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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. The older I get, the less inclined I am to show off my pasty white chicken legs to the world. (Mostly I just don't want skin cancer). I see a lot of lightweight long sleeve shirts on the market but not so many pants. As you all know, it can get mighty uncomfortable on a hot day (wearing long pants) and I prefer NOT to apply sunscreen. Does anyone have any suggestions/recommendations?
  2. Its size alone would lead one to think it was a pike but, yeah, I think it's a really BIG chain pickerel. I imagine it put up a good fight.
  3. As has already been mentioned, if you try to toss and retrieve big, heavy musky baits on your standard, run-of-the-mill bass rod/reel, it will wreak havoc on your reel and be difficult/awkward to do. As has ALSO already been mentioned, if you toss a spinnerbait in water where there are muskies, you'll likely catch one eventually. Two of my 4 musky were caught on 3/8 ounce spinner baits. And none were caught while actually in pursuit of musky.
  4. Definitely a black crappie.
  5. Results/satisfaction may vary but I put my cheap unit in the back and my Helix 7 on the front (though the transducer is still on the transom). It is the best arrangement I've found (so far).
  6. It's a smallmouth that's just come back from a major bender-hence the red eyes.
  7. Sometimes you eat the b'ar and sometimes the b'ar eats you.
  8. Apart from some rainbow trout taken from a pay lake, my first experience was with a grass pike that grabbed my creme worm (also a first-catching a fish on an artificial lure). It flopped into my tackle box (mostly empty space) and I did not know what to think of this odd creature I'd never seen or heard of before. I probably picked it up wit a stick or something. Your son's fish is considerably larger than my prize specimen but if my little fish stands out so well in my mind, I'm sure his will too (or at least I hope so). Nice catch!
  9. Hmmmm...how to land bullheads.... Well, you'll want to be sure you are not exceeding your bullheads landing weight. If it's a controlled airport, ask for and obtain clearance to land and make sure you put your gear down. Ensure your flaps are lowered and, descending into the wind at the correct glide slope, you'll want to settle down at somewhere between 80 and 100 knots (indicated air speed). Try to land "on the numbers" so you don't use too much runway. But seriously, as has already been mentioned, those don't look anything like any bullhead I've ever seen. They are probably suckers. In such numbers, they are probably not feeding but staging to migrate or, possibly, to spawn. If you still want to know how to catch them, in this "configuration" you're best luck is probably with a net.
  10. It depends on whether they wear a ring in it or not. Those that do not close pretty quickly.
  11. Except in the Spring when the bass are spawning it's pretty rare for me to see them. The exception is when they are just "chillin'" (cruising around listlessly) and then it's purt near impossible to get them to bite. I don't even bother with them anymore.
  12. A person with a tight budget certainly could feel the pinch with Keitechs as they aren't super cheap and don't last terribly long. If cost is an issue, start with some of the other cheaper varieties and see if they work. If they don't, amp up your game with the Keitechs. I definitely found a difference, though, and if catching fish is more important that price, Keitechs are about as good as you can get.
  13. Drain plug? A semi annual event. ALMOST drove off with the trailer jack still down (once). That's an easy one to miss.
  14. I have a smaller "hard" box where I put most of my "can't live without" baits which I can carry easily. And then I have a much larger soft box with everything else. Nothing in the latter is unworthy of being there. I just have too much too carry in one box. But I'm more familiar with the first box so I tend to use what's in it more. This year I plan to try to leave the first box home and rely on the second. So, yes, I've got a lot of lures I hope to ACTUALLY use.
  15. Apples and oranges. Apples and oranges.
  16. Wacky rigged or, perhaps, as a jig skirt. They look delicious.
  17. I never understood the expression "Like s--t through a goose" until these geese took up permanent residence. Now it's all too obvious. Can't go anywhere without ruining your shoes.
  18. Thanks for this! Esp the belly boat on plane part! I needed a good laugh this morning!
  19. Funny you should mention that. I JUST posted my experience with them. HOWEVER, if you are still interested, I'd sell it to you for very cheap! PM me.
  20. Not to be a hater but they are not my thing. I received one as a gift and was quite enthusiastic about receiving it. I thought: "Here is my opportunity to fish places I can't normally get to!" After a few attempts, however, I have concluded they simply aren't worth it (for me). Here are my reasons (in no particular order): - Sitting so low in the water makes anything other than awkward lobbing casts or overhand casts rather difficult. - Sitting SO low also makes it very difficult to see into the water. Several times I found myself casting into water that was only a few inches deep (or completely chocked in weeds). - Getting into and out of the water is very awkward-especially on steep banks. I made an absolute fool of myself trying to climb up onto rip rap. - Difficulty in tying on new baits without immersing the rod/reel (what DO you do with the butt end of your rod when you're trying to tie on a bait?) - Inflating and deflating boat requires extra equipment, effort, and takes a fair amount of time. - Mobility is limited and SLOW. Fishing anything other than very small waters is not very feasible-unless you are willing to confine yourself to a very small area - Mud tends to suck flippers off your feet if you have to stand up. (Lost a strap on the first time out because of this). - Felt like I was operating in a straight jacket - this cannot be overemphasized. If I wasn't crazy before, I nearly was afterwards. It is quite awkward when you can't move freely about. - Not all ponds are like this but many have a lot of rotten vegetation and sediment on the bottom and stirring it up stunk like a sewage treatment plant. Bad! - Even with a fishing vest with MANY pockets I found lure management difficult. - Small thing but if you forget anything, you're "done." - You wouldn't think so but there is definitely a learning curve with these things (see most of the items above). If you are a fan of this type of fishing, I applaud you. For me, unfortunately, it was not fun. I wound up buying a Pelican and am much happier with it.
  21. From what I've seen (snow on my way into work this a.m.), yes it can.
  22. Generally, when I am not in a hurry to charge my deep cycle batteries (most of the time), I set the charger at 2 amps (versus 6 amps). However, is this the best choice (better on my battery)? Or is it simply a case of 6 or half a dozen of the other-metaphorically speaking?
  23. Yes, exactly! Inquiring minds want to know!
  24. I just threw up in my mouth a little right there.
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