I can understand your frustration. Watching countless of videos showing bass being mistreated, will bother many of us here. Just know that fortunately, there are also many of us that truly enjoy our sport and pastime and we go to great lengths to preserve the bass we are after.
  11. I have both the Abu Gen 3 Stx and Lews MG. Both are great reels. I enjoy both of them. I see you mentioned you heard great things. Have you held either reel in your hands? Placed them on your rod to look and see if either reel balances well on the rod its going to be paired with? If the answer to either question is no, then I highly recommend you do that first. If you live somewhere where you do not have access to hold both reels then look into tackle warehouse's, borrow or trial program. First find out, if they have the reels you are interested in, if they do utilize that svc.
  12. It happens. I know it stings, we have been there at one point or another. I know for me personally it has happen a few times. Take the advice of the BR members and tweak your outfit and line to "try" to minimize the occurrence of that situation again. I emphasize "minimize" because it's true sometimes the bass does win.
  13. TWMstr. I am one of the one's that does what you have described. I take the highest precautions when handling the fish I catch. Do not look at a pic and assume the fish are flopping around. At least with me the fish I catch and photograph, believe it or not stay perfectly still when I take my pic. I also take one pic, max two, quick weighing if I deem it necessary and gently released. All that in under a minute. Although your $.02 is noted, I am really curious and interested in reading the statistic that you are claiming.
  14. First off, beautiful place. Second, although the copyright of that pic is 2006, I don't know the location or the time of year. Assuming, its some where down south, that quiet water, screams some sort of floating top water lure.
  15. Mono to FC, I use an alberto knot. Just make sure you lube the knot well before cinching. I do not use wire leaders, can't help you there.
  16. My braid choice, is PP. 30-50lbs
  17. I have been using various lbs of Yozuri line for the last 9-12 months. I really like it. It's economical, strong, and supple.
  18. True, a big bass will eat a baby gator, but in this case, that two bass pictured there were less than two pounds each. There was a weak current coming out of that culvert, and the gator and the bass were just hangin out and waiting to catch a snack.
  19. Catching a big one is always special on a frog. Congrats.
  20. Congratulations, on the win and those beautiful fish.
  21. Yes I have seen that before, however if you look even closer they are nipping at it softly. I can't speak for you, but when you saw this happen did you set the hook? Some do in your situation, I know I have in the past. You could swear they were going after it, and at the last second the bass bumps it and disappears. Keep your cool, and continue to work the frog and wait until you get a definite hit, then stick em. If they were constantly doing that, I would have switched to a fluke, and they probably would have taken those instead.
  22. Leave the hooks alone they are fine. Your technique needs some tweaking that's all. Either you are setting to soon, or the bass are too small. Keep practicing!!!
  23. Sounds like a great lake to fish. Imho, 8lb test is great line to fish with, in certain situations. Having the proper set up and drag set correctly, will land you plenty of big fish. It has for me in the past.
  24. It's big deep canal. Follow all the tips that has been passed around here lately about fishing canals. Look for cover. Pads, grass, shady areas under trees etc. Good luck, be safe.
  25. I know you feel bad, it was not done purposefully, however,unfortunately it happens when we fish.
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