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Everything posted by MikeOGNR

  1. Will be stationed soon at Port Hueneme in Cali. Anyone have any small water or big water bass spots near there. Hoping to get on some big ones as this will be my first time ever in California and I will be here for awhile. Any helps appreciated
  2. But I'm more focused on chasing the white tails right now with my bow before the seasons out, but good luck hopefully you get on a chunky one before it freezes over
  3. I wouldn't say I've done it with a rapala, but I have done it with a senko and it's pretty effective if you need to hit a specific piece of cover or structure in deep water. Especially this time of the year where you gotta fish slow to get on them. Also another technique I use is dragging a jig along the bottom almost dead sticking it on the bottom and hitting structure and using a chunk or uncle josh pork frog as the trailer to give it a more subtle presentation.
  4. Hit up the spot. Went out there the other day and caught about 5-10 fish. There's hogs in there.
  5. I was in Florida around that time this year. Lake Osborne at john prince paid off real we'll when I was there I fished the canals mostly on lake Osborne from the banks and caught these 2 pigs
  6. Ohh no doubt the Navy's religion from what my cousin whose in right now tells me is beer drinking and fishing lol
  7. Well boys that's it for fishing for me for a little while. I'll be shipping out to boot camp on the 23rd of February going to GREAT MISTAKES, Illinois haha. Time to start my career in life. Had a good season learned some new techniques got a couple of good sized bass and found some new spots all in all great season and I hope to see some pics next year of some even bigger fish from all of you. As I will either be in Virginia Beach or San Diego as my duty station for the next year or so. Good luck to you all.
  8. I can't seem to see one on google maps anywhere. Unless I am looking in the wrong place.
  9. Got skunked at everglades holiday park though tough today with the post front. Good time though beats up north where it's cold
  10. Got skunked at everglades holiday park though tough today with the post front. Good time though beats up north where it's cold
  11. Didn't officially weigh it but she was chunky that's for sure.
  12. Here's one of the bigger ones
  13. Thank you for taking me out that was fun glad we got on some good ones
  14. More bass for all the folks at home today it poured, but the bite was ON!!!!!!!
  15. Just some bass porn for you all at home. Tight lines everybody it's 85 and sunny out here
  16. Do you have an adress for that canal like a specific area on the canal?
  17. I figured it wouldn't be bad as long as I stay still and have good concealment plus I figured I can get into those thick places and work those big Deers.
  18. I think my biggest issue with the bow is I couldn't be as mobile as I really wanted to be to go after the deer. I don't know then I started instead of using a tree stand sitting in a chair in lay downs and such using it as cover. Give me a little more mobility
  19. Hey guys took on hunting a few years ago started with a bow, but I was wondering for a beginner what do you think the best option would be I have limited time as we'll as I fish mostly up through mid bow season.
  20. Nice bass.... On a real not though that hat is sick as **** haha. None the less nice fish will be coming down to Florida on the 17th from the northern part of the state hopefully catch a hog like that.
  21. Captain Shane Procell.. Great guy good guide.
  22. I'll be there myself in 6 days if you have the cash look into a guided trip,but if not look at the Jolly Roger marina they rent boats for like 160 for a full day.
  23. Wow great fish. How were you presenting the jig? Slow or moving it fast
  24. We'll boys got an hour lunch today and took that time to go try and catch something at one of my favorite small ponds that always produces. And it just so happened it did had 3 bites caught 1 fish. In an hour I would say that's pretty good. Keep at them boys the bites still on.
  25. Went out today for an hour before work, didn't have that high of hopes being it so cold in the morning and early, but it was fun to go out. I went to one of my secret spots the smallest water I could think of and through a jig really really slow almost dead sticking it. No bites but I saw some movement on the water and some activity. If I can get off work early today before it gets dark I'll go out and try again, WORK SUCKS GETS IN THE WAY OF THE IMPORTANT STUFF.... Lol anyways good luck to all fishing today. Hopefully we see some pigs
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