Some of you know what time it is. August is behind us, and I will like to quickly congratulate AK, for being "King of the Hill", for last month. If I am not mistaken his top 5 length went for 99 inches. I think I may have hit the biggest fish of the month (amongst the BR members of FL who chose to participate last month). My fish went for 6lbs 10oz and MCS came in at very close nail biting 6lbs 8 oz. Many of us would have to agree that August was a tough month. I am curious how September will be.
I want to throw this out there, I highly encourage past/current participants to chime in. I would like to spearhead, the tracking of the number's for the month. You guys will still post your catch's, length's and weights but I will do the leg work and do weekly posting of where everyone stands. This way we do not have to navigate through out the thread looking at everyone's numbers. I will post the top 3 participants of the week on Sunday evenings. I would really like to build this up, I find this tournament to be extremely fun and some of the rivalries among us really make me look forward to fishing. What do you guys think if we have a cut off date, let's say Fri, Sept 6, for participants to declare there intention to play? After that date, we encourage pics and stories, however you will not be included for the "King of Hill" bragging right for the month.
Just in case some FL BR members are reading this thread for the first time, I will give you a recap. For the last 3-4 months we have had a bragging rights tournament here in FL. In order for uniformity what we have decided to do is to measure and photograph our LMB catches. If your top 5 fish lengths for the month is the longest amongst the other participants than you are considered the "King of the Hill" for that month. No, you do not win any $$, or get any trophies, but its great, clean, fun amongst guys (no gals have yet to participate) who really love to bass fish. Its also important to note that this an educational thread. We encourage the participants to give us "some" details of their catches for example, the lure that was used, the time of day, and the last one, the general location of the catch. The last example is completely optional. I for example just mention the part of town I was fishing at, not the actual location. Lastly, we also give a honorable mention to the biggest fish that was caught, so having a scale would be highly encouraged. I think I covered everything, but just in case I missed something someone else will kindly clarify. Best of luck to all you. Let's have a good time. Please remember, measure the fish, take a pic, and do all of this within a reasonable amount of time. Let's do our best to minimize the stress on the fish.