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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. About the time i begin to rely very heavily on soft plastics, a spinnerbait or or crankbait will step in and take top billing. So I like both equally.
  2. I'd suggest a snowball fight but I think I might need these some day."
  3. Was going to say the Lazyboy but this is even better.
  4. This. Surprised no one mentioned this before.
  5. If only somebody will now give him a truck to pull it with. ; )
  6. Being a professional fisherman requires considerably more than simply knowing how to fish well. It requires communication and marketing skills, time management skills, accounting skills, business savy, etc. etc. How one acquires those skills can vary considerably-some of which can be acquired during one's public school years. Some can be had with post high school education and some can be acquired by simply being curious, and a lot can be had by just living and "doing." I feel I would be remiss if I didn't add the following: While having an education is (or can be) very useful, I have to add the caveat that many institutions (like governement) thrive and have gotten fat (and wasteful) with the notion that we can't live without them-in EVEN their present form. There needs to be a "rethink" of what colleges ought to be for and if those goals being met. A person can spend a lot of time and money with an education and come away with very little to really show for it.
  7. Old is when you haven't even done something to yourself and you still hurt.
  8. Had one (in green). It was on the heavy side but if you want durability (against rocks and stumps, etc), it is that. A layer of rigid polyethyline is what makes it "Ram-X." It will warp, however, if stored in a hot garage. At least mine did. I agree with bass-masster that it isn't the stablest platform. Personally, I find canoes to be dreadful fishing platfoms in general-particularly on breezy days. They are difficult and unwieldy to load, transport, and unload. I know of others who LIKE canoes but that's one of those "agree to disagree" matters.
  9. a joke. humor. I'd explain it to you but as it was once said, explaining humor is a lot like dissecting a frog. You learn a lot in the process but in the end, you kill it.
  10. When you are standing aside a pond listening to the frogs converse, the dragonfly's flit about, and the bluegill smacking bugs and you can almost understand what is being said, THEN you know you have arrived.
  11. Put a fake rubber snake under the hood. That might skeer 'em off.
  12. horsehead jig tipped with a gulp minnow
  13. Once I had some kind of carp/catfish/musky spook near my boat. It created enough wake to cause the boat to rock. THAT was a big fish.
  14. When I was young, anything higher than a beetle spin or rooster tail was pricey. Now, I can (and do) pay more but if the price of a lure is going to prevent me from throwing it, than no, it isn't worth it. But if someone else wants to throw them, more power to them.
  15. Once a Canada goose got in between me and my bait and got tangled in the braided line. It got airborne and I had heck of a fight on my hands. I think it was taking drag. Fortunately, it got free of the line otherwise I don't know what I would have done with it. Beating it with a stick and bringing it home for dinner had entered my mind-only i think they are protected. Nice images of the owl. Owls are cool.
  16. If you factor in JUST the new vehicle I bought this January for the sole purpose of towing my boat, each fish I've caught so far this year would be about 5 thousand dollars. Pretty darn expensive sushi-except I threw them all back.
  17. Have you ever noticed how, in some of these kits, they give you 49 bodies but only about one or two jigs-leaving the rest of the 47 bodies more or less useless when you snag and lose the jigs themselves. Don't know why but that really bugs me. Okay, I'll go take my meds now.
  18. Who, besides me, has been hit in the head or chest by a bass flying through the air after a "too vigorous" hook set?
  19. I think it's because I can't shake hands with them but I have a basic, innate distrust of snakes. They fill an important niche in our ecosystem (or what's left of it), however, and I prefer to live and let live whenever possible. If, however, one tries to climb in a boat with me (has happened a few times), I let them know in no uncertain terms that there isn't room for the two of us. Once while shore fishing I glanced down to see the last portion (i.e., "the tail") of a snake slither out from underneath my feet. That critter was at least 3 feet long and if I'd seen it a few moments earlier, it wouldn't have just been Jesus who could get around on water. If you've ever seen a coot get a running start on the water before flight, you'd have some idea what I would have looked like.
  20. Be glad you CAUGHT ten bass-of any size.. My understanding is that the smaller bass move into the shallows first, in preparation for fanning out nests and THEN the fat girls come in to lay their eggs. If you go deeper and or the mouths of bays, drop offs into deeper water, etc. you might have a better chance of finding the walmart gals. Honstly, though, this is more book knowledge than personal experience.
  21. Drove to the local forest preserve (a gravel pit lake) yesterday and walked some distance around the pit to the places I wanted to fish. About three fourths of the way there I realized someone had tied sandbags to my legs. And then they kept adding more sand as I progressed. It was April 1st so no doubt somebody was playing an April fools joke on me. Only I wasn't amused. I began to wish I was a kangaroo so I could lean back on my tail. I did wind up catching 3 bass (no pics) so all was not lost. They aren't in the mood for lipless crankbaits yet. Caught them all hopping/swimming a roadrunner type jig with a Gulp minnow body.
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  22. I'd be proud of them if I had done them.
  23. I have now found the perfect repartee for when my girlfriend says to me, "Don't you already have enough fishing junk?!" Thank you.
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