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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. My brother-in-law would, too often, "volunteer" to assist with various computer related issues. On the surface, this seemed like a nice enough offer however, after weeks and sometimes months of waiting, these offers to help were anything but. He had several people upset with him and, speaking for me, at least, wished they'd never taken him up on his offer. A man is, IMO, only as good as his word or, more accurately, his actions. You can tell this gentlemen of your issues (lateness and false promises) but don't expect anything necessarily different to come of it. But don't be a hater in any event. If it doesn't work out, take your TM elsewhere. But by-the-way, as Fishing Rhino said, I also have never heard of any "gear" on the lower unit of an electric trolling motor. About the only parts down under are the shaft (or part of it), the sealed electric motor, a propeller (and maybe a transducer).
  2. Put some skirts on those nude bodies! This is a family site! ; )
  3. When looking at any line's applicability, the first question I ask is whether the line will, in anyway, impair the action of the lure OR deter the fish from biting. The second question I ask is this: Once it has done it's first job, will it get the fish back to me?
  4. I don't necessarily respool completely BUT i am always sure to go well beyond the distance I will ever cast when connecting fresh line. Mono has enough stretch that unless the knot is crappy, if a fish runs THAT far (unlikely), the knot shouldn't fail. If you are not good at connecting two lines together, just start at a bare spool. But yes, if the spool has gotten low, I definitely would add more line. It will affect your casting distance otherwise.
  5. Probably no tournament fisherman would ever accuse me of "running and gunning" but in terms of whether I spend a great deal of time in an area/spot depends a lot on if I'm trying to cover a lot of water and/or get a reaction bite OR if I believe i need to fish very slowly and methodically to get a reluctant fish to bite. I tend to fish fairly quickly until it's apparent that won't work. Then I slow down. then I'll slow down some more. OR, sometimes I may fish fairly slowly from the git go. Too many variables (including my own mood) to predict.
  6. Suggestions: buy low, sell high. OH..., you mean fishing tackle!!!! My recommendation: Get a myriad of different types of baits which cover the entire water column from top to bottom and then learn when, where, how to best utilize them.
  7. 5 feet is not deep enough. Unless spring fed, it will likely winter kill and, on hot years, probably summer kill, too. In addition, plant life will flourish to the point where the pond will fill up with organic matter in no time flat.
  8. My first question, of course, is this: Did you bring your camera? Leave it at home. Advice of ANY kind would be premature without knowing a lot more and who's to say I would do any better, anyway? Some fisheries are especially difficult-especially in the summer. Sometimes the bass population is sparse. Sometimes the bass eat too well to chase anything fake. Sometimes they are fished so hard that they (the bass) have all earned advanced degrees in avoidance tactics. Sometimes we fish where they are not. It's not USUALLY the specific technique or bait which is the problem-though that obviously can play into it. When I was younger, I had a knack for getting skunked. Sometimes I still do. But not too often. Perhaps it's because I avoid places that don't produce or, miracle of miracles, maybe I've learned a few things. Or both. My FIRST thoughts are these: Concentrate on areas where there is cover (protection) for the bass, look for vegetation and where food appears to available, and confine your fishing to early mornings and late afternoons/evenings. Hang in there!
  9. The whopper plopper strikes again!
  10. Bass can SENSE when you have a camera and will often refuse to bite. You out-thunked him. Always good to get the skunk off!
  11. What does Hank know about anything? KIDDING!!!!!!! Sage advice. It probably seems vain to add to Hank already said but what the heck: Unless there are major weather and, especially, water changes, bass don't change radically either and if you have them keyed in during practice, USUALLY only small tweaks are necessary to begin catching again. Or sometimes it can be a "time of day" issue which, obviously, changes. Small changes are better than a desperate, haphazard, scurrying about response. I think the ONLY exception is if you were already torn between two game plans and "plan B" doesn't require a major alteration in traveling distance, etc. Otherwise, stick with it. Or don't be afraid to go back to it.
  12. If you are asking this question, you are probably pretty close to begrudgingly answering it yourself. The conflict may lie in that if you admit you've got enough gear, it might feel like you are capitulating to your wife. MANY couples struggle over money and power issues. Your wife may, in part, buy shoes and stuff in "retaliation" for some of your purchases (like you've admitted to doing after some of hers). I'm not a marriage or couples counselor (though I do play one on TV) so I'll stay away from that BUT it might be something worth thinking about. Anyway, if you feel like you need to slow down, at least, you can always do so.
  13. If it's anything like high school biology, you begin with a rectangle metal cake pan with about an inch and a half of paraffin in the bottom. You'll need plenty of pins and a sharp scalpel, too. If you don't want the tackle store staff to get rancid, you'll want to soak them in a strong solution of formaldehyde.
  14. Red and green make brown (sort of cinnamony) so you might try dipping the ones you have in a weak red dye.
  15. I call this "astronaut training" (or "basstronaut training")
  16. Mess O'bluegills. Must be Irish. ; ) Nice catch. Bet they are (were) tasty.
  17. Having never fished a tournament, I'm sure I've cast ahead of the "console" on numerous occasions but seldom past the guy in the front and seldom to the point where hinders him or to beat him to a new spot. I feel like I am a guest on their boat and hence, just have to accept that the guy in front will have first dibs. On the OTHER HAND, the guy in front has to contend with wind and other distractions and I feel like being in the back has its own advantages anyway. Regardless, I just suck it up and count myself lucky to be out fishing at all. Usually if I'm in the front of the boat...well, I haven't had that many idiots on my boat so I can't say how I'd respond. I guess I'd begin with a gentle request that they back off their casts some-explaining the "thou shalt nots." If THAT didn't work, I'd be a little more firm and position the boat "differently." If that STILL didn't get the idea across, I'd head back to the ramp and leave them there. But with friends where the number of fish caught (by whom) didn't matter, thankfully I've never really been confronted with this.
  18. I tend to get stuck in a rut depending upon season. For the past two years, early spring has been jerk baits (usually shadow raps) but prior to that it was lipless rattlebaits. In the summer I fish texas-rigged worms and crawdads almost exclusively. In the fall, it tends to be spinnerbaits. But I do what works best for me and this has been it.
  19. They're a bit pricey (compared to standard hooks) but since they tend to be gentle on the baits, that compensates some. But I do like them and I especially appreciate how the center "post" makes it much easier to thread the screw onto the bait.
  20. That's a major bummer. Not the way one wants to spend a day. So, what's the verdict on the van?
  21. I feel like a bad "host" if I take someone fishing and I am catching and they are not so I do everything I can to put them on fish too. And I'll share the last of whichever color is working if I have to. Life is too short for anything else. But sometimes it just happens and there is nothing that can be done about it. I will, however, sometimes ask my friend (who once made the statement "There isn't anything so hard about fishing. I mean it isn't like professional baseball or anything...") if she still feels this way. I believe everyone, including myself, should be reminded what crow tastes like.
  22. Don't know the model as the box got tossed almost immediately. It's about 3 inches long.
  23. Have one. Had high expectations. Doesn't plop as well as it "ought."
  24. I believe for a beginner, a medium heavy spinning outfit is a better choice. You won't have to learn the mechanics of casting a baitcaster while also mastering the basics of fishing. And IMHO a spinning rod/reel is more versatile.
  25. Agghhhh!!!! Not trailer wiring!!!!!! I suggest you sell the truck AND the trailer and start new. Just kidding (sort of). If it was working before and now isn't, it's probably corrosion in one of the contact points preventing a solid connection.
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