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Everything posted by MikeOGNR

  1. Nothing special, but this was indeed my favorite day of fishing by far. I don't know why, but I loved Highland Lake so much I wish it was closer I would fish it all the time the whole place reminded me of something similar to my camp. Plus I love it out that way Keene and Antrim and all those places. Thank you Shane for showing me this place.
  2. Going up to the camp tomorrow to do some Shed hunting and to setup my trail cameras and such. Gonna stop at the BPS on the way up seeing as how I go right by it on the way to the camp. Might by just 1 more jig with my paycheck I just got haha gives me an excuse to go into the store again haha. Hopefully gonna check out a spot that Phauren was telling me about at an undisclosed location lol.
  3. Going up to the camp tomorrow to do some Shed hunting and to setup my trail cameras and such. Gonna stop at the BPS on the way up seeing as how I go right by it on the way to the camp. Might by just 1 more jig with my paycheck I just got haha gives me an excuse to go into the store again haha. Hopefully gonna check out a spot that Phauren was telling me about at an undisclosed location lol.
  4. Will be twins when I have my 8lber in my photo and my cool hat
  5. Shane I was wondering I don't know if you got my message earlier in the post how much does one of those Rage Craw hats go for the Camo ones I would love to purchase one.
  6. Best Smallie I caught was a 3.13 lb one I just don't have the pic on my phone I know its on my dad's computer I just can't find it
  7. Hopefully I will be able to get up to Highland again this year and have some better luck there. That place was cool it was a far ride from me, but it was just a nice place. Also when I fished it I stuck to the cove areas, but I think the bigger ones are gonna be deep off of the points and islands and such.
  8. Aright we need a new topic on here that'll keep us going haha. My question is what is the first place you'll fish when the spring hits. I know mine is gonna be the Nashua River right around the first 2 weeks in April. Gonna be targeting that hog in there hopefully I'll crush him on the rage craws on the jig.
  9. I have a 3 tray box and that fits all my baits and stuff but it's getting kinda full might upgrade to a 6 tray. I don't really like the soft tackle boxes with the planos because when it's wet your bag gets soaked and I like having everything right in front of me not having to open up a Plano every time
  10. I have a ton of them from way back in 2010 my Uncle's Fishing partner works for a big tackle company so he had so many that he just gave me bags upon bags of them millions of colors I might have to throw some in my tackle box again haha. Only problem is my tackle box is getting too full haha I have so much stuff in there I only use 50% of it anyway lol.
  11. Also I will have you know I used to fish senkos on wacky rigs a lot and after awhile I just got bored of it. That is why I don't fish with them anymore much, but I have never tried to fish the T rigged.
  12. Hence why I don't fish them. I think if I used Senkos that's all I would use because they produce so many fish and I would never try anything else. Hence why I stick to my Top Waters, Spinner Baits, Jigs, T rigged worms. Basically all I would need for a arsenal of fishing. I will agree though Senkos do catch fish in numbers and I have caught a good amount of 3-4 lbers on them.
  13. I would love to catch a Smallie that size. That be more of an accomplishment than catching an 8 lb Large mouth
  14. Do you wacky rig or Texas rig them?
  15. Never have fished Bow Lake might try it this year though cause My camps so close by too there.
  16. Ok everyone this year I plan on fishing winni a lot this year. I know of some good spots in wolfboro, but other than that I haven't fished it much anyone got any tips on fishing winni? I wanna fish it more
  17. I never liked fishing Senko's. I dont know they never appealed to me, but I do know they catch fish and I have caught some good numbers of bass on them, but I just don't seem to like them
  18. Holy F******* Smallie. Jesus I wish I could catch a Smallie like that
  19. Had to do it. Was at the mall today and they were having a sale clearing off there old stock I guess. So I picked up some more jigs for 2 bucks marked down from 4.98 and picked up another pack of the Craws and some Spinner Baits. My friend is starting to get into fishing as well so we made him a small box. Got him 2 packs of Berkeley Power Worms some 2/0 hooks and some bullet weights, 2 Spinner Baits, Popper ,Jitterbug, Frog. Figured this is a good selection to get him in the door and I told him once he mastered and learned those techniques decently we would throw him on some jigs. Didn't get him on Senkos I know they catch fish, but I feel like if he starts catching them on senkos that's all hell wanna really learn and I wanted him to learn all the basics and then look at the next step. Also got him 2 crank baits figured that should get him going then hell know really what all other baits are based off of.
  20. You indeed are correct Shane that's why you gotta find the hidden underwater spots which I've basically found by throwing spinnerbaits at any structure I believed to have bass off of land features that working them with Texas rigs. Which I have 2 spots on the lake that are not fished much and pretty secretive.
  21. My Gramps always liked Jeness Pond for some reason he used to fish Northwood and Jenness like it was going out of style. My uncle on the other hand lived in Wolfboro for awhile so he fished Winni a lot, but then moved back to Northwood and fishes there all the time, but they grew up together as kids fishing and hunting so they new all the spots on Northwood better than I ever could.
  22. Here's some others. I'll try to find some of my uncles big ones on Northwood as well I just found these right now in my dads safe
  23. Here is some pics of my Gramps fish that he caught on Northwood. As you can see he did pretty well for back in the 1970s haha He knew Northwood like the back of his hand I still fish the same spots to this day and we produce well.
  24. Haha I got a whole game plan this year gonna be catching the hogs your gonna be seeing me with all the 8lb bass pictures put me up in the bracket with you and Maine haha. Also Shane I have been meaning to ask how much does one of those Rage hats go for the camo ones those are some pretty dirty hats and I would love to have one haha
  25. Well I meant Rage Craws as in jigs haha I just bought a bunch of jigs and Rage Craws. They didn;t have the stanley jigs at BPS, but I ordered them online haha
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