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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. When my buddies reel wasn't feeding correctly/evenly on the spool, it was because the gear that drives the level wind (or an associated part) was broken. Upon looking at the pic, I doubt that's the problem. I scarcely see a problem, actually.
  2. My cousin's husband is in Minnesota right now. Bluebird skies there, also. He texted me that they, too, have been struggling because of it. You're not the Lone Ranger-if that helps.
  3. In the future you might consider wearing (or Photo shopping) a fake nose and mustache... but otherwise, no, I see nothing wrong.
  4. If we use you for scale, are you huge like Andre the Giant or a diminutive little person? I'd say....3.5 lbs.
  5. anorexic channel cat
  6. "Wasn't working" (as in, it wasn't peeing)? Or "wasn't working" as in the motor got too hot and seized up? If it's the latter, my condolences. Yep, that impeller has seen better days.
  7. It SOUNDS as though, at the beginning, you didn't know this is going to be a problem but it has become one. When you talk to him, frame it this way-that you didn't know it was gong to be an issue but it has become one. Say something like: "I understand that you may not want to fill an entire tacklebox with lures you may or may NOT use HOWEVER it gets expensive when you borrow mine, lose them, and then don't replace them or pay me back for them." See how he responds. If he is willing to listen, then continue the dialogue. If he refuses to budge, just don't invite him back anymore. I take a 12-year-old fishing every now and again. I've given him a fair number of baits for Christmas, etc. Usually, we look in his box to see if he has something that is appropriate and THEN, if the bass are picky, I'll offer to let him use one of my baits. More and more, he's getting the idea that lures are not free or infinite and he's catching onto the concept of "You play, you pay." But your friend is not (i don't think) 12 years old. He should not have be nursed.
  8. I'm with BuzzHudson above. Between the line twist and trebles snagging vegetation, they just don't really "do it" for me. Maybe with braid it'd be okay. But no, they will not replace buzzbaits. They aren't the same, regardless.
  9. Wow! Just.....Wow! As evidenced, there are truly some clueless people out there. It wasn't a tournament. Just an outing. But one guy I know was talking up going fishing one evening. He gets my fishing juices flowing. I express that I'd rather go in the evening but he wants to go out in the morning before it gets hot. Oh, and he wants to use MY boat (instead of his). So I'm like "okay, whatever." The morning arrives. I get up at the butt crack of dawn (like 4:00 am.), load the boat, have it all ready and sitting on the street so all he has to do is pull up and transfer his gear into it. I wait and I wait and I wait.... Around 6:00 a.m. I get a call: "I over slept. Just now getting up...blah blah blah." grrrrrrrrrr I don't suffer fools very gladly!
  10. Such a bait doesn't exist so it's really a non-issue. I imagine, however, that it would be legal/ethical until it was officially banned.
  11. The obvious question (yet one which I haven't found): Have you actually TRIED using the fishfinder/transducer since you nicked it? a few nicked strands may not make a huge difference in the performance of said transducer. They do make liquid "tape" to seal/separate/insulate wire. If you've already received a new one, You might keep this one as a spare (if it still works).
  12. Troll (but not on the internet).
  13. Am unsure about the entire Havoc line (I doubt it) but my beloved Beat Shad cannot be found on any shelves I've looked (anymore). Glad I bought up a bunch the last time they were on sale.
  14. That's like 1,445 Indian Rupee's!!!! No way!!!!
  15. Don't blame you. Better safe than sorry.
  16. It's amusing to me the differences in how people perceive of or react to things. While I'd probably become concerned if blood started oozing from the walls of my boat, something like this is just "business as usual" for me. : )
  17. Probably half of my crank baits (especially deep divers) haven't felt water yet. Every year I tell myself I'm going to remedy that but time seems to get away from me.
  18. Many drags really aren't that powerful. You can "mash" some of them down a lot and they will still give a little. Having said that, it's generally not a good idea to rely on this "give" in a critical moment. Having said THAT, I believe I've lost more fish by having the drag set too loose than too tight. Personally, HOW I set my drag depends upon on how and where I'm fishing. If I'm fishing soft plastics and especially where there is heavy cover, I'll set my drag tighter where I can REALLY drive the hook into the fish and lead/horse them away from potential snags. If I'm crankbait fishing, I'll loosen it up a bit so the bait doesn't pull away from the fish or tear loose. At times If a fish is taking more line than I want (because they are heading toward a potential snag, etc), I will place my thumb on the spool to provide more tension. Conversely, I've sometimes fed line out manually if I feel a powerful run that might over stress my line or leader (usually the latter). Admittedly, in my neck of the woods there are few truly GIANT bass so that makes the decision process easier.
  19. I'll wager it wasn't trying to EAT the bait so much as drive it away. Bullfrogs are very territorial and will try to drive away any competitors.
  20. With that much water (depth-wise) I doubt they moved too much. They simply stopped biting (or you found and caught the active feeders). During the summer they tend to move up and down the water column more than to entirely new locations.
  21. If they're anything like Canadian Geese, they'll crap on EVERYTHING.
  22. As REASON already said, sometimes it "just happens" so there's that. But yeah, as J. Vincent said, your rod might be a bit stiff. I wouldn't fret it much unless it occurs a LOT.
  23. My brother and I took turns casting to a single bass (it hit and missed about 8 times) before FINALLY one of us got a hook set. Watching that frog jump up into the air with each bite is almost as fun as catching the fish. But yeah, it can get frustrating. SOME hollow baits have better hook ratios than others. Might try a diff bait.
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