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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. Please change your font size. Us "more-seasoned" members can't read it.
  2. Berkley Powerbait and Gulp. I'd put it in the opposite order except Gulp dries out too fast. Hint to combat this: if you trail it behind the boat (just under or on the water's surface) it will last longer when you aren't using it.
  3. You need to be more specific. Do you mean baits? If so, my advice would be not to sink all 550 dollars at once. In addition to being more enjoyable, if you spread out the cost some, I think you'll find you'll make purches that are best suited to your taste and style of fishing. If you buy it all at once, you may find yourself with a large handfull of baits you don't like and/or won't use. This is especially true depending upon how broad or limited your access to fishing lakes/ponds/rivers/streams is likely to be. Buy, maybe, 225 dollars worth of baits and try your hand. See how you do, what you (and the fish) like, and what you/they don't like. Then, you can always keep your eyes open for sales, etc. You might be able to stretch that last $225 a lot further (and get better use out of them while you're at it). i realize my answer isn't very specific either but there'll be plenty of others to offer suggestions in that department.
  4. "Specialty" might be pushing things a bit as doubtless there are lots of people who could fish circles around me with either set up, but my two largest bass (6 lb 3 oz's and 7 lb 4 oz's) have both been on Rapala Glass Shad Raps. The bait I tend to catch a lot of bass on (with a fair number of good-sized fish too) is a texas-rigged ChiggerCraw. If there are hungry bass in the area, I can usually coax some to bite this.
  5. It stinks about your boat (glad you have insurance) but it is their home waters after all. You may have to trailer and bring your boat home every so often. The longer it sits in one place, the more likely it is that a critter is going to become accustomed to it and take up residence.
  6. Always thought the subheading should read "Breaking Wind."
  7. I once bought about 10 really pretty baits from a Wally World bargain bin because the price was cheap. I swear, they really were sexy and they seduced me. But their actions truly stank. I'm now using one as a key chain (hooks removed) and another is affixed to a USB memory stick. The rest were pawned off to friends as additional ballast in their tackle boxes.
  8. Blonde, brunette, or redhed? Heck I'd be please as pigs in ***** either way.
  9. This debate will rage on long after mankind has perished in the fire and space aliens are the only race still fishing with baitcasting reels so I acknowledge that it's purely a personal opinion and, I respect your opinion. However, apart from having to buy new reels, I have seen few, if any real (reel) disadvantages in switching. I switched about two years ago and I'm completely happy that I did. My dominant hand/arm is much better suited to controlling the rod (and, by extension, the line, the lure, and (hopefully) the fish) than it is for the relatively simple task of turning a reel handle. Peace.
  10. For me, it's 3 baitcasters and 1 spinning outfit. Any more and the problems begin to outweigh the benefits. But my deck isn't that large either. I find that no matter how many pre-rigged rods/reels I have on board, I wind up tying something else on anyway (I didn't say I was smart).
  11. A friend swears by thin fins (for pike and walleye anyway) but I think they tend to roll on their side too much. Adding a little weight to the bottom might solve this as well as help suspend it. But weight (or where it's located) can screw up action so you have to factor this in. My $.02.
  12. Most of the time I'd guess it is not important at all. But fishing in clear water with a suspending crankbait might be a different story. The clearer the water, the more important certain visual details are. I wouldn't have guessed red hooks make any difference either but that's a different thread for a different time.
  13. Although I've taken my girlfriend out a couple dozen times, I still feel like I'm teaching her but that's fine. It's half the reward. I thrill probably as much as she does when she catches a fish and when it's a really nice fish, It's all the more fun. Sometimes she insinuates that fishing doesn't require much skill and then I derive a great deal of satisfaction in catching a bass (or two or three) on a lure she's given up on. I don't use live bait because I don't think it's usually necessary to use live bait to catch fish and, speaking for myself, at least, it's more fun to be actively involved in the process than simply staring at a bobber or a taut line waiting for a bite. Your average beginner, I think, gets a greater reward when they feel like they duped the fish themselves. Kids, on the other hand, are best introduced to fishing with a cricket or garden worm.
  14. My tacklebox is bulging at the seams because I hate to leave anything home. I don't feel like I get enough time out on the water anyway, to be limiting myself. Besides, I feel like I'd be trying to get the fish to conform to what I expect rather than learning or adapting to the conditions or what the fish want. But it would force me to learn certain techniques better. I'll grant you that.
  15. Several years ago, I was ice fishing. I witnessed a game warden actually issue fines to several other guys for keeping bluegill that were too small. BLUEGILL mind you! Not even bass! Have you ever heard such a thing? One of the reasons I let my fish go is because I don't have to keep track of whatever size or possession limits the state, county, or particular park might have in place. Plus I'm lazy and I don't like to spend the evening cleaning fish.
  16. It was one of three baits: a creme worm with harness, a Mepps aglia spinner, or a beetle spin. I'm almost embarrassed over the number of baits I have now.
  17. Knowing me, I would've fallen in after it.
  18. I got rid of my canoe because it was simply too maddening.
  19. I am not a biochemist but the increased carbon dioxide may be offset somewhat by any additional rain that fell into or is feeding the lake. Plus, while bass may avoid areas with low oxygen levels, it does not mean the entire lake is adversely affected and the fish can move around as necessary. As water temperatures are probably falling, the cooler water is placing less stress on the fish (unlike the horribly hot summer most of the U.S. encountered). I wouldn't be overly concerned.
  20. Accidentally or deliberately?
  21. I'm ready for the ice. Question is, is the ice going to be ready for me? Last year I wasn't able to get out even once! Rats!!!!!! That made winter (albeit a warm one) that much longer.
  22. Fishing slow can mean different things. Sometimes I will "jiggle" a soft plastic for a few moments and then let it sit still for awhile, repeating this as often as is necessary to get a bite (or until I'm satisfied that there isn't an interested fish there). It doesn't necessarily mean you just cast a bait out and let it do nothing-although sometimes that works too.
  23. Following this train of thought, the male bass would have their eyes in the back of their heads during spawning season.
  24. If it were a choice between thick ribeye steak or puny little hotdogs (with both being available to a greater or lesser degree), I'd go with the steak. But unfortunately, I'd starve to death if I waited for the steak. p.s., "Walmart girls"! That cracks me up!
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