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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. Say what?!!!! Nosing through your stuff?!!!! I can easily envision someone taking a peek over the side but actually touching your stuff?!!!! No way!!!! I'm not generally a confronting fellow but I'd ask them what the (expletive) they were doing and would they kindly get their paws off my stuff.
  2. I fear I may be confronted with the fact that being somewhat introverted (or maybe I'm just a p.i.t.a.?) I don't HAVE that many fishing buddies and those that I do won't necessarily be retiring when I do. One friend is in debt over his eyeballs and will probably have to work until he won't be in any shape to fish either. Another is in his mid 70's now and he's been slowing down a lot. And, truthfully, like some others have said, I don't like fishing alone in my boat all that much. I agree that loading/unloading the boat by oneself is a pain (and will not likely become easier as I get older). But yeah, actually I do prefer to fish with someone else. Most of my best memories involve others. It's like taking a photo of a person or of an object. Invariably, the photos with people in them are sooo much more interesting. I think that to a greater or lesser degree, I'll have to just get used to the idea of doing some fishing alone. Or not doing it and just accepting it. Or fostering more friendships.
  3. Since the Halloween season is almost among us, it is perhaps apropos to say "GO BACK! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!" .... But I suspect it is already too late. In that event, welcome to our happy little asylum! (from us many lost souls!) : )
  4. Once it gets cold enough practically every lure is a topwater bait.
  5. As much as I like the physical act of fishing, I appreciate the art of the sport in it's various forms-everything from a beautifully designed crankbait to wall calendars featuring fishing themes. I think after I retire I'll plunk down a little $ on some wood working equipment and begin crafting things such as rod holders, display racks, etc. I don't suffer from delusions that I'll actually turn a profit as there are just too many mass produced items to be found at hobby lobby, etc. but it will be fun anyway. Until my vision goes.
  6. Nice fish and nice technique. Hate to tell you this, though, but you have a bush sprouting out the top of your head. ; )
  7. I don't recall anyone suggesting actually ENDING a friendship over this. Not a GOOD friendship, anyway. And certainly no one is telling YOU what to do. If you want to share, share away. But some of us only have a few really cherished holes and sharing them with anyone (which quickly becomes "everyone"} is basically the same as rendering them no better than anywhere else. Even IF those who go there practice catch and release or selective harvest (fat chance of that), those fish will usually become pressured and reluctant to bite. Unless a lake is privately owned, staking a personal claim to a spot is rude, stupid and, well, illegal. But not SHARING good spots only makes good sense. Let people find their own good spots (or not). The band The Eagles have (or had) a song called "The Last Resort" and one of the last lines is, "Call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye." Nowhere is this truer than with good fishing spots.
  8. Okay, so through my own fault (clicked submit twice), there are two identical threads going. I definitely won't go on weekends where I, too, hate crowds and/or if the weather stinks. I may have to move to a better location where the effort of going fishing doesn't have to be a real chore.
  9. Yeah, because otherwise, it won't just be my rear window that gets kicked out.
  10. No offense intended whatsoever but HOPEFULLY I'll be in a little better position than "poor college student", "under-employed" or "just scraping by" (was there once...actually several times). But regardless, you are right. There'll be no reason to go if I don't want to go. And I KNOW I won't go after a cold front or on a weekend.
  11. I must have left the drain plug out.
  12. He didn't make you ride in the trunk, huh? : )
  13. The other day I did some "ciphering'" and, give or take a few weeks, I'll be eligible to retire in about 3 years. I plan to work part time after this but only about 20 hours a week. Anyhow, barring any unexpected events or expenses this will open up a LOT more time for fishing. I have heard stories of where people fished so often that they became so utterly sick of it that they sold their boat and never fished again. It does give me pause to wonder how my fishing habits will actually change. I don't intend to burn myself out but it would afford me the opportunity to fish WHEN I want to and, to lesser degree, WHERE I want to. The answer will likely vary from person to person but for those who are retired, how did it change your fishing practices? And was it for the better?
  14. While I do fly fish from time to time, it hasn't become the passion I thought it would be-perhaps because I have only so much time and can only carry so much equipment. It's KIND of like crappie fishing. While I like to crappie fish, every time I set out to go crappie fishing, I almost always end up bass fishing. The only time I go out with JUST a fly rod is in the spring when the big bream are spawning-and then it's fun as "h e crooked letter, crooked letter." My hope is that if/when I retire and can pick and choose my time more generously, I'll expand my repertoire considerably.
  15. I have a plaque on my wall that says, "Nothing makes a bass larger than ALMOST being caught" The first (and only) scale I owned lasted less than a year despite very light duty so I haven't been particularly inclined to plunk down more money and really haven't cared that much one way or the other anyway. It's not a religion to me. Plus, in my mind, it takes little (if any) more skill to catch a bass that is 22 inches and weighs 6.5 lb than to catch a bass that is 22 inches long and weighs 6 lbs. It's just a luck of the draw. My philosophy has made me an unlikely candidate for tourney fishing.
  16. Let me be fair and honest when I say that I, too, began with spincast gear (first a Zebco 202 and then a 33) and I still hold a certain amount of nostalgia for the type. BUT I would definitely recommend that you get away from spincast gear (regardless of the maker because even a solid titanium spincast reel engineered and made by Swiss watch makers will have the same inherent problems). There are so many disadvantages to the type I don't know where to begin. But, instead of transitioning to Baitcasting equipment, I think it would behoove you to move to quality spinning gear first. You'll be able to cast just as far (or farther) than your 33, you'll be able to take up more line MUCH faster, and there isn't a pickup pin to mash and maul your line. And if there ARE problems with your line, you'll be able to see and access it immediately. Baitcasting reels are great and I have several but a spinning reel is an excellent choice for a lot of applications.
  17. I have not been able to "quantify" why I do what I do but, for me, braid belongs on a baitcasting reel and soft/limber mono or hybrid line goes on my spinning rods. If there are heavy weeds or cover, the baitcaster comes out and when the water is clear and "reasonably" free of obstructions, I tend toward finesse tactics with my spinning rod. But, really, it's all a matter of opinion and style. This is just what works for me.
  18. Strapping on all that fishing gear probably didn't help but the rod holders were, I think, the last straw.
  19. Tasted like chicken.
  20. People are always talking about bringing their yaks out fishing but this is clearly overblown. Mine didn't take to it at all. Before we even got to the lake it kicked the back window out of my truck. Later, it drowned.
  21. No one will believe me when I tell them my index finger weighed 6 lbs. : )
  22. Mmmm...it's not really THAT big of a deal. Was just curious really. Don't fish tourney's and it clearly was not a state or world record. Just wanting a ballpark figure so when I brag to friends (and you know I will), I'll at least be close.
  23. Since I don't have the girth, it's all academic anyway. I'm just happy to have caught it. It practically tore my rod out of my hands-I'm not used to having THAT big of a fish on the other end of my line.
  24. I was wading an almost crystal clear creek in about 3.5 feet of water when a beaver swam right past me. It wasn't more than about a foot from my legs. That's my closest "brush" with wildlife.
  25. Mine was about that size. For the sake of staying honest, I'll shave off 5 ounces and even then, I can still say it was my second largest fish to date.
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