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Everything posted by MikeOGNR

  1. Went fishing up at my camp on Northwood Lake caught a 3lb Pickerel!!!!! caught him off some fallen timber around dusk was a good day indeed.
  2. I would say that's a carp a baby one.
  3. I bought an aluminum canoe today for 75 bucks its very clean and I bought some Stadium seats for it and a new paddle I am excited to use it for a new fishing vessel
  4. Rocky Pond in Hollis where I fish from shore their I don't know if its actually legal, but if you enter the dirt road trail that leads along the pond in a circle and goes through all the camps you'll end up near an abandoned kinda cabin and you can just walk down and there's a small beach area you can fish from and Rocky Pond has some good sized bass last year I pulled out mostly 2-3lbers about 7-8 in a day and then come night time I pulled out a 4.6 out of some weeds on a jitterbug
  5. Also if anyone has any tips on what kinda structure or cover I should be looking for or where the fish might be this time of year that be a great help I'm hoping to catch a pig tomorrow and beat my PB of 5#lbs
  6. Shane I gotta PM you sometime and got on the water with yeah cause your right by my camp and I'm up there usually every weekend I would love to see what your doing first hand and get a few pointers
  7. Or I might try Nashua River again just for the heck of it, but I have yet to have any success out of there
  8. I have the day off of work tomorrow I plan on going up maybe to stumpfield right after I get out of school any tips on fishing there??
  9. I also focus a lot on the shoreline when looking for places to fish then move off to deeper water from their, but lately I've been going back to the basics and thinking to myself why am I focusing on these places when there's nothing beneficial for a bass as to oxygen shelter or food. Also I fish a lot during the morning which is form like 5:30-10:00 and at night which is like 5:30-8ish or so and that's when I fish really I never really try during the middle of the day or at afternoon times because I never have luck because I usually cant find fish that are feeding nor can I find good structure. Where as in the morning and night they come to the shallows to feed.
  10. It seems like every time I go out I always have trouble finding good healthy structure or places where good size bass would live I guess I really have to change my focus on where I'm fishing really.
  11. Where are you all going to catch these nice fish d**n. Haha I feel like I've been stuck on 1bers lol.
  12. Are a lot of you guys using fish finders to locate structure it seems like every time I try to locate structure it ends up being around shore land and the water is to shallow and mucky to hold fish and sometimes I'll get lucky on some good structure, but on new lakes and ponds its very hard to find producing areas that are holding fish with structure.
  13. Have any of you guys fished the Merrimack River??? I'm looking at the one that's close to Daniel Webster Highway Area in Nashua??
  14. Thanks for the tip I think I am going to try Lake Potanipo Tomorrow in Brookline I'm hoping there's better vegetation there and maybe get a couple decent sized bass this time
  15. Which part are you fishing of the Nashua River??? I fished the boat ramp by stellos stadium and had no luck, but that was early April like April 1st now that we have warm weather I would assume it be different Also is it the same concept during the spring as it is summer where the bass will come up to eat in the morning and evening and during midday they'll go deep??? I figured seeing as how we had the full moon and all the warm weather they'd be up shallow building their beds so i fished the best cover I could, but not much luck there was a decent amount of docks to I fished a couple, but my main focus was the cover wear flats kind of were I wanna get these big fish.
  16. Caught 2 fish today 1.4lber the other 1lb caught one on a hula popper the other on a white spinner bait with trailer hook both fish were hooked near big rocks jutting into the water in about 5-6 feet of water. Wasn't really much green vegetation mostly dead stuff, but all in all was a good day just had a great day on the lake in general. Any tips on where bass might be this time of year???
  17. Nice Fish man I might get out tomorrow with my fishing kayak on Lake Baboosic
  18. Yea I just sometimes don't have my boat all the time and fishing from shore is nice sometimes
  19. Is there any good places to fish from shore around me??? I live in Milford NH
  20. I wont be starting fishing till May 1st I have no idea why I just always start that day I will probably be hitting up Rocky Pond or Lake Potanipo on Wednesday both places are in Hollis hoping to catch the big one.
  21. I am looking to give spinnerbaits a try this year there in my go to arsenal along with a 7 inch rubber worm and a Rapala Jerkbait, but I never really got to fish them good enough to make them worth whiled nor have the produced anything outstanding any tips on them???
  22. Ive always wanted to fish for trout never really new how I feel its like a big buzz up here in NH in the spring what would you need to get started in it???
  23. Do you guys think Live shiners would do any good about this time??? I think I might increase my odds if I throw them out in the cold water conditions??? Any suggestions
  24. I used a senko wacky rig I fished some stumps and trees in the water, but got nothing tried drifting down the river while dragging a T rigged lizard on the bottom near some cover still got nothing ha ha I think its still to early and the fish are still lethargic, but there was no green vegetation mostly dead cover like hay and other trees and such windy as well
  25. Do you shoot your bow indoors??? or are you talking about guns???
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