I'm walking down a sidewalk on the campus where I work. Coming directly at me is a "man-child" on a skate board. The REASON he is coming straight at me is because he is texting (or otherwise engaged) on his smart phone and is not paying any attention to where he is going. I wait to see if he is going to change course and when he does not I shout at him to get out of the way. Startled, he finally changes course but only misses me by inches. After he passes I make reference to his not so intelligent gluteus maximus. It's AMAZING to me how these "kids" (if not in age, at least in emotional maturity) can receive high scores on their ACT, pass upper-level math and physics courses, etc, and yet think they can text while on their bikes or skateboards, walk out onto the street without looking, burst out into crosswalks whilst riding their bikes, and so forth and so on. What makes it worse is that the "powers that be" on this campus have created an environment where self-accountability (for said behavior) is next to zero and it truly is a wonder more of them aren't killed. Certainly it makes the commute to and from work a stress-filled event. Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out!