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Everything posted by MikeOGNR

  1. Here are the first two fish of my season. Nothing to come home about, but hey good enough for me haha.
  2. Went out yesturday and I finally caught some fish haha. Caught a 15 in Pickerel and a 12 in Pickerel not what I wanted, but hey I'm not complaining atleast it's something will post pics when my phone stops messing up.
  3. Just hit the Nashua River caught 3 perch in total lol, but at least I caught something. Went and fished all the stumps and trees I could find that were submerged pretty well. Gonna go back out tomorrow, might hit Lincoln Pond to see if I can at least get something. Feels out not catching a bass.
  4. That was me haha. That is a cool idea I could make something like that in my machining class. Kinda like an anchor trolley.
  5. I'll have to find a place maybe there's some slow moving water around the souhegan somewhere. Do you think River Dace could be used as well? I catch a ton of those when he try working for trout sometimes.
  6. Yea I figured they might be hard to get around my neck of the woods just looking for some options.
  7. Ok so quick question for all of you. Now I know none of you use live bait and find it to be an easy way of fishing, but my uncle and I sometimes do enjoy just throwing a live shiner or a craw dad out with a slip bobber every once and awhile. Now we usually use craw fish because they are easy to trap, but shiners are a favorite of mine. Does anyone know of where and or how I might go about catching my own shiners for bait? I can't seem to find a good source of where I could catch some myself and they are too expensive at bait shops. Any suggestions?
  8. 102 in and it's only May 4th. You might wanna start hunting down Nessy too compete lol
  9. I feel your pain brotha haha. Good thing I forgot I had a 2nd anchor now I have 2 for the canoe
  10. Yea I was thinking that I don't think it's what I am doing most of the time I think it's the fact my positioning with my canoe is always off because I have 1 anchor and my front end will constantly get blown around moving me constantly after I cast so I have to adjust constantly.
  11. Maine I swear your like the Jesus of bass fishing haha.
  12. Went out today for the 3rd time this season. Came out, yet again skunked kinda aggravates me can't seem to get anything going. Today the reason I got off early is I was getting blown around by the wind a lot and it was very hard to even catch a fish still couldn't get a bite on the jig, buzzbait, T rigged worm nothing. You guys must have some magical places around you for fishing cause I can't seem to get on one. Still gonna go out though just gotta figure out a better system for anchoring my canoe because getting blown around every time a gust of wind comes by sucks might have to buy a second anchor to keep me in one place. if anyone has some tips for me to maybe I am doing something wrong that be appreciated haha.
  13. Golden Shiner? Those native around here haha
  14. Went out today on Lake Potanipo just for a quick run. I never really liked it there not really much structure or cover even the shoreline is pretty bland. My friend caught 1 small one and I got skunked been using a jig and rubber worm got some bites, but nothing crazy. Gonna go out tomorrow morning at a better fishery hopefully get on some. Might have to try out some square bills tomorrow change it up a bit maybe got them too bit. Still looking for my first jig fish though.
  15. Gonna go out I think in a few minutes wanna hit someplace local around me was thinking Potanipo or maybe Rocky Pond. If anyone is in Nashua right now and wants to fish the river too I am down for that as well. I have my canoe with an extra seat.
  16. Went to Lincoln Pond today with my canoe for the first time had a few bites on the rubber worm, but no fish for me it was nice to get out today.
  17. I already got umm beat gonna pull out a 10lb + today lol
  18. THULE RACKS ARE FINALLY HERE AND ON MY VEHICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to start the season off lets get some hogs!!!!!!!
  19. The 14th I graduate that day so that wouldn't work out for me. If we did it on a Sunday Monday or Tuesday it would work for me cause I have those days off.
  20. My canoe has a 25 hp motor. Well on a good day when my arms aren't tired as hell from paddling
  21. d**n even in the early months that place still going strong. What's there for cover right now? I doubt any of the weeds are in yet
  22. Is that at the place that both you and I fish close to home?
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