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Everything posted by MikeOGNR

  1. Just caught this bad boy tonight on a big 10 in power worm he slammed it. Didn't have the scale in guessing 4-5 lbs roughly
  2. Had a good weekend bassin with the girlfriend and a couple buddies and brought my little cousin out for a few. caught 5 in total biggest was my fish ran about 3lbs 5oz. Glad I got the girl on a fish all in all great weekend for fishing.
  3. I bet it's getting rough out there. I miss Florida man it's been cold up here for spring so the water temps are still low so it's hard to get on anything of size that was the biggest fish we've gotten so far this year. Hope all is well man I'll be back down in March again and will have to slay umm.
  4. Went out last night with a couple of my buddies and we got on some good ones I caught a 2lber my friend caught a 2lb large and then the mother of all fish my friend caught a 4.5lb smallie on a black tube. Thing was huge here's my fish as well lol
  5. North wood lake there were a couple on beds I'm assuming they'd be seeing as how it's a smaller body of water
  6. Nope its open to the public Went out to a nice trout pond out in Antrim. Caught 3 trout 2 Brookies and a nice rainbow. Not really much of a trout guy but I wanted to try it and eat umm. So I gave it a shot
  7. Went out today to a pond in lyndboro owned by the pinnacle mountain fish and game club got on 1 bass it was windy out there today
  8. Went out today to Tinker Rd Bridge got one only 1 fish. Walked out on this log to catch him and suddenly the tree snapped I went in the water phone broke almost lost my rod, but I said f*** it and swam out and got the rod \m/-___-\m/ for the win. all in all good day caught a fish and let me tell yea judging by I was swimming around the water like it was summer the temps should be up and the fish should be biting more aggressively.
  9. Holy Balls what a fish good catch buddy.
  10. Got out today with a couple of good buddies we slayed umm. Most were on swim jigs a few on swimbaits and one on a t rigged lizard. My brother didn't catch a fish so he had to buy the beer tonight. All in all good day of fishing it's what it's all about right here
  11. Any word on what bait he was using or what has worked?
  12. Thanks man appreciate it. Echo looks prime small so I can cover the water easier. Thinking a tube or hula grub on a football head would be the trick.
  13. Got out today in the rain for awhile caught 10 pickerel at 1 spot was kinda mad about that. Then I moved over to another spot and got on 2 small ones about 1.5lbs all on a swim jig. How deep was the tree? Water temps must be up if there up in the shallows.
  14. How far up for the smallies from willoughby? I can go 15-20 minutes roughly
  15. Hmmm interesting. I was looking at google earth and saw a couple ponds around such as bean pond and I see round pond looks pretty deep in the woods if I could get some acess in there might be deadly place. Any other recommendations I will have my canoe and I'm always down for some good smallie action.
  16. Hey guys gonna be up on lake willoughby for a few days next weekend. I know it's a glacial lake with gin clear water and really no bass fishing from what I've scene,but how is the fishing here any tips? Heard there's lake trout in it wondering if anyone's got any tips or spots any tips on what to throw for lures. Anything really is appreciated.
  17. http://webapp.navionics.com/?lang=en#@6&key=gdtdGnxatL Solved your map problem
  18. Eric is actually a disciple of Jesus himself just in bass catching form so that don't count. Lol just kidding nice fish buddy keep slaying umm
  19. Good post brotha. Big pet peeve as a smoker to be people who throw there butts in the water -___- it's like come on is it that hard to stub it out and throw it in the pack? I can do it I'm sure you can too.
  20. Basstitution is an illegal form of fishing man this website can't condone it.
  21. How far up do you usually go on the river? I've never been past like the first island that's there across the boat ramp from stellos launch
  22. I totally understand that. I'll just say for the record I found that spot on my own and I respect all of you who catch big bass at your own spots it definetly is a grind and to put in the time at your spots.
  23. I take it you've been there? we'll if someone has the time to go through and stare at my pics and strategical figure out where that spot is than I give umm props, but thanks for the tip have you encountered the beaver that lives there he's around he'll come right up to you and slap his tail. When those pads come up hold on hogs are coming.
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