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Everything posted by MikeOGNR

  1. I have a question I've been looking into trying the Nashua river again. but every time I go there either I come out empty handed or I catch very small bass I would just like to know where some spots or places would be on the river to try also places that I can launch and fish other than Mines Falls Behind Stellos Stadium on the river. Just know there's some good ones in there and I want to put the odds in my favor.
  2. Caught my first Eel this weekend in Northwood Lake man that thing was slimy you couldn't put your knee down on it the thing slipped through everything. Also caught a 3lber on a texas rigged power worm on some docks at dusk good to be back on the site haha
  3. Hey everyone its been awhile. I have a quick question about fishing the White Mountains is it fly fishing only up there? like in the streams and rivers or can I use my light spinning gear with live trout worms? looking for some answers fast cause I will probably be going up there tomorrow.
  4. Caught my first hornpout of the season tonight. They have to be the ugliest fish in the world
  5. I'm working up in Laconia tomorrow through Saturday. I will be right on Paugus Bay. I here its good smallmouth fishing. I also am pretty close to the Governors Island which I might try. Any tips on the areas?
  6. Went to Flints Pond on wednesday caught 4 fish total and my girlfriend caught a 3lber. Today went out to Rocky Pond in Hollis caught 2 2lbers. Hoping this weekend I can get bigger then my latest 4lber
  7. Going on a camping trip this weekend in Gorham NH past the Franconia Notch. Anyone got any good places to fish?
  8. Not to get off topic either, but this post is the 1000 post on this thread. WOOOOOHOOOO YEAAA NEW HAMPSHIRE
  9. Haven't posted in a bit, but last friday I caught a nice 4lber right off some lily pads on baboosic lake. He was quite the fighter.
  10. Yea I know there not durable. I'm gonna give them another chance try them out texas rigged see what I can get hoping to catch a hog soon.
  11. My uncles bass tournament partner works for a tackle company I literally have over 20-30 of the senkos ranging from all brands. I just hated fishing them wacky style it bored me, but to Texas rig them seems interesting.
  12. I have never tried a senko texas rigged? hmm sounds interesting I assume you just throw it to cover let it sink then just reel and twitch?? and then ever so often just kill it and start again.
  13. Went out to Baboosic Lake in Amherst. Caught 8 bass biggest being a 1.7lber, seems like everyone's using senkos nowadays too catch the good size ones. Anybody got any good tips on whats the best way to rig them for the big ones? I know for a fact there's some big ones in Baboosic and it seems like the bass have spawned already and are turning for their summer patterns in the lake planning on working that place a lot seeing as how my girlfriend lives there.
  14. Went out to Rocky Pond in Hollis for a quick 2 hours before work caught a 2lber. Gonna go out tomorrow morning and see if I can get on some good sized ones finally lol might use some Big Canadian Crawlers if nothing else will produce the hogs.
  15. Went out to Plesant Pond today in Francestown. Nice decent size place only 3 fish biggest being a pond was only out for 2.5 hours though in a canoe, but it seemed like a good area seeing as how there was so much good bass cover everywhere. Also some great hunting area up in that area aswell even saw 3 deer in a little old logging trail. Good day none the less
  16. I have a question for you guys. Do any of you know where I can get a good Topo map for my lake Northwood Lake. I know about the ones on the NH Fish and Game site, but those arent all that detailed. I would like to get one just so I can start to use my little portable fish finder to see if I can find some new areas or hot spots on some lakes. Seems like I have been fishing the same stuff and I am still only on the 3lbers looking to catch some hogs. I am thinking getting some lake maps and putting the electronics to use will increase my percentage.
  17. If you're looknig into going sunday shoot me a text I have Sundays and Mondays off and id be down to go I can even drive if you want.
  18. Caught 1 Smallie Saturday at the camp and then 2 pickerel this morning along with a .55lb Bluegill that my girlfriend caught. That thing was massive.
  19. Went out today got nothing. Seems like tomorrow would be good at around dusk.
  20. Went out today on Lake Potanipo in Brookline. 4 fish in total 3 bass and 1 pickerel biggest was 2 lbs cant seem to get on the big ones at all haha 3.5 still my biggest this year.
  21. Usually come summer time for some odd reason in the morning and at night I start to get into the bigger fish.
  22. For some reason I can't upload pics to the gallery they'll be on Facebook though when I get home so you can see them on there
  23. Caught a 3lb smallmouth and a 3.5lb largemouth this morning. Literally the smallmouth I thought was gonna rip my arm off. Good weekend for me
  24. Caught a 2lb pickerel and a 2lb small mouth this afternoon up at my camp. Hopefully tonight the wind will die down a bit so I can go try and catch a hog
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