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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. As Shakespeare would say, "There's the rub." It's difficult to know if we should stay longer and, perhaps, entice some bites or if we should move more quickly and get bites out from more aggressive fish. Generally, I'll work the most promising spots pretty hard but if there aren't any takers, I'll switch tactics and cover more ground. This doesn't mean I'll fish the bait more quickly. It just means I might not stay in a particular area or spot too long.
  2. As far as rods and reels go, I have more or less stopped buying when I had all I needed. Okay, this isn't entirely true as I have some Abu Garcia round reels that just weren't cutting it (shorter casts and more backlashes) and I replaced them with a couple of Pro-Qualifiers. But by-in-large, rods and reels just don't have that much allure for me. Lures, however, seem to still suck me in. I'm almost as bad as a woman in a shoe store. In addition to the never ending quest for that magic bullet, baits are just so darn pretty! I even bought some walleye crank baits-thinking that during my next trip to Canada I might actually use them. Who's kidding who? I always wind up chasing Smallies or Northerns while those sad and forlorn walleye baits remain neglected-gently weeping in their little Plano box. Do I regret buying them? Heck no! They were on sale and perhaps....someday...... I hate to think what will happen to all my baits when I die. Perhaps i'll purchase a coffin with extra compartments and take them with me.
  3. The past 2 or 3 years have been, at best, below average in terms of size and numbers so if I caught a new personal best now...I don't think my heart could take it.
  4. If I could reach everywhere I needed from the bank, I'd opt for that. However, a boat offers much greater freedom of movement and accessibility and therefore I have to vote for that. Plus, I've lost far fewer baits since I got a boat. (Of course I could have bought an awful lot of lures for what my boat and truck have cost me).
  5. IMHO, just about any baitcaster whose drag doesn't slip too easily is a decent candidate.
  6. My not glamorous but certainly functional Ligntning Rod bit the dust when it cracked under a boat cleat. Most of the paint had worn off that old veteran. I use 'em until they (really) wear out and go to that great fishing hole in the sky.
  7. Nooooo!!! Say it isn't sooooo!!!!
  8. Mmmmm....probably soft plastics-especially carolina-rigged crawdads and creature baits. They've been around a long time but it's only been within the last ten years (or less) that I really gave them any real game time. I'd hear their pitiful cries, "Put me in, coach!", but I mostly ignored them. NOW, it's what I fish with most of the time.
  9. It seems to me that Rapala has marketed the Scatter Rap like no other bait before it. I see them hanging EVERYWHERE. And yet, at the same time, though I'm somewhat curious about the bait, I'm hesitant to plunk down, on average, about 2 dollars more for a bait which seems a lot like something I already own. Really, apart from the lip they are nearly idential in appearance to other Rapala baits. I know, I know- action means everything and it's a little like comparing apples to oranges but in my mind, it all seems a bit redundant. Particulary with the jump in price. I wonder how well the Scatter Rap, in it's various incarnations, is doing in the marketplace and how many of you all find the lure worth the extra dough? I'd ask Rapala but I doubt they'd be willing to share. P.s., before I am accused of bashing Rapala, I'd like to say I have probably more of their baits than any other and my two largest bass came from Rapalas.
  10. Since you're asking, I guess I'll volunteer my thoughts. It really doesn't take a great deal for someone to move from the "complete stranger" category to the "Okay, I know you now. You seem harmless enough" category. Not much at all. And assuming someone doesn't get on my nerves (I'll admit this isn't always easy), they would be welcome to tag along. Having said this, however, I would not be very inclined to allow someone on my boat who just walks up to me and asks for a ride. There is something very odd to me about such an arrangement and it would make me rather uncomfortable. Just as when someone on the street tries to speak with me. I shy away. Not everyone feels this way but I do. But who's to say the boater is someone YOU would want to bum a ride from? I'd like to believe all fishermen are cool but judging simply from the amount of discarded bait containers and fishing line there is, this obviously isn't true. Fishermen are people and some people are not to be trusted. I would not subject myself to the mercy of someone I didn't know at all. Wasn't Jeffrey Dalmer a fisherman? (This is a rhetorical question to make my point).
  11. Don't know if it's the most expensive bait or the most "exotic" but within a couple of weeks of each other, I found two zara spooks-one floating in a neighborhood retention pond and the other had washed down the spillway and was sitting on dry land just 'downstream" from where I'd found the first. I suspect the same fisherman lost both and I also suspect he/she can't tie knots very well. I'm pretty well set for spooks for awhile.
  12. I'm holding out for depleted uranium weights.
  13. depends upon if/when the zombie invasion occurs.
  14. The doctor also said "You need to go see your ear doctor." I really don't why he wants me to see a proctologist.
  15. Over the years I've caught them on crankbaits, spinners, jigs... and even live bait (grin). They put up one heck of a fight.
  16. Hello from a fellow downstate Illinoisian.
  17. It seems I can't eat toasted bread if it's over-done. Wait for it.... The doctor said I was black toast intolerant.
  18. Number 9-the wet sweater sleeve. That drives me insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone get me a beer!
  19. Make sure you have your fishing license (unlike the last contender)
  20. I just sold my "old" pickup to my brother so one of my goals is to find the best/most suitable pickup to pull my boat and get around in without breaking the bank (I know-good luck with that one!). My other goal is simply to get out more. If I could learn how to control the weather, that would be a definite plus but I've given up on that one.
  21. I like the super salts because they get down a little faster but still have (about) the same erratic action. I don't have to add weight (which usually screws up the action).
  22. My buddy will sometimes tie a second bait (a moss mouse-specifically) in tandem behind the first. sometimes they'll attack the second when they ignore the first and sometimes they go after the first. (and sometimes, of course, they ignore both). I can't say for certain how much more effective this arrangement is but at times it helps.
  23. The less weight the better. If you have to use a weight, put a split shot several feet ahead of the lure.
  24. If you haven't been on both sides of the fence before, you haven't been fishing very long. As opossums live just so they can get ran over by cars, bass live just to torment us.
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